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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I'm a firm beleiver that if you talk to him and tell him he's still the same bird he's always been and just because he can't fly doesn't make him different explan to him that he doesent have to be afraid nobody there is going to attack him he doen't have to worry about a preditor swooping down on him and that you will always be there to protect him I'm sure he is very worried about not being able to get away fast enough without his wings, Its trully amazing how much they understand just try it Pat
  2. hi everyone My little green Sprout is doing pretty good he won't eat on his own so Ive been hand feeding him 4 times a day the reason for that is the he only takes about 4or5 cc at a feeding his mornig feeding he takes about 6cc and the his next 2 feedings he takes 4 and at night before bed he take about 10cc his weight is staying stable at 67gr and the Doctor said that thats a good weight for him under these circustances. He certinly isn't acting himself though useually he very fiesty and always wants to play but now he just wants to cuddle he layed on my chest for about 3 hours this afternoon and just let me love on him thats not like my little Sprout at all usually there is no way I can get him to cuddle. I think he's in a lot of pain because he trys to rub his beak with his foot and when he's in his cage hi sits on his perch snuggled up to his happy hut all puffed up like he was sick He's on antibiotics and pain killers but I don't think the pain killer is helping much its so sad to see him like this but I do hope he keeps a little bit of the cuddlely part after he gets better I just love him so much and i feel so bad for him My other birds aren't getting nearly as much attention as they useually get either because I have to make sure Sprout is ok and of corse I feel guilty for not spending enough time with them they are only getting a few minates here and there when I have a few minates that Sprout is in his cage haveing a nap. My vet phoned me this afternoon out of the blue to make sure Sprout was getting enough food and things where going ok I was so shocked how many vets do you know that actually phone you up just to see how youe pet is progressing especeily when Sprout has to go see her in two weeks for a check up I was so shocked I think I mst have the most careing vet in Canada. thank you all for your prayers and support it really helps to have you there to vent out all these emotions and stress on thanks all. Pat
  3. The other day my African grey bit the beak off my little green cheek conure I rushed him to the vet the vet said that there was no internal damage to his mouth or nasal passages and that there is a 70% chance that he will have som regrowth she said it may grow back slightly deformed but he should be able to use it again.then he wouldn't eat he wants to eat by himself so he won't hand feed the morning after this happened I put him on the scale and he had gone from his normal 70gr down to 56 gr well I'm telling you I was crying so hard I could hardly talk to the vet to tell her she said to bring him in for a tube feeding but I couldn't right thenbecause I had a specilist appointment so I told her I would be done around 11:00am and I would bring him in then. So I forsed Sprout to eat about 3cc of hand feeding formula and put babyfood carrots& peas,mushed up zupreen pellets, applesause. and babyfood strawberry&bananas in his cage when I got home I checked his weight again and it was up to 63grm so I called the vet and she said it may take a couple of days for him to learn how to eat with out a top mandable but he should lern and we should just wait and see how he does. yerterday afternoon I saw him drinking water so thats good and last night he took 6cc of hand feeding formula and another 6cc this morning so I think he's on his way he's also on bytril antibiotics and a pain killer for the next 14 days. the worst part about it all is that its my fault that this happened. I have to move Sprouts cage away from the wall at night so I can cover him and I forgot to move it back and because of that Tyco was able to reach him through the bars of his cage and of course Sprout was up in Tycos face those little Conures think they can take on the world. anyway I'm doing my share of crying I've never been so upset or stressed out about anything in my life like Iam for this little green Sprout of mine please pray for him to get well when 2 or more gather in his name miracales happen thanks everyone in advance for listening to me ramble on. Pat
  4. I take Fergie with me alot and in the car and walking around on the different errands that I have to run she is on my shoulder. Its so much easier to have her there. people aren't constantly wantng to pet her up there. which i always say no anyway. She would allow it but I don't know where their hands have been or if they have some kind of infection so its better if she's on my shoulder away from other people and animals. Pat
  5. That so neat its wonderful when they get older and have learned to have real conversations with you rather than just hello and words I have a 10 yr old Amazon that talks to me all the time about different thing she's my best friend by far. She always ask me where I'm going. don't be late. At home she asks for thing by name and always says please. like comen play with me please. or can I have a nut please. they are very amazing creatures and the older they get the wiser they get you have a lot to look foward to with your new best friend enjoy every minate of it. Pat
  6. My birds love sweet potato they gobble it down its so high in vitimin a that I would never stop feeding it to them because of a little mess. all birds ae messy it comes with owning them. Squash is also good and turnip is another one that my birds love that is very high in alot of vitimins <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/24 19:24
  7. Hi I almost forgot to tell you Fergie did not escape from her cage like I thought she did because I put her in her cage when I went out. My daughter let her out when she got home. She had to get ready for work and so she thought she would give Fergie a little time to play while she was getting ready. When it came time for her to leave Fergie refued to go back into her cage she wouldn't step up for her and she didn't have time to fool around she said Fergie was happily chewing the bark off her big branch I had cut for her a few days before so she thought she wpuld be ok for a couple of hours. then left for work. So she won't do that again I told her if she has to go to work from now on not to let Fergie out. If she going to be home then and only then she can let fergie OUT PAT
  8. Well I got fergies vent area cleaned finally with a little help from my daughter. Fergie is one of my rescued birds and in here previous home they did alot of fighting and Fergie leaened alot of very nasty swear words. This morning while my daughter held her while I rubed olive oil into to feathers around her vent she screamed every nasty name she learned at me. Boy was she mad. She so mad she been sulking in her cage four four hours. She won't even take a walnut from meand there her very favorite treat. She will get over it she loves me. and I'm sure it feels a whole lot better to get that goo off her feathers. thanks to all of you for your help and I let you know when fergie get back to her normal happy loveing self
  9. I know peanut butter strange ah I guess anything oily would probubly work I didn't try the olive oil but it probubly would have worked just as well as the peanut butter its the oil that break down the goo. just like with gum if you eat a peanut while your chewing gum the gum will disintagrate and I'm sure oil would do that also. At least we know what works now if it ever happens to another bird. Learn something new every day. Thanks alot for trying to help I appreciate the effort. Pat
  10. I phoned the emergency vet clinic and they said that said peanut butter is the best way to get the goo off my bird and then to bath with dawn dish soap after that I got most of it off her tail and top feathers But she will not allow me to touch her under her wings at the top of her tail or around her vent area. As much as she loves me she won't let me and there is quite a bit of goo on that area I don't have anyone to help me so I can't towel her and do it. She's a big bird. I'll just have to wait until my daughter gets here she doesn't get off work until 1:30 and she won't get here until 2:00 AM I don't know what to do she's just going to have to have a gooy vent until tomorrow I Guess If I wake her a 2:00 am She going to be extreamly grouchy She is after all a Large Amazon and she's got a big scary beak I don't know if I should wake her to do this or just wait til tomorrow. I got most of it off her. its just the vent area left. what do you think Pat
  11. A friend of mine sugested olive oil and them dawn dish soap so I'm going to try that I dont know if my vet is open and of course its saturday and noones open tomorrow. I hate this I'm so worried. I'm going to tty the olive oil I'll let you know how it works. Pat
  12. Hi I had to go out for awhile today and Fergie escaped from her cage. When I got home she was on the floor with a fly paper strip stuck to her and know she has gooy fly paper glue all over her I tried to bath her with dish soap twice but her fethers are still all gooy any sugestions on how to get the goo off. I'm worried about her. Pat
  13. he's a real cutie do you have a name for him or her do you know what sex he/she They are wonderful birds. and I for one just love them so much.
  14. I agree also their is nothing like a bird to teach you about yourself and how much patients and love and forgivness that you have to give to a animal that will bite you. give you scares and maybie worse. and you still forgive and try even harder because in the end when that bird bonds to you there is no greater feeling of love and acomplishment those are the quality of a real bird person and thats why we are so rare how many people will lose a finger or have a scare on there face from an animal and continue to love and care for that animal only a true bird person will understand that its not personal and keep trying. all other would either get rid of the animal or try to beat it into submission and thats not me or any other person who trully is trying to understand the wild animal that you've taken into your home and love with every part of your being. Pat
  15. The pictures of your bird are wonderful Macaws really are the ultimate bird If I had the room I'd just love to have one. my very favorite Macaw and the one I'd buy would be a Hyacinth. Maybie when my daughter grows up and leaves home and I can turn her room into a bird room I will get one. She's only 12 so I have at least another 6or7 years before I can even think about it. thats ok though 4 birds are plenty. Pat
  16. I have 3 birds that come when I call the only one that doesn't is Tyco my Grey and that just because. I've only had her for about 6 weeks and she'4yrs old so its going to take some time for her to learn new things she's stiil adapting to her new home. I sure she wondering if she's going to have to go somewhere else as she's been rehomed 4 times in the four years she been alive poor baby. She won't have to worry about that ever again. I just have to go slow with her. Pat
  17. She's very well socialized and she's also 10 yrs old so she gone through the teenage years. She really is a wonderful bird. But now I have a new problem My Fiery shouldered Conure can hear Fergie making all her mating noises and such and of course Fergie is getting alot of attention lately and Luna is so jealous she is starting to chew the feathers on her wings. Luna is a rescue and she is 8yrs old I've had her for 6 yrs and when I got her she was an absolute mess she had her tail and wings totaly barbered to nothing she was so ratty looking and so stressed the people that had her kept her in a canary display cage they said I should buy a thick pair of gloves if I wanted to handle her. so she has history She hasn't barbered her wings in 5 yrs shes my velcro bird and has full flight. I noticed today that she has two little hole in the ends of her last flight feathers and I know its because of Fergie demanding so much of my time. and I do go out of my way to spend time with her too. When you have two birds that want you for their mate its hard. Pat
  18. good one Dave and I'm sure the reason its so funny is because every bird owner can relate. I have a little 11month old Green cheek Conure that loves to sit on my shoulder when I'm cooking and he has his beak in everything it amazes me how fast that little guy can run down my arm grab a quick bite and run back up to my shoulder then I wonder why he's never hungry at dinner time he's allready stuffed himself on a bite of this and a bite of that such a little brat. Pat
  19. I agree Its a beautiful sight to see your bird in full flight. I hate clipping my birds wings It always makes me feel like I'm amputating somthing I sure wouldn't like it if somone cut something off my body especely something that makes me who I am. I've had to do it but I don't like to if its not nessesary I just had to have my Greys wings clipped because she had chewed every flight feather off one of her wings this was before I got her any way because of it she was so off balance she would fall and land really hard on her keel I didn't want her to hurt herself so I got the other wing clpped to match the one she barbered. It helped alot she doesn't fall any more. and she hasn't been chewing her wing so hopefully now her wings can grow out together and she will have full flight. and I won't clip her again. Pat
  20. I agree my greys beak isn't flaky and she keeps it in beautiful condtion. I only had to trim one of my bird beaks and not much just rounded it a touch because he was a rescue and would bite right through your hand so I had his beak rounded a bit so the bites wouldn't be so severe. and by the time he filed his beak back into a point he didn't bite anymore. Other than that none of my birds have ever had a problem. I give them branches off non toxic trees from my back yard. I know there's no spray or anything used on them I wash them in a mild bleach solution and dry them in the sun weather permitting or in the oven. my birds love to chew the bark off and make shreaded wood out of the rest My Amazon and Grey I try to get branches at least 1 1/2 inches around and at least a foot long. my Conures get the ones that are about 3/4 of an inch around and a foot long takes them about 2 weeks to finish them and they love it. and their beaks are beautiful not flakey
  21. Sorry back to the topic at hand my cags feet are a very light grey and she is 4 yrs old so I would say they lighten with age Pat
  22. I would have it removed my breeder that I got my GCC from left off his band because she also thought it could cause problems later on I have the band its just not on the bird. My Grey doesn't have one and neither does my Amazon and I can only say that its also because they could ccause problems I now this woman who had a bird that had cut it self in the same area as it band the bird leg would not heal because the band kept irritating it and the bird ended up with blood posioning she ended up getting the band cut off but it was to late and the bird died. so I would say If the band is bothering him get it taken off as soon as possible. Pat
  23. Oh I'm so sorry if there is a place outside where you can put his cage somewhere that he might be able to see it maybie he will fly back to it leave his favorite toy and food in it. Do you have a recording of all your birds if not maybie you could make one and play it as loud as possible out side he may recognise the voices of the other birds and find his way home just a sugestion it worked for a friend of mine. Pat
  24. Hi yes I heard that also if I were you I would'nt take the chance I heard that its when it reaches a certain tempeture but I have 4 birds in my house and there is no way I'm going to take any kind of chance of killing my fids accidently I'll cook my turkey the old fashion way least that way I know that we'll all have a Merry Christmas without any tragitys.
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