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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. well he was born on May 16, 2008 at 105 am he's 9lbs 4 oz 23 inches long. his name is Noah and here are a couple pix of my beautiful baby grandson
  2. The doctor you saw as far as I;m concerned is a total Quack You Grey Isn't crazy he is someone should put him on those kinds of meds and see how he'd like to be turned into a Zombie find another doctor I'm sure you baby will come through all this just fine once thing settle back down to normal. and he gets his daily rotine back. please don't put you bird through some kind of drug therapy until you see the total picture of whats really going on with him it could be just the stress he feels around him right now wait until you get moved and thing settle down a bit. He may just suprise you and all this will fix itsself ny Grey chewed her flight feathers for 4 years until she came to live with me and now she has totaly stoped and is fully flighted for the very first time in her life. And I certinly didn't put her on any kind of drugs Pat
  3. Don't feel guilty you did the right thing the same thing happened to me sort of the woman who first rescued Tyco had her for a year she would fly at her face and just absolutly hated her. for no apparent reason. she tried everything to get her to like her she had another Grey and aGoffin Cockatoo as well and thse bird worship the ground she walks on but Not Tyco well when I walked into the house Tyco got very excited and wanted to be with me imediatly let me kiss her beak and pick her up something she was never able to do Tyco is now my bird and she's so much happier with me.She Used to barber her flight feathers on one wing and it would make her so off balance that she would fall and hit her keel bon really hard it was just awful. She no longer barbers her wing like she used to or anything like that and she learned so much since she been here its quite amazing.Tyco picked me. thats the best way to get a bird as they will always love you it was love at first sight Pat Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/16 09:48<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/16 09:55
  4. It depends on thr dsy if I work the night before then they don't get up until 10 am because thry don't get covered until I get home at 11:30 pm I only work 3 nights a week from 5pm to 11pm. the other nights they go to bed at 8:00 to 8:30 pm and get up between 8:00am to 9:00 am they are used to this now. so its a bit screwy but it works for us. Pat
  5. Look on the underside of his/her tail they will be very faint and only on the very edges of a few feathers if you see any grey at all on any of the edges of her tail feathers its a girl the male have totaly red tails no slightly grey edges. this is only for a Congo if you have a Timnah then i think your only option is DNA Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/16 08:59
  6. I use news paper also but I put down about 6 to10 layers that way I can roll up the top 2or 3 layers and the cage is clean again so I only half to totaly every 2nd day then I wheel every thing outside onto the sun deck and hit the whole thing with the presure washer rinse it and start again Its the easyest way I know to clean 3 huge bird cages and three large bird cages. I can get them all done in under an hour and everything is spottless. I useually try to do this on hot days that way the birds can be put in their cages outside and get some freshair while everything drys in the sun. if its raining I just clean the cages with the pressure washer and then wipe down the perches and toys with a wet sponge. Pat
  7. definatly a scam I also came across about 6 of these scams from cameroon it seems to be the big thing there now and everybody there is doing this scam stay as far away as possible.
  8. Well my daughters are 22 and 23 yrs old and they are the ones giving me grand kids. My son is 34yrs old and still hasen.t given me any his wife is younger than him and is still giong to school to become a nurse. she still has 1 yr left so after that I guess they will be starting a family. Pat
  9. I can see she has a slight sissior beak can she eat alright on her own or does she need help she is very sweet my friend has a cockatoo with a sissor beak and that bird is amazing she can even crack big nut on her own her bird si almost 30 yrs old now but because she has been like that since she was very young she doesn't know any difference so she has no problems is tukki the same way Pat
  10. apparently they pluck because they are itchy and aloe helps to sooth the itch thus stopping the plucking I would definatly take her to the vet just to rule out any deficency in her diet that could also be causeing him to pluck this should have been done Imediatly before the plucking becomes a habit. Pat
  11. My second grand child is on his way my daughters water broke this morning and shes in labour. We were hoping for mothers day but it doesn't matter because he's comeing today and I'm so excited. My first grand baby was born last Aug and then not even a week later my other daughter told me that she was haveing a baby so my grand kids are very close in age. and both boy's so they should be very close growing up. Sorry babling now I can't help it I'm so excited Pat
  12. Oh my goodness they are so cute just look at those little haveing so much fun with their little balls soooosweet doesn't it make you just wanna pick them up and kiss them all over. Pat
  13. my birds have full spectrum lighting I bought them each a lamp and a full spectrum light bulb they do go out in the summer time for about an hour a day but during the winter months its far to cold this way they get the light they need all year round you can buy full spectrum light bulbs at most pet stores that are strong enough to do the same job as the sun so why take chances of overheating or sun burn or even miscito bites Pat
  14. I get my birds up around 9amto 930am istay home most days I work 5pm to 11pm monday fri and sat so when they get up I open their cages and they stay open until bed time unless its a day that I work then right after a early dinner they go into their cages. I either make them eggs which can be an omlette with cheese and veggies or scrambled or french toast on multgrain bread if they get eggs they always have multi grain toast with it. that 3 times a week the other days they get fresh fruits and vegetables they always have a bowl of pellets and a bowl of their seed and nut mix at dinner time they eat what I'm haveing if what I;m haveing isn't sutible I boil up some sweet potatos, turnips, and carrots. or I make a rice and bean mash or something like that. I put them to bed around 8pm to 830pm except when I work then their full spectrum lighting is on a timer and it goes off at 830pm but they don't get covered until I get home at 11:30pm so They have learned to deal with it pretty well. Its quite amazing how well they can adjust to things I just went back to work a couple months ago before that they where used to being out from early morning til bedtime when I went to work all that changed now their in their cages by 430pm when I work they have very large cages and lots of toys so I don't think it bothers them at all to all of a sudden have a change in schedule Pat
  15. I saw a little white and blue budgie on sunday I live in the Deroche area in British columbia canada so if any one in the fraser valley lost a almost all white with a little bit of blue on its belly budgie it in the area of the Deroche store. Pat
  16. A Red factor is a African Grey that has red feathers on their bodys as well as their tails Pat
  17. Yes Ash is safe for parrtot Pat
  18. Welcome to the world of ParrotsLOL There are lots of trees around that make wonderful natural perches for birds Find a nice Birch Or lilac tree with brances that are about 1 1/2 to 2 in in diameter and a little longer than the width of your cage do not use pine or fir branches unless they have been dried for atleast a year as they have pitch that will get on your birds feather; Natural perches make the best perches they are very good for your birds feet and are usually readily available you just have to go out to the woods and cut some give them a good wash and dry them is the sun for a day or in the oven if your stove is large enough and then let the birds chew. I use natural perches for all my bird and they work great this is the birch branch that is in my African Greys Cage and my Cockatoo has one for his Playtop perch and 2 in his cage the one that is on the play top my Cockatoo chews the ends of it he's been chewing it for 4 weeks now and has hardly made a dent in it Pat
  19. I just love that picture of your grey all puffed up wildmike are you sure theres actually a bird in that pile of Grey Feathers LOL Pat
  20. I spent the morning Clipping my 3 small birds wings and nails. I hated haveing to clp thier wings. It was a matter of saftey. Everytime I would go into the diningroom to spend time with my Cockatoo Sprout my Green cheeked Conure woul fly in and land on my shoulder. Well when I have a large Cockatoo sitting on my hand and a Little Conure on my shoulder there is a very good chance the either i'm going to get bit or My Conures going to get killed. It a mad rush as soon as he lands to get that Cockatoo off of me a quickly as possible Its just not fair that he would have to have his quality time disrupted because a little green Conure interupts us. so Sprout my Conure got his wings clipped this morning. I also clipped my other Conure and my Cockateil. The cockateil got done because he is always flying oer to my Greys cage and I don;t want him to get hurt. And my other Conure got done because she and Sprout are good friends and I couldn't doat one and not the other.
  21. I have an yellow crowned hybrid I rescued her so I don't now what she is crossed with Its either a Blue front,orange wing, or meally as she ha a touch of blue on the front hf her brow and on her chin and down her front she has blu tips on her feathers. he beak is mostley bone colored but it has a dark grey black tip. Anyway she is a wonderful companoin I couldn't ask for a more cuddly sweet natured bird. She is just as much a velcro bird as my Cockatoo is. She is 11 yrs old. I beleive its got allot to do with how you treat them. and how they where raised. My Amazon had a rough couple years I've had her for 4 years now and can honestly say she has never ever bit me or my children either. She absolutly detests men and I have seen her bite one man. He was warned that she hates men but he thought he would be the exception. She showed him in her Eyes he was just another man Pat
  22. Mr. Magoo never lerned how to step up when he was young so for the last 4 week 20 minutes a day 4 times a day I been trying to teach a 20+ yr old Cockatoo how to step up and today I walked over to his cage and said the words step up and he did I got so excited and he got a what a good bird wow yeah for you Mr. Magoo. Well then he got really excited about all the praise he was getting he started dancing on my arm and screaming WOW he's so funny his crest straight up and looking in every direction as fast as he could move that little head of his. It was very cute Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/13 01:07
  23. It sounds to me thats exactly what he's doing My grey acts exactly the same way when it comes to food cups when I fill her bowls I use a food cup when I'm done she grabs the cup from my hand and attacks it with everything she got and them chucks it. its a game to her when she throws it and I pick it up and give it back she's not nearly as violent with it the second time she just takes out her aggretions on it the she's done with it Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/05/12 08:16
  24. I have no problems picking him up if I pick him up around his body I think this is probubly the way he was always picked up so he never really had to learn to step up so he a little scared to try to learn something new at 20+ I am paitient I just don't want him to be so unsure of himself I guess presistance and patients are the answer he is so sweet and we have established a wonderful bond in the tree or four weeks that I've had him He has never tried to bite me and he's going through a bad molt so I've been helping him with all his pin feathers he just loves it Pat
  25. I'm haveing a small problem with my new Cockatoo he's not afraid of hands by any strech but he's afraid to step up I ask him to step up and I know he wants to because he put one foot on my hand and holds on to what ever he can grab with his other foot if he can find somthing to grab with his beak and hold tight then he will step up with his other foot and after that he will let go with his beak once he actually got both feet on my hand Its very strange. its like he is afraid he's going to fall if he steps up without holding on to something. any suggestions on how I can make this easier for him Pat
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