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  1. Too bad I cannot come to write and read this forum more often. Izzie is doing really good. She spends as much as possible time with us. She started to talk! It is amazing! She says "Hello", she meows, she sais mom, I love you and how are you in Russian. So she is bilingual, lol. She eats well, mostly pellets and fruits and veggies. Lately she started to make some movements when I put her close to me, like turning her head from side to side. I am not sure what is that, but we are going to visit our vet this weekend for regulat trims and check ups and I'll ask what's her movements all about. I hope everything is well out here.
  2. Unfortunately I had no chance to come to the forum more often. With my work and other things I am trying to spend all extra time with Izzie, so she (yes, we had a DNA test and it’s a girl!!) doesn’t feel lonely. We took her to an avian vet about 1.5 months ago. The blood count came back slightly higher. The doctor asked us to come bask in a month to check her blood count again. Yesterday I received a phone call from our vet, she said Izzie’s blood count came back slightly higher again (same as last time). She said it could be 2 possibilities: 1) this could be her physics or 2) it could be a sign of an Aspergillosis. They will send a test out on Monday to check if it is an infection. I will have results back by the end of the week. Now I went online to read more about the infection and it really scared me. I do clean her cage every day, I don’t give her peanuts, I change her water 2-3 times a day, she eats pellets and veggies/fruits. My only concern is the apartment we live in right now. It seems it is little dusty in here even with filter being changed. Since I don’t know the results now I was just wondering to read more about this infection and it’s treatment. It is treatable? Or it is a deadly one? Can we do something to save our baby in case if she has it? Before I hear from our vet I want to be a little prepared since I knew nothing about this infection. I would appreciate any useful information or maybe a link with more about the treatment. Thanks!
  3. Hello to all! I was really busy lately, so I had no time to come to the forum Izzie is doing good. She is still weights about 380-385g. After I received the scale, I put Izzie on it every morning to monitor her weight. She weights the same, so I am assuming she is a petite bird. She eats ok. For some reason she stopped eating pellets. Not completely stopped, but eats less of pellets than she used to. But she eats a variety of veggies, fruits. I started feeding her some table food and she loves it. She also likes cereal. Whenever we are eating, she makes noise so we would take her with us. So, it is 3 of us eating together. Izzie gets her little bowl and she loves to play with the spoon. I finally found a job, so unfortunately I cannot stay home the entire day to play with Izzie. Now she gets up when we do, eats her breakfast with us. She stays out for about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Then she goes inside of her cage. My husband gets home during lunch, he lets her out, she eats some veggies and fruits. After an hour she goes back into the cage again. When I get home I let her out for an entire evening. I am trying to spend as much time as I could with her. Still, I feel so bad leaving her at home. We even though of getting a camera so we can watch her over the internet at any time B) She is 6 month and 5 days today. She learned how to make a microwave noise. It is so cute. However, it seems like she forgot all other noises she used to know. Couple of days ago I’ve notices some mark on her head. It seems like she scratched herself. Plus, she weights less than suppose to (book-wise), so we are taking her to the vet after the holidays. Just in case… Plus, I’ve heard the clinic is great. I will try to come more often, but things are getting busy before the holidays. So, happy holidays to all in advance! p.s. I’ve send a Christmas cards to our friends and signed it as Lusya, Sasha (husband) and Izzie. People seem to like it. B)
  4. Now I feel much better. Thank you guys!!
  5. Thank you all! I guess I am a little paranoid...
  6. I can feel Izzie's breastbone. So, it means she is too skinny?
  7. Lusya


    Ziggy, thanks for your advise, however I never mentioned Izzie ate only seeds. As I mention above, she eats less pellets than she used to, but she gets more veggies and fruits. On the package (pellets) it says that she should get about 1/2 cup of pellets each day. Unfortunately, it seems like she eats just a few. I did try different brand. It just seems that fresh food (veggies, fruits) is more attractive to her. Since my baby is little underweight I though this might be a problem. lovemyGreys, do you know approximately how much of pellets (mix) you Grey eats?
  8. I just worry and don't want to miss a sign. I will go over the link (thank you!!). Still, how do I know if she needs more muscles?
  9. Lusya


    I ran into similar problem. Izzie eats less pellets than she used to. However, she eats plenty of veggies and fruits. Should I offer less veggies and fruits to try to convert her into more-pellet diet? P.S. I tried to soak pellets in different juices and I tried to mix it with other foods (veggies and seed mix, where she will pick only seeds and leave pellets in the bowl)<br><br>Post edited by: Lusya, at: 2007/12/08 01:45
  10. I had my own scale for almost a week now. Izzie weights about 380-384g. I will monitor her for couple of weeks and see how she is doing. She its well (pellets, seed mix, veggies and fruits) and she is playful, her drops arenormal. How do I know if she is just tiny or if she is sick? When should I take her to the vet?
  11. Lusya

    Favorite Cereal

    Kibibi, thanks. Toni, thank you! Do you need to prepare those Honey Bunches of Oats? p.s. sorry guys if my questions are too silly
  12. Since we speak Russian to our baby, her nickname is in Russian. We call her "kurochka", which means a little chicken (not a chick!) She seems to like it! <br><br>Post edited by: Lusya, at: 2007/11/30 17:46
  13. Her poop is normal, she is playful, but I am not sure if she eats well. Since it is my first experience with Grey I am not sure how the rest of them eat. I give her fruits, veggies, pellets, but half of what I give her ends up on the floor or at the bottom of the cage. Is it normal? I give her plenty so she always have some leftovers at her bowl. Still, how do I know that she gets enough?
  14. Ok, I ordered new scale so we will keep one at home. I will weigh her every day when I get it. For now, I looked over some pictures and it seems like she is a tiny one. Is there any healty way to help her gain some weight? What food should I offer?
  15. I tried to soft the pellets with some fresh juice, she seems to like it one day, and the next day she refuses. I will try to mix some other food into the pellets. Thanks!
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