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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
You have to feed lots of different foods fresh or frozen veggies scrambled egg. make some Oatmeal muffins and put a jar of mixed vegtables babyfood in it or chop up some brocoli carrots and peas and put that in them your bird will love them. you can feed your bird anything healthy that you eat except avacado(posion to birds) no caffine no chocolate the like bits of chicken or lean beef no pork to fatty but if you like something there is a good chance your bird will too. Mine love spagetti not to much sauce with parmesan or mac and cheese they gobble it down. Just usee your own good judgement anything that is healthy for you is proububly healthy for your birds. I usualy give my birds fruit and veggies in the morning I take them away in about 3to 4 hours then I leave pellets and a tiny bit of seeds and nuts for them to munch until dinner then at dinner time they eat what we eat they love mashwed potatos and rice all veggies then after dinner I make sure they have their pellets for the night and I usually will give them a wallnut half or two when I put them to bed The birds in my signature are my grey and my amazon
Fergie my Yellow crowned Amazon is extreamly hormonal right now. She won't let me leave her alone for a second without screaming at the top of her lungs MOM MOM MOM COMERE MOM MOM and when I'm with her she want to snuggle and get mushy she driving me crazy Is anybody elses Amazon hormonal right now? I guess I should be happy that she not mean during this. It would be cute if it wasn't so constant. I'm tellen ya I don't know if I can stand all this lovey stuff for the next 2or 3 months. If i go up to her play stand of cage to talk to her she rubs her face up against my cheek and almost purrs. If i sit down on the chair 8 ft away she flys over to be with me. she doesn't want to be away from me at all. Normaly we have a contact whistle so if I'm doing something in another room and she calls me I can just whistle our song and she's fine. It doesn't work right now. All I get is MOM MOM COMERE. I don't know what I'm going to do with her. I try to ignore her but after about 20 minates it gets a bit much. Pat
very cute I hope he doesn't get a headache from hopping up and down like thatLOL
Iagree you never know pne of the birds may pick you thats what happen with Tyco and I she picked me She had never let her previous owner come near her she bit her every chance she got if she tried to even approuch the cage she woulrun a hide down the back of the cage. When Tyco layed her eyes on me she was so excited she started paceing back and forth on her playstand and when I went over to her she reached out her beack and let me give her a kiss on it. Within a few minates I was giveing her beaky rubs and a scritch on the head. the woman was totaly in awe. She had never seen her do this ar even come close to letting anyone touch her. So I took it as love at first site and bought her. it took me 10 days to pay for her. So I took the opportunity to visit often before I brought her home. every time she saw me she was so happy and wanted me to play with her by the last visit she was stepping up for me. She definatly loves me.
I don't think it really matters if you whistle or not I whistle all the time to my birds and they whistle and the also talk lots. Pat
Try taking her somewhere small like the bathroom and shut the door the toilet and the shower curtain and play one on one with her for 10 to 15 minates 2or3 times a day I will help her to bond and she won't be able to leave while your there do step-ups from one hand to the other over and over praise her give her treats sit with her and give her scriches and pet just you and her at first once she gains cofidence then start introducing her to other members of the family it just might be to much for her to soon Pat
if its a blood feather and the bleeding does'nt stop take a pair of needle nose plyers and grab the feather at its base and give a quick yank don't break the feather or you will have to take her to the vet its not hard just pull strait out no twisting Pat
If the feather is a blood feather you will have to pull it if it does not stop bleeding or your bird will bleed to death and don't use styptic powder on wings it hurts use either cornstarch or flour put it between you finger and hold it on til the bleeding stops. Pat
you should be able to go to the form and where it says african grey the best parrot in the world and the look up your topic click on it and all responses should come up Pat
I have my Grey 2 feet away from my conures and that fine as long as everyone minds their own business and they do the conures are rigt next to each other so they can interact together they are friends one is a Green cheek and the other a fiery shouldered the Grey is on the same wall but there is a 2 foot space between the cages. my Amazon i keep in a different room I know she would probubly really hurt my conures if they got anywhere near her one day I had Sprout (GCC) on my shoulder while I was feeding Fergie(YCA) she says to me Pretty little lovebird I said yes pretty little bird she said fergie see lovebird so I moved a little closer She lunge to bite Sprout I moved really quick and told her she was a bad girl to try to hurt the little bird. she said pretty little love bird. To say the least I keep them apart Fergie and I have a very speicial relationship and she gets jealous of the other birds. My grey really doesn't seem to mind having the conures around she never trys to hurt them and they all have playstands on top of their cages where the hangout for hours two feet away from each other.
I don't think there much to worry about I have a mature amazon she is 10 yrs old and when she gets hormonal she gets that slimey stuff coming out of her vent snd she kicks at it an looks but shes healthy and I almost expect her to lay an egg one of these days just make sure she gets lot of calcium because producing eggs depletes the calcium in their bodys extra cheese and egg shells in their scrambled eggs stuff like that will really help aspeicialy with Greys they need more calcium than other birds. You don't want her to get egg bound. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/12 09:52
sounds like your haveing a lot of fun with your smart little guy try a pad lock works great if you use a cobination lock don't let him see you open it they can figure them out quickly
I totaly agree she should go visit the bird as often as he can until the woman passes away I think if she get to know the parrot well enough it will be less diffacult transission later and the bird is not stupid they can sense when something is not right so he will probubly relize that he's about to lose his only mate he will grieve thats normal but if your friend is willing to get to know the bird before this happens and tell the bird that he's going to come home with him soon and explain everything to the bird this bird has lived 55 years I'm sure it knows the english language very well and can understand a lot of what people are talking about don't leave him out of this and he will probubly be fine Pat
If he's stll on formula than he's probubly fine but I would tale a sample into the vet just in case and I'm very sorry if I scared you If he doesn't like to go to the vet just take a sample of his poop in its probubly fine Pat
My grey can hear thing once or twice and say them she's a great talker she just learned how to whisper its so cute make me laugh and my green cheeked conure could talk before he was weined he suprizes me daily for a little bird its amazing how many words and phrases he says. he will try to say anything you say to him and will practace til he can say it perfectly he can mimic so many sounds. Pat
be careful if you get another bird especily another grey the I have a friend that had a Gray and a G2 she had the grey for about a year he was 2yrs old when she got him then she bought another baby Grey the older grey started chewing his feathers right after that and she ended up rehoming him because he wouldn't let her come near him anymore after she got the other Grey that bird absoulutly hated her for it he would bite her and act like he was terrified of her ever since she got it. She loved that bird and it was very hard for her to rehome him but she wanted him to have the love that he deserved and he would not let her give him the love anymore. It was so sad she would cry about this bird all the time and she wished she had of gotten a differnt kind of bird other than a grey. Pat
such a cutey I just love the babys do you know if its a boy or girl. I know your going to just have so much teaching her/him so many new things Pat
OMG you must be just beside yourself I can't imagine getting news like that. I don't know how you can cope I would be a basket case. I'll pray for your birds and you and May god bless you and give you the strength to endure. I'm so so sorry about your grey. Pat
I agree don't let him be the one that dictates what happens try putting a towel or a small facecloth over your hand and ask him to stepup he may just be hand shy a little if that doesn't work I give him the choice to step up on to the towel or the perch or he stay where he is but do keep trying every 1/2 hour or so offer again. He will step up sooner of later and try playing with his toys and look make it look like your haveing fun so he wants to come out and play or eat something he really loves in front of him and make a fuss on how good it taste but don't give him any until he steps up and comes out tell he can have some when he steps up. when he does praise praise praise and evetully cut the food and just give the praise he will learn that your the boss and he get all things when you decide. Pat
I would definatly take that poop in and have it checked and take that bird off anything that you can make oil with such as sunflower peanuts safflower corn Ive seen that kind of poop before with an amazon I use to have that had a liver problem he's fine and still liveing and healthy but his liver condition was due to Obesity from the person who had him before me. I put him on Aloe detox which has milk thistle in it and took him off all fatty food and his liver healed itself Your baby is young though so it could be something else I would get that bird checked out if I where you and you right it stinks Pat
I asked my vet about that also because my daughter catches so many colds. We don't usually catch any flu bugs because we get our flu shot every year My vet said there is no way we have totaly different bio systems then our birds. It would have to be a mutated virus like the bird flu in order to pass it to your bird. Pat
Please be careful if you are getting another grey from the same person all the birds may have it if they come from the same breeder make sure before you take another bird that its healthy. If I where you I'd try to get my money back and get a bird from a differant breedeer. Pat
I have a Yellow crowned Amazon and a Grey My Amazon is the most wonderful bird she has a vocabulary of over 6hundred word and Phrases she speaks in context if I leave the room she say where ya going when she whats to play she says comin play with me. If I rushing around trying to get ready to go out she say better hurry your goin to be late and If you give her somthing she say thank-you if she wants something that your eating ssay it popcorn she says popcorn please. She is also alot mot affectionet than my Grey is don;t get me wrong My grey is very smart also and has a huge vocabulary but she ver seldom will talk if anyone else is in the room She knows colors she learn new word and phrases daily If she hears it there is a good chance you will her her say it'she practices every morning and when ever she's by herself some grey will pluck their feathers an amazon will probubly never do that My Amazon is 10 yrs old and my grey is 4 yrs old at the rate my grey is learning she will probubly know way mor than my zon at 10 yrs old and hopfully by that time she will have enough confidence to not be a clpset talker. Its your choise but as far as I can see as far s which bird is smarter there is no difference the difference is in the speices the Amazon is a much more confident bird than the grey and my Amazon can also sing beautifully the birds in my signature are my grey and my Amazon
Like it or not 2or3 times a week I put my birds in the shower I turn the shower massage to a fine spray turn the water bearley on so Its like a light spring rain I make sure its luke warm and I hose them down. When I first go my Grey she hated it and threw heself around the tub scared me. but the next time she just sat on the perch that I have for the shower It has sucktion cups on it and now she doesn't seem to mind it at all. My Amazon loves it and my Conure bath everyday I always keep a bowl of water for bathing in their cages because they love to bath also. They will learn to enjoy it if its a regular part of their rotine. I keep thing constant for my birds as most thrive on lives that are preditable They don't like it if things are changing all the time. Pat
Hi did you try those Mr. clean magic sponges I took permanant marker off my coffee table with one of those theyré good for lots of things that are hard to get off. I love your Playstand I think I'll try and build one for my birds. After all I only have 4 playstands already But one more won't hurt. Looks like a good one for climbing My Amazons a little bored with her Tower maybie something new will give her a bit of get up and go instead of sitting on the top perch and and turning all her toys into toothpick. While I'm at it I buy som untreated wood blocks and some sisle rope and make some new toys for them too. I can't beleive how fast they chew up their store bought toys. I made some toys for Fergie about 6 months ago and she still has lots of chewing left to do on them. I should go cut a few branches off the huge lilac tree in my yard and wash them up for them They love Peeling the bark off and chewing then branches.