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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/12 11:02
  2. I know how you feel I hope its not serious I had a Bfa with a liver condion I put him on aloe detox and his liver repared itself his was from being to fat and lack of excersize from his previos owner I rescued him and probubly saved his life. I gave him to a friend of mine and he's doing great This is a picture of him he's 10 yrs old now he on the sig the one in front <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/09 20:36
  3. I live in Deroche and the vet that pet smart deals with is my vet they are right across from castle fun park she is a wonderful avian vet and she could probubly tell you whats wrong and if its cronic that vet used to work in their store but opened her own practice a few years ago its right behind burger king I don't know if I'm allowed to give her phone number on line or not but you can go ask her I'm sure she will be more than happy to talk to you after all you are the birds owner and have every right to know. Pat
  4. hi I noticed that you live in BC so do I I live just outside Mission in the Fraser valley where are you from Pat
  5. depending on the problem if its just an ifection antibiotics should clear it up the liver is one organ that can heal its self I would talk to the vet and find out exactly what is wrong and if it can be cured before you give up on your pecious baby. at Three months old that baby should still be on formula are you hand feeding it.
  6. Tycos_mom


    hi when a bird reguratates for you it usually means they think of you as their mate. Its a very large compliment and as for biting your boyfriend the bird proububly sees him as a rival and is trying to keep him away from you your bird is in love with you. spend time with him give him scritches on his head but try not to pet him on his back or feed him from your mouth as he may get hormonal and when you don't respond the way he wants he may bite you keep it friendly.
  7. Your babyis beautiful I just love African Greys they are so smart. I'wouldn't worry about your baby taking naps all birds nap during the day My birds take a nap after breakfast and then again around 1:30 2:00 in the afternoon and I only have 1 baby bird all the rest are adult birds My African Grey Congo is 4 yrs old my Fiery shoulderd Conure is 8yrs old and My Amazon is 10yrs Old they all get a least 12 hours sleep at night and they nap twice during the day Its just what birds do.
  8. ] Sorry it didn't work here's a picture of my Amazon
  9. ] Sorry it didn't work here's a picture of my Amazon[img
  10. I have a yellow crowned Amazon & an African Grey I love them both Fergie my Amazon speaks in context when I leave the room she asks where ya going when she wants to play she says come play with me she has a vocabulary of over 6 hundred words she also sings beautifuly. She is very Speceil to me. My Grey also has a very large Vocabulary she is not as forth coming with talking in front of people like my Amazon infact she will very seldom say anything if there is someone in the room. When she is by herself you can hear her talking up a storm she learns new words daily what ever I say or any one else says if she hears it it won't be long before you hear her say it. I sit in the room next door to her and listen to her sometimes she will go on for hours saying everything she has heard but never in front of anyone she is only 4 yrs old maybie by the time she is 10yrs old like Fergie she will have enough confidence to talk to everyone also. They are both wonderful birds both very smart Grey are a little afraid of anything new. Amazons aren't afraid of anything and are more sociable than Greys I can cuddle my Amazon my grey will let me touch her but not really cuddle her. Also Some Grey's will pluck an Amazon will probbly never ever pluck a feather they just are not known to be pluckers. Pat p.s. here's some pics of my 2 birds <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/09 05:18
  11. Hi everybody I'm so glad I foud this forum and I look forward to getting to know all of you and your birds I have 4 bird 3 of them I rescued from horrible circumstanses I have 1 yellow crowned Amazon named Fergie rescued 10yrs old, 1Fiery Souldered conure Rescued her name is Luna and she is 8yrs old, Tyco is my African Grey Congo she is 4yrs old and she is also a rescue. then last but not least my little Sprout he was hatched Dec.18 2006
  12. To Mellissa way to go girl I just Know you'll do a wonderful job
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