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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Yes its completly normal Don't worry all birds feathers and bones are hollow it make them lighter so they can fly
  2. Tycos_mom


    I just took a look at your baby when he was younger what a sweetheart You must be just loving him to bits at the moment I have a 8 month old baby that I raised from 5 weeks old so I know exactly what its like to have a bay Grey around the house. Adaya is still a real cuddle muffin but she can be a real little brat sometimes. Welcome to our Family every one here cares and love all the Greys that belong to this forum you are going to love this forum there are some very experianced bird owners here that can help with just about any situation So if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask we will help you all we can. Have fun with your new baby and enjoy this baby stage it doesn't last forever like everyone they all grow up
  3. Where the heck is this beautiful greys parronts. If I lost one of my birds I would never stop looking for him/her heaven forbid that it ever happens. My birds are everything to me it would be like loseing one of my own birth children. I wouldn't be able to move on until that bird was back home safe and sound. what is it with Lanies parronts do they think oh well the bird flew away he's gone to bad. I am really having a hard time understanding why they haven't come forward to claim their bird. Maybe 1 of those 6 people was his parront but something happen and they can't take care of him anymore so they left him knowing that he has a good home and is happy.
  4. OMG I'm so so very sorry for you loss I know how you are feeling. I too have felt the sting of losing my best friend. It took a long time for me to get over it and it will probubly never go away completly I take comfort in knowing I will see him again he's waiting just over rainbow bridge just like Joey is there waiting for you. Remember the fun you had together and don't grieve to long. Joey is at peace now and I'm very sure he wouldn't want to see you crying. I'm sure you will find another Grey to give your love too and although he/she will never replace Joey there will be a special bond of it own to share with you don't wait to long when I lost my friend I waited 10 years to get another bird and 30 years to get the same speices of bird that I lost. I know now that love heals many wounds So grieve for Joey and then get yourself a new bird and move on the love will always be there for joey and you'll have a new love to help the healing take place.you have my deepest heart felt condolenses
  5. Emma is a very smart cookie my Amazon does a few animal sounds like a duck and a chicken,monkey, pig. but Tyco is so lazy she only learns what intrests or concerns her she know what every food is just about and the color of certin veggies she can wave hello and blow kisses no matter what I do she refuses to do animal sounds except for a dog and only because I have dogs that bark. oh well I just enjoy watching your Emma she is so precious you must be very proud of her.
  6. Emma is a very smart cookie my Amazon does a few animal sounds like a duck and a chicken,monkey, pig. but Tyco is so lazy she only learns what intrests or concerns her she know what every food is just about and the color of certin veggies she can wave hello and blow kisses no matter what I do she refuses to do animal sounds except for a dog and only because I have dogs that bark. oh well I just enjoy watching your Emma she is so precious you must be very proud of her.
  7. Earl is stunning I love his colouring he's almost Silver very pretty My Tyco is very dark grey and the tips of her wings are black Adaya is lighter but your Earl is really light and very nice looking.
  8. She's so pretty when she finishes getting all her colours she will be just stunning
  9. Very nice picture of Gracie got any more she's beautiful I love pics of neautiful birds
  10. Well today was cleaning day and Darius wanted to help I was trying to sweep and and wash my kitchen floor. Darius decided that the broom looked like something to play with and he kept grabbing it everytime I went to sweep finallly it was time to get the dust pan out and sweep up the pile of dust and dirt or so I thought Darius grabbed the dust pan and ran for all it was worth down the hallway with me right behind him telling him to give it back. When I finally got it away from him it had a huge crack in it. Well after I finally finished getting the floor done it was time to clean up his cage and the surrounding area. I was doing pretty good until I tryed useing the wisk broom to sweep all the larger pieces of wood that were chewed up around his cage before I vacumed I even gave him a new toy and some alphbit blocks and some wood clothes pins to keep him busy while I did this but not a chance he was not going for it I would just get all the wood into a nice pile and down off his cage he came sat right in the middle of chewed up wood and wouldn;t move the little bogger. so finally I said fine sit there I don't care and I walked away and guess who was right behind me literally pulling on my pant leg. he just was being such a little imp it was hard not to laugh I finally got everything done but boy am I pooped It took me twice as long todo the house work with my helper Darius. I hope he's not in the helping mood next time its cleaning day:unsure: :laugh: :evil: <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/05 02:53
  11. I know how that is I bought myself a new camcorder and I've got a ton of videos but I don't have a fire wire outlet on my computer I would love to download them but I have to wait til I can get my computer a new outlet soon I hope.
  12. Tyco is the same way She doesn't play with hanging toys she only likes foot toys that she can throw. I was visiting with my daughter one day and do you think Tyco would allow this not a chance every 2or3 minutes it was MOM MOM oops a daisy I dropped my toy pick it up this went on and on through our entire visit needless to say she was either the topic of conversation or I was running to pick up her toys. she definatly was laughing she got exactly what she wanted. To be the center of attention
  13. That is so funny I know what its like trying to get something awayfrom them thats not allowed and they want it anyway Adaya likes to pop the buttons off my shirts and I'm always afraid she going to swallow it we have already had one trip to the vet because I couldn't find the button she pulled I thought for sure she swallowed it I heard the button break and found 1/2 but not the other half it wasn't in her crop so I guess she chewed it up small enough to pass through her system the little bogger will not give anything up that she thinks is hers and by the sounds of things Dayo is the same way LOL I wear T shirts now whenever she is out of her cage<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/10/04 20:46
  14. How old is your baby I wouldn't worry to much about him being a little nervous. You are very New to him try and visit him allot before you bring him home that way he will get to know you and then when you do bring him home you will be familiar to him and it will help him to settle in to his new home much easier than he will if he only met you ovce. Please keep the updates coming and some pictures would be nice
  15. I think we all feel guilty when we clip the birds wings even when there is a good reason for it. When I clipped Fergies wing I felt so guilty and she knew it and play it right to the bitter end she would sulk and then show me her wings as if to say look mom my wings don't work any more. she was so sad. which made me feel all the worse. when I clipped her she was molting and already loseing some of her flight feathers so its only been 2 months and she can already fly again but boy did she make me feel like the meanest mom in the world.. She was very hormonal at the time and she made a huge hole behind my kitchen cupboards the wires to the breaker box are behind that wall and I was afraid she would electrocute herself and I tryed to keep her off there for 3 months finally I said enough is enough and gave her a very minor wing clio
  16. looks like your birds are becoming good friend they are both so beautiful and so different from one another. you have a really awsome flock I would love to have a different kind of bird just to learn about the differences I should of kept the baby crow I found 12 years ago that the parents had abadoned or it fell out of the nest. I turned it over to the wildlife people so they could teach it to return to the wild when he grew up. It was only about 4 weeks old when I found it. I didn't know anything about habdfeeding back then though. If I knew what I know now I would have kept it for sure.
  17. Oh its just wonderful to see him eating and playing you have done a wonderful thing for that baby of your just a week ago he was in dire need and now he looking like he has a brand new lease on life I'm so glad he getting better everyday you are great parronts to that little guy karma to you both
  18. That was so funny he really got slapped upside the head didn't he that will teach him to stay away from hormonal when they are looking for a mate. LOL
  19. what a sweety she just want to see if there was somthing different in Blues cage that she didn't have in her's must have been really cute. keep that camera handy you never know what these guys will do next.
  20. Tycos_mom

    New Rescues

    I had a Sulfur Crested Too that I rescued and found a wonderful home for. He was twenty-seven years old at least wild caught and the most sweetest bird you ever met with woman he didn't like men or children or other birds so since I have a 13 yr old daughter and lots of other birds there was no way I could keep him he would literly attack my daughter and my otherr birds every chance he got. Even though I loved him and he loved me I had to think of the saftey of my child and other bird so I found him a home with a wonderful single older woman that had lost her Sulfur crested too the year before he was 33 when he died and she had had him since she was just a teenager. so I gave my Mr. magoo to her she loves him to pieces he is in the perfect home for him.
  21. Thats wonderful you must be tickle blue:laugh:
  22. I took for ever to get Tyco fully flighted again after her clip I had to watch her constantly so she wouldnt break blood feathers it was aweful I would totally lose it on some one if they dare ever to touch those beautiful wings of hers ever again. so sorry to here about you babys owie I hope shes okay
  23. Yes you can use food coloring I try not to use to much of it sometime I wil make poka dots or hearts and stripes so the whole block isn't totaly soaked I use a q-tip to draw thinks on the blocks. heres a picture of Darius laying in his Atom onhis side he's so funny:laugh:
  24. Didn't I tell you your second stop needs to be the lumber yard to pick up some untreated pine or Spruce cut it into blocks of 2x3 inches I call the cookies I fill up Darius's basket every morning with 6to10 cookies depending on whats left from the day before he also has acrilic toys and he love squeaky dog toys I buy big ones they last about 4 days I get them at the dollar store so they are cheap he also loves rools of toilet paper. they are very different from other birds as far as mess goes it takes me at least 1hour a day to clean up his cage and surrounding area its like haveing 3 bird instead of 1 but the joy he brings is so worth it. He loves his swings boings and his Atom ropes and chains also he has slowed down allot lately with his chewing he's only going through about 4 cookies and 4or5 of the little 1 inch alphabit blocks which he loves btw he's playing more on his swings and things he's so cute he will actually climb inside the Atom and lay on his side and look out the window for hours I got such a kick out of it the first time I saw him do this.
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