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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I can't put a harness on my birds either With Fergie who is very tame and devoted to me I tie a shoe lace around her leg I now its not the best but I'd rather her have her on some kind of restraint than have her gone from my life for ever she has never flown off my shoulder when we have been out together and ever when a cor horn or ambulance goes by she has never left my shoulder. mabie she knows with that shoe lace there it wouun't do her any good to try I don't know but thats how we go out together. Pat
  2. I would say you made a good choice if your Jake is just starting to come around I'm sure that the prgress with him will start to improve greatly putting another bird into the situation at this time may just put the progress you've made bake to square one Pat
  3. I agree if that Grey stepped up for you and let you scritch his head someone obviously did a very good job of socializng him and for 600. grab that bird now If you can try to put a deposit down to hold him I rescued my 5 year old grey from a very bad situation and I paid 700. for him just to get him out of there I can't even touch My grey on the feathers She just resently steped up onto my hand instead of a perch and she will only let my touch her beak and sometimes she will let me kiss her beak lately every night before night-night she has been reaching out to get a kiss on her beak. But I am patiant and she is so wonderful in other ways that it doesn't matter if I ever touch her she is so smart since I've has her she says so many new words and Phrases she asks for the differnt things she wants she tells the dogs to no barking go lay down. I really think if you buy this grey you won't be dissapointed if you can afford a small deposit just to hold her I would get her/him for that price you can't go wrong. I just bought a Cockatoo and it was because his owner died if you go to other birds on this site and read Icouldn't just leave him there you'll see just how wonderful a bird from another good bird owner can be. Pat
  4. I went to the dollar store yesterday and bought 17.00 worthof toys for my birds each toy cost 1.00 so I got quite a few toys. Any way there is this one toy that all my birds just loved even my Grey went over to it and played with it for at least 15 minates. I'm sure they will have it destroyed in no time but it was only 1.00 so who cares this is the toy that all the birds went gaga over the duck in the center is a rattle and the rings are a medium hard plastic Pat
  5. My Sweety is a rescue and she is starting to trust a lttle I'm sure its going to be a while yet before I can even touch her never nind a harness. she does let me rub her beak and kiss her beak and just this past week she has been stepping up onto my hand rather than a perch. We have s very long way to go before I attempt anything like a harness if ever. When she gors out she goes outside its in a cage on the sundeck. We also have a wild bird sancuary just down the road so there are allot of Hawks and Eagles. I would be a little nervous even in a harness about haveing her out without being in a cage. The Hawks are not afraid of Humans so they might just grab Tyco right from my hands. I think a cage is the only answer for my birds Pat
  6. This is my litte Green Cheeked Conure After his Bath he looks a little strange my African Grey Bit his beak off its growing back but it takes a very long time <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/09 07:47
  7. my daughter got a new hat and wanted me to pose for a pictre wearing it well I no sooner put it on my head when Mr. Magoo grabbed it and would not let go
  8. Your new baby is sooooo sweet I love babys. I only had two babys out of my flock of 6 all the rest are Rescues and Even my baby Cockateil that I got before he was even weaned was left on my doorstep with a note so you might say I rescued him as well he's 6 months old now and the sweetest bird you could ever ask for Pat
  9. Yes I guess she learned it from watching childrens programing when I go to work I leave the tv on tree house childrens programming or family channel to keep the birds company. Its amazing what they learn when your not around. She is a very smart girl and knows allot of what different things are and asks for them by name. Like Fresh water.chicken,eggs,and when she asks she always says there ya go Tyco love chicken,yum yum or the same with egg only she calls egg eggy breakfast with water she just says fresh water over and over until I get her fresh water about three times a day. she also knows 3 differnt colors and how to count to up to 4.
  10. I so wished I had a vidio camera tonight when Tyco was taking a bath in her water bowl she made me LMBO and I have no Idea where she learned this from but right in the middle of her bath she said Rub a dub dub dub dub I laughed she must have got it from the TV I guess I just had to share because it was so cute Pat
  11. You have to take her out some times I would do training session for 10 to 15 minates 3or 4 times a day if she won't go back into her cage when you finished your training sesion then get her a play stand and teach her to stay either on her stand of on her cage, my berds are out of their cages from 8 am til 8pm except when I have to go out and there is no one at home.she will go back into her cage on her own when she gets hungry and thars where her food is teach her to step up onto a perch first and then onto your hand do these training sessions without her being able to see her cage like in the bathroom make sure you close the lid to the toilet its a nice small room and she can learn to trust you faster in a more confined space Pat
  12. I just got my Grey a new huge cage and it only took 1 1/2 days to get her to accept it and she a rescue with trust issues. first thing I did was have it compleatly empty thae every hour or so I would add somthing good to the cage first I put fresh Papers in the cage. then about an hour later I took 1 of her toy out of her cage and putit in the new cage 1/2 hour later i put food in the dishes, 1 hour later I make a new toy from old toys that she has destroyed while I'm makeing this toy I;m saying to her oh look Tyco mqmmy's making you a nice new Toy this is a toy that she is not afraid of because I'm making it from thing she wrecked when its finished she was so excited and wanted that toy really badly but instead of giving it to her I put it in the new cage. I left the room for a few minutes and when I got back Tyco was on the door of the new cage. trying to reach that toy. The next morning I made scrambled eggs Tycos absolute favorite food I gave her a tiny peice just to get her appitite going really good and she's hungry anyway because its first thing in the morning so she got a tiny peice and I put the rest in the new cage making sure she knows exactly where her eggs are she got really choked at me and went into her cage and sulked for about 10 minutes I left the room and five minates later I came back to find Tyco eating her scambled eggs in the new cage I figured if I could get her to eat in there My job is done I then slowly about 1 item an hour moved every thing from her old cage to her new cage by 8pm that night she was no longer sittin on her old cage she shut the door to her old cage and was sitting on top of the new one I steped her up and put her into the new cage she went in without a fuss I covered her up and she slept in her new cage without a problem. The next morning after she had breakfast I took her old cage away and she has been in her new cage evewr since Pat
  13. I agree put them on the other side of the room so he can see them and evenclly move them closer bit by bit and every day pick them up and play with them so he see's you then having fun and move them a little closer each time he will soon want to see what is so fun about those toys Pat
  14. I bought Tyco a 6in dish and she actually manages to get pretty wet when she baths in it. very funny to watch Pat
  15. I have a Congo African Grey and she is the most playful sillyest bird i have and I have 2 Conure's also But Tyco takes the prize when it comes to doing silly things. she is definatly the clown of the family Pat
  16. If she molting and is getting new feathers the flakes my be the stuff that cover the new feathers when they are growing in its to early in the morning and I can't think of what its called right now Pat
  17. Oh my goodness all the babies its a regular babie boom. I got my Grey when she was 5 yrs old and she was a rescue Ive had her for about 6 months now and we have had a few break throughs she doesn't barber her wings anymore which is a big one and she lets me touch her beak and she gives me kisses sometimes. And every once in a while she will allow me to touch the top of her head for a couple of seconds. I also have a 11 yr old yellow crowned Amazon that I rescued when she was 4 yrs old and I can do anyting with her scratch under he wings roll her over what ever and I let Tyco see my doing all these wonderful fun things with Fergie hoping one day she will let me do the same to her. I want her to know that Fergie trusts me completly and that its okay that she can trust me too. Its sort of working at least I hope it is. Pat
  18. I rescued Tyco about 6 months ago she's 5 yrs old and when I got her she was so off balance she would fall very hard on her keel bone due to barbering her right wing flight feathers so I took her to the vet and got her other wing clipped the same way so at least she wouldn't be so off balance well yesterday she was taking a bath in her water dish and haveing the time of her life and she opened her wings and she has 3or4 flights on both wings she no longer barbering her right wing flight feather and I'm so proud of her I want to pick her up and kiss her all over but she won't let me I think this means that she's happy in her new home what do you think Pat
  19. Thanks for the suggestion I will try ignoring her I'll just put the dogs out when she stats screaming I can put up with her but with the dogs joining in it makes me absolutly crazy Pat
  20. Why does your Grey have to be in his cage? I open the door of my birds cages when they get up in the morning and close them when they go to bed at night. other then that they are out all day my grey does go in her cage on her own during the day and will stay in there for hours sometimes playing with her toys or haveing a nap. I think because she can leave when ever she wants to she doesen't mind being in there. Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/03/23 22:44
  21. I have a wonderful very smart YCA the problem is that she's extreamly attached to me and everytime I leave the room she's in she screams and yells I guess it hits a nerve with the dogs I have 3 and they start barking and howling also I've tried contact whistles and that work for about 2 minates and then she starts screaming because she wants me back in the room where she is. Sometimes I take her with me but other times I just can't stop and pick her up and find a portable stand so so I can get done the things that need doing like when I wash the Kitchen floor I don't want her in the room with the smells of cleaners and things. I can't take the screaming and the howling and the barking all at the same time HELP Pat
  22. try taking him into the bathroom Or some other small room take him out of his cage and put his cage outside the room have his favorite treat available for him and sit their with him quitely for ten of fifteen minates at a time with you hand open ful of his favorite food the smaller the room the better even in the bath tub with the shower curtian closed put a towel on the bottom of the tub and sit down and eventually he will learn to trust you I found this method to work quite well with smaller birds Pat
  23. oh that does look sore. It come with owning bird those are the hazards I've never been bit by my bigger birds (touch wood) but the littles one have drawn blood more then I care to mention I had a love bird that was sweet as pie and then all of a sudden would bite really hard and hold on till you screamed she thought it was funny until she got the 2hour time out in her cage every time she did it she learned don't bite mama Pat
  24. Fergie my Amazon would probubly love taking a bath that way she loves have her showers in the tub with the hand held thingy Tyco Grey there is no way I would even try with him I wouldn't want to lose the trust that Ive built over this past year. she hates the shower, spray bottle 9x13 pan of water the only way that she will bath is in her water dish so the other day I bought a six inch accross lixit lock down dish for her and filled it to the top with water she was so excited she she fell off of it but that didn't stop her she climbed right back up there she emptied that bowl three times before she finally decided that she had enough and she was soaken wet. It was so much fun to watch and the floor got a wash too Pat
  25. Tyco isn't in the least bit cuddley he love's Kisses on his beak and has to have a kiss about three imes a day when he gets up inthe morning and after our playtime together and before she goes nite-nite other then that she will only allow me to rub her beak she doesent like to be touched in any other way once in a while she will let me give her a tine head scritch. I rescued Tyco About a year ago from a very bad home she was kept in a cage in a room by herself with a diry blanket over her a few peanuts to eat and her water was so dirty it didn't look like it had been changed in a week apparant the guy how had her was a crack head and head had her because his ex girlfriend left her there the year before so considering what this poor bird has gone through I feel very fortunate that she allows me in her lifew and loves me as much as she does she just turned 5 on Feb 28th and scince Ive had her she has learned so many words and phrases and she actually speaks in context and can hold a conversation pretty well the other night I was haveing my dinner she looked at me and said its good eh yum yum and i said yeah it good do you want some she said some pease there you go. so sweet who need cuddles when you have such a good friend Pat
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