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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Oh yes once they fledge they start to really cut down on their formula quickly to prepare themselves for flying and so your right it won't be long and he will e fully weaned and on his way home. I bet you can't wait.
  2. Oh yes once they fledge they start to really cut down on their formula quickly to prepare themselves for flying and so your right it won't be long and he will e fully weaned and on his way home. I bet you can't wait.
  3. I'm sorry I couldn't post yesterday I was so busy I barley had a moment to myself. First off before you even come home with your new Macaw I would sujest you take him to the vety for a check that way Quarentine time can be as short as possible as soon as test results are in and he is deemed healthy you can start introducing your new flock. Also a mscaw is a very destructive and messy bird the stop after the vet should be the lumber yard to pick up some untreated pine or spruce have them cut it into handleable peices like 2ft lengths then you will have to cut it into cookies about 1inchx3inch they need tons of wood to chew I bought mind a huge toy I thought would last at least a week it was compleatly destroyed in 6 hours turned into toothpicks. So I just buy a few big toys for him over the month and the rest of the time he get his wood cookies in a wicker basket and a few other foot toys made of acrylic so he can't wreak them one of his favorite toys are large squeeky toys for dogs. Always make sure when your playing with your bird or feeding or anything that you play with Tango 1st that way he will know that he is still #1 bird and you love him first and always will this will cut down on the jealousy its called keeping the pecking order. I don't know how you feel about wing clipping but I have always found that if I clip a new bird it gives them time to fit into the flock rather then flying where its not supposed to and someone getting hurt. I find it helps if they can sit and watch and see how my flock works all my birds are fully flighted but always when I get a new bird I give them a minor clip so they can settle in and get to know the rest of the birds all my birds get along fairly well at least none will hurt another bird if they happen to stop by and visit They are a flock. Please read about how to quarentine properly the bird should be kept in a room with the door shut when you go into that room you must treat that bird like it has a contagious disese so like in a hospital you would put on a gown and mask. and make sure you scrub your hands and arms. and before you leave that room you leave the gown you where wearing behind and scrub again before you touch your other bird. this is important for the first 45 days or until your Avian vet deems him healthy. Bird diseses can be carried on your cloths and body when I have a bird in quarentine I take all my cloths off put on the housecoat I wear for the quarentined bird leave my cloths outside the room when I'm done with the new bird I take off my house coat and have a shower and then get dressed again. sometime I shower 3or4 times a day when I have a bird in quaretine but I've never had a sick bird (Touch wood). Have fun with your new Macaw they are wonderful companions loud but sweet as sweet could be mine just loves to lay on his back in my arms like a baby. and if you have never had a bird hug you your in for a treat my Macaw opens his wings and wraps them around me. its the sweetest thing Ive ever seen in my life. mind you hes a very large Macaw he's 41 inches long So you can just imagine the wingspan he has. Have fun your going to fall so in love it won't matter about the huge mess he makes he's going to be worth it. It take a good hour a day for me to clean Darius's cage and surrounding area everyday because of the amount of wood he chews but the love he gives in return is just so awesome and so different from any of my other birds. Adaya is the only other bird I have that comes close and I raised her from 5 weeks old so she's a real mommy's girl. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/27 20:28
  4. As you all know Tyco was not permited to fledge as a baby and because she was clipped badly continued to barber her left wing for the first four years of her life. So when I got her she was very off balance and would fall so hard on her keel I thought for sure she was going to either break her keel bone or split her chest wide open. So I took her to the vet and had her right side clipped to match the left and had the left straightened out so maybe it wouldn't irritate her so badly so she hopefully stop barbering it. Well I'm happy to say that it worked and Tyco has been fully flighted for 1 1/2 years now. Next problem Tyco can't fly she never lerned as a baby and being almost five before she grew a full set of wings its been just awefull to watch her try and try and try all my other birds are fully flighted and fly beautifly. Well Tyco showed me this morning what she could do know and it made me very proud. I asked her to step up off her cage and I guess my house coat was to slippery to get her footing so she started to slip well instead of falling she took to the wings and she flew about 3feet turned around and came back hovered a few moments til I put my hand up and made a perfect landing onto my hand. I'm so proud of her I almost cryed she must of thought I was total nuts I got so excited and was like a kid in a candy store saying oh Tyco such a smart girl you can fly yeah my Tycos a flyer what a good girl this went on for about 5 minutes. and she looking at me and I can just tell she smiling from ear to ear. then she reached her head in and said kisskiss it was so sweet. I just love my Tyco to bits
  5. your not going crazy we are all just a little over protective of our birds. I think it comes along with the birds adoption or something. I have taken Tyco to the vet on a couple panic strickin moments once it was because her wing wasn't up as high as it usally is she was in perfect health my vet thought I had totally lost it she said she had never seen such a healthy bird. I thought she was sick because of a wing dropping a little lower than usual. I think allot of parronts worry about their birds. I don't know why that is because they are really quite hardy. I've got an appointment for Darius on Saturday because he sneezed the other day and I want to make sure He doesn't have a sinus infection. I can't help it ever since he sneezed I check to make sure his eyes are clear and his nares aren't dripping anything. its so silly I even look to make sure his ears look ok. I know my vet is going to tell me he's just fine but I going to take him just to ease my mind or I'll worry until I do. So don't worry that you panic when your baby does something he's never done before and you get scared its all part of being a parront.
  6. He'll forgive you don't worry he's just sulking they love to make you feel as guilty as possible don't you know. Its good that your working with him and Rose I'm sure he will except her as part of his flock soon and one he does you won't have any problems with him hurting her. I think sometimes its important to clip wings if it helps them to adjust to a new living arrangment it gives them an opportunity to sit back and watch rather than just flying off the handle this way he will learn that the new baby is part of the flock now and that she's ok to be there. I think you did the right thing if it helps him to adjust faster.
  7. So I finally broke down and bought myself a new computer. my other one is only a little over a year old but I have such a good little bird(Adaya) that loves to help me post new threads she always has something she wants to say. first she pulled the backspace key off so I said Ok i can live with that it still works just doesn't have a key anymore. Next it was the space bar that was really quit annoying to type with just a little button to push to put spaces in between my word but the Icing on the was my N key not only did she pull the key off she bit half the button off as well so to make the n work I had to push really hard. do you have any Idea how many words have the letter n I bought a new laptop I tryed a new key board but I just don't have the room for much on the side table next to my bed so I could only use the new key board when I was someplace that there was room for it. I was just more of a pain in the neck than anything so I bought a new one for myself. I think I deserve it but I'm haveing trouble with it. If I try to post a private message it will abort the whole site and I have to reopen it. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix it. I guess I'll figure it out eventually.
  8. sounds to me like you got yourself a little drummer she's just trying to catch the rythum. try putting some music on when shes like that I bet she can rock & roll with the best of them you'll have a rock star in no time LOL just kidding but it does sound like she's just trying to find different things that make noise she's haveing fun is all I wouldn't worry.
  9. That web cam is going to be one busy place when the babies start hatching. This is a wonderful thing to watch I can't wait to see the babys when they hatch
  10. Your not nuts thats one of the reasons I always get my vet to do their nails and wings if they need clipping I gave Fergie a long clip her last hormonal bout. She just would not stay off the kitchen cupboard she was determend to nest there she made a huge hole in the wall behind the cupboaeds. My main concern wasn't the wall it was the fact that the breaker box was right behind where she was chewing I was so worryed she was going to chew threw the main wire and electricute herself so I took her to the vet and had a long clip so she could still fly but couldn't get any hieght. after the vet is done I go in and rescue her from the bad people that cliped her nails and wings. She still gets really mad but at least its not directed at me. I don't want to lose trust over a $15.00 wing clip
  11. Tycos_mom

    New Rescues

    OMG Jay you and Maggie must have angel wings under your clothes. You are very wonderful to take on all these birds that need love and attention Karma coming your way
  12. He's not stopped gaining so he probably has about 2or3 hundred grams to go at the rate he's gaining it shouldn't take long. He is a Harlequin Macaw which is a hybrid he's a cross between a Greenwing and a Blue and gold. because his father was the Greenwing he is a very large bird because aparently the size is dictated by the father he has a wonderful personality because he takes on traits of both parents the gentleness of the Greenwing and the playfulness of the Blue & Gold. The Greenwing are second in size to Hyacinth Macaw So he is one big bird the Hybrids also are quite a bit larger than the parent bird so I've read. yes his feather lines on his face will remain red&black the Greenwing macaw has red feather line and the B & G has black feather lines so because Darius in a product of both birds he has both colours of featherlines on his face I think it makes him look very special most Harlequins that I've seen only have black feather lines but Darius got both.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/23 20:58
  13. Well Darius is doing wonderfully he's still as sweet as sweet can be and is eating very well and gaining weight very well also. I wish he would level out so I know when he is at his correct weight I guess he will when he gets there I'm just grateful he's gaining and not losing He's so spoilt rotten I barely have time for anything any more he he's like 3 birds instead of 1 he makes huge messes in no time he chews so much wood. although he has slowed down quite a bit. I guess he chewed so much when I first got because his beak was overgrown but now that its down to a more normal size he doen't have to chew as much. He also likes to dump his food I've been giving him the heavy ceramic crocks lately because he can't get them out of the holders but the stainless steel ones he gets out of the holders without any effort at all. It take at least an hour everyday to clean up his cage and the surrounding area which also includes his hanging play gym its just mostly news paper under his Gym though just mostly to catch the poop when he's playing on his gym there isn't much wood to chew its mostly chains, Atoms, boings, ropes, and swings and he's been playing there allot more latley. he sure likes one on one time which I try to give him about 15 minutes 3or4 times a day Sometimes more if I have extra time. He's also molting out all those old feathers right now so he looks a little scruffy. Anyway here he is in all his glory my Darius. In the second picture on the foot he has raised you can see his missing toe/ <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/22 21:43
  14. I've had Cockateils and they are way noisier then my Greys I have a baby and an Adult my Older Grey tells my Amazon and my Macaw to be quiet she doesn't like the noise any better than I do she also tells the dogs no barking go lay down. My Greys are very quiet you wouldn't even know they where here most of the time the other bird drowned their little bit of noise out. they talk they don't scream I have never heard mine scream ever.
  15. It take allot of repetition you must put them back and give them something to do you can not expect a bird to stay put if you don't supply fun things for him to do like make up some foraging toys like dixicups folded up with a treat inside or a plastic container that they have to pop the lid off to get the treat the clear ones are best because that way they can see the treat and won't give up til the get it. even lots of toys and shreadable any thing that will keep them in the same place. when they fly off put them back you may have to do all this 1000 times before they get the Idea that they are suppose to stay there.
  16. Isn't it wonderful I found that with my Jeepers as long as I asked he would just about allow anything but if I didn't ask he would give me a nip I still ask and he's so cute how he says ok if I ask for a scritch he puts his foot on the side of his face and scratches with his talons like a human would do it not like a scratch of a parrot I know when he does that he will allow me to Scritch sometimes when I'm talking to him he will do that and I say do you want a scritch and he gets really animated because I understood his language aren't they just the best I just love my fids such also I'm so glad that Argle is becomeing such a good boy I just love the Macaw speices. The really are wonderful birds.
  17. Blu is absolutly gorgeous and after he molts acoule times he's going to be just stunning Suns are a wonderful bird for young kids because they adapt so easily. I think most conures are like that they love everyone and very seldom won't go to anyone thats willing to give them some attention. He's going to have a wonderful time with his new bird
  18. Yes what a very cute video I just loved it My Adaya is just so much like your baby she loves to do flips off my fingers she hangs from my hair and swings. She also loves to preen my eye lashes and check out every inch of my face she has never ever biten me with any amount of presure. aren't they the best when they are well socialized I socialized Adaya myself so she is just the biggest love bug.
  19. Mine just adore Pomegranate also but they aren't allowed to eat them in the house I put them outside for pomegranate so they are only allowed to have them on really nice days. I can't just deprive them so for a special treat on nice fall days they get their pomegranate then I can just hose everything down before they come back in but boy they are messy Tyco shakes her head as soon as she bites into the seed and the juice goes flying it must be the tartness or something that makes her do that.
  20. I just love the pics what a special bird you have there I would love to have a Hawk head they are one of my dream birds. Oh well maybe in my next life I'm at my limit I'm so busy with mine lately I barely have time for much else. Its always that way for a while when I get a new bird Theres always that adjustment time. But with Adaya still being so young and wanting lots of attention and the 2 Macaws that are very demanding of my time I don't have much time left for anything.
  21. He is just so cute I just totally am head over heals with the Macaw speicies When I got Jeepers my whole attitude changed towards Macaws I was always told they could be really mean and nasty. I now think its all got to do with the owners and not the birds. I have 2 Macaws know and they are both so animated and so sweet. They will run Amuck if you don't keep on them they love to push right to the limit. They are the type of birds that need a firm but loving hand they are wonderful but definatly not for first time bird owners they need someone with a bit of experiance. I looks to me like Argle is coming along wonderfully under your care that's great that he's starting to rust hands again. I wonder what happen in his previous home to cause this in the first place.
  22. I'd like to see that I use plastic mats under my birds cages also but I'm always looking for something better. I think I'm going to try plexi glass for the wall behind my Amazons cage she has always had huge poops and she just shoots them out her rear end onto the wall I swear she save it up and only goes when she absolutly can't hold it any more. she's been like that for the 8 years I've had her I put huge peices of cardboard on the wall behind her cage and just replace that once a week but it would be nice to have something I could wash off on a daily basis. I wipe off the cardboard as much as I can everyday but it doesn't hold up to washing so I think plexy glass would be a great Idea
  23. I harness trained Adaya at 10 weeks old she was easy but Darius is not a baby and even though him and I have a wonderful relationship I don't want to lose one bit of the trust I have built with him. I've only had him 2 months. Oh yea I almost forgot to mention Darius is exactly 1000gram now as of yesterday afternoon he was actually 1043 but I weighed him late in the day so I figure he's probably around 1000 gr on a empty crop He's gaining weight really well and boy can I tell when he sitting on my arm for any length of time :laugh:
  24. I know what your going through with your baby and all the poop when Adaya was still on formula she would poop literally every 30 seconds. I could not believe how many times a day that girl could go.:laugh: :sick: Thank goodness she has slowed down. Changing cages 6 times a day and walking around with a roll of paper towels and a wet spounge constantly when she was up and out of her cage gets to be allot of work thank goodness it doesn't last forever. I couldn't believe the amount of news paper I was going through every week. While she was weaning & fledging I went through 16 jumbo rolls of paper towels:blink:
  25. Darius and Jeepers have become friends and I couldn't be happier.:woohoo: Its so cute if Darius calls out Jeepers calls the exact same way. I've put them in the same room together their cage are about 6 ft apart. I think Jeepers thinks he a big macaw like Darius.:laugh: The best part is that Jeepers is finally started eating his veggies and other food even pellets He see Darius eating them and copy's him what ever Darius does Jeepers does. Its funny because even when Jeepers was with the other birds and he saw them eating their veggies he still wouldn't try them but now that he's with another Macaw even though Darious is 5 time bigger than him he eats his veggies because he sees Darius eating them. He really looks up to Darius like a big brother its so cute.
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