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My house gets quite warm in the winter with the fire place going most of the time my house has an open concept so when it gets to be -10 degree its still toasty warm inside. I live in British Columbia in the Fraser Valley so we do get the change of seasons but its not nearly as cold here as it is in the eastern part of Canada we only usually get snow for about 2 weeks a year lots of rain though. Mind you our weather has been changeing lately and we got lots of snow last year it lasted for at least a month and a half. I hope that's not going to be the case this year I drive for a living and I don't like driving in the snow.
So have you heard anything yet is there any news I'm waiting for an update and have been praying for a good outcome to this.
Welcome to the forum beautiful Baby you have there
I know how your feeling I was not a novice when I raised my Grey from 5 weeks old but it still made me nervous I had raised a Cockateil from 3 wks old that someone left on my doorstep. and I had also hand fed my Green checked Conure for 7 months after my other Cag bit his top mandable off but even though I had some experiance it was still scary because so much can and does go wrong. I did manage to get her through it without anything going wrong (touch wood) she is 7 months old now and talking up a storm she is such a joy and such a cuddle bunny. You are going to love being a Grey mom they are just the best. I have a 6 yr old Grey also and she is just so uch fun she love to play games and jokes on her mom. I rescued her a couple yeears ago and she is a joy to have around I look forward to hearing all about your new baby and some pictures would be wwonderful we love pictures on this forum.
I know exactly how you feel Tyco calls me mom in my daughter Andraya's voice it will be wonderful when she grows up and leaves home to have her voice stay behind with the presence of a little Grey bird. Andraya just turned 14yrs old the other day. Right now its a pain sometimes to have 2 Andrayas in the house I don't know how many times I've heard Tyco scream MOM and gone to see what Andraya wants only to have her look at me like I've totally and completly lost my mind. Then I realize it was Tyco and I can just hear a faint chuckle in the back ground of Tyco laughing because she got me again. She has the strangest sense of humor. Silly Bird. :laugh: :evil: :laugh:
I'm glad thing went well at the Vets today and that Meiko is back to her old self again so quickly. I think if Meiko is anything like Darius a pine playgym would look like a big new toy he would get very excited and then proceed in turning it into toothpicks. He would have to whole thing demolithed within the first Week LOL I think that a large metel playstand would be the best for Darius or Meiko at least it will last a bit longer.
We are now hopeful that he will be back to his normal self over the weekend (Thursday and Friday here in Oman) and by the time it is your weekeend, We are confident he will join us in thanking all of you. I'm so happy happy that your sweet baby is starting to show some sign of feeling better. I will be praying for him until we get a clean bill of health. Its a very good sign that he's eating on his own and whistling,preening and talking I pray it only continues to get better and better, you 2 are the best parronts and if anyone can pull this baby through It will be you with all the love you are giving.
Jay and Maggie I am so sorry that some low life scum of the earth doesn't even have enough of a spine to pick on someone that is capable of giving them a fair run for the money. What comes around goes around though and I'm fairly sure God has something planned for that person I don't think I'd want to be in his shoes when his Karma catches up to him. Spock your a very good bird to sense that there was a problem and it was very nice of you to try and help cheer up your parronts when they needed it the most. Take care I hope that guy gets everything he's got coming to it make me so angry that their are low lives that have the audacity to pick on someone disabled it makes me sick just to think about it.
tommyn wrote: When he trys to get up onto your shoulder block him with your other hand it sounds like he's trying to push his weight around you also need to teach him how to be Gentle when he grabs your finger or hand long before it starts to hurt say gentle and if he lets go give him tons of praise. When you put him back in his cage and he refuses to step down give your arm and hand a good shake to put him off balance and say step down at the same time if he still refuses give him a little push not hard just enough to get him to move, turn your back imediatly and don't look at him or talk to him start with a 2 minute time out and extend this by 30seconds for each time he doesn't behave. Make sure you say no bite time out so he knows that he'a getting a time out for biting if you have a play stand or a smaller cage that you can use for time outs it would be much better to use either of them rather than the cage he uses as his home which sould always be a place of safty and comfort. A small cage works well for time out or even a table top perch that has no toys just as long as he know he's being deprived of your attention because he is biting always make sure when he does behave and doesn't bite or refuse to step down that you reward him with tons of possitive reenforcment make him a new foot toy or give him his favorite treat and lots of praise get excited about how proud you are of him for being such a good boy. Positive reenforcment is always the best way to teach your bird. I'm not an expert at this I just am telling you what has worked for me and my birds. I hope thing get better for you and your bird its sound like he really wants to be with you so a few short time outs should work fairly quickly<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/30 08:53
I'm so excited about these eggs hatching. I just bought myself a new laptop so kept my old one hooked up so I can see when these eggs start to hatch I don't want to miss a thing so I have one computer to use and one that's hooked into the webcam I hope I don't miss any of it I'm so excited. Its going to be a big event Dave you better stock up on bubble gum cigars for the happy occasion<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/30 04:13
tommyn wrote: How old is Meiko are you at all intimadated by the size of him or his beak. all Macaws will try to intimadate their owners to see if the can get away wth it you can not allow him to ever get the upper hand or it will only get worse. If he bites don't ever say ouch or pull away he will only continue if you can stand it always try to push into a bite not away from it. then calmly and quietly put the bird on his play stand and say no bite in a firm voice and turn your back don't say another word don't look at him or anything for at least 2 minutes then go back and ask if he's going to be good and if he is he can come and play. If he steps up nicely then give him lots of praise and tell him he's a good boy. keep a toy with you at all times if he starts to explore with his beak put a toy in his mouth and say heres a toy. They are great companions but they really need to learn boundrys at a young age and they can sence imediatly if your at all afraid of them and will push it to the limit. So bury those feeling as deep as you can and pretty soon you will have a cuddly loving companion like Darius. I thought for sure I was going to have trouble with Darius before I brought him home he lunged and bit every person in hhis previous home over the 4 days I visited him I thought for sure it was going to be months before I could handle him. That was not the case he regurgatated for me the day I brought him home and has done it everyday since iguess it was love at first site. He can be a brat like all bird and he trys to push his luck when he doesn't want me to take him back to his playstand but I never back down and he's getting better everyday. good luck I hope you can turn things around and have a wonderful friendship with Meiko like I have with Darius
Darius just loves to play and when he get to having fun the first thin he does is roll over on his back so I can tickle under is chin and his tummy he has got to be the sweetwst gentlest bird I've ever seen we have so much fun he just love to come and hang out on my bed in the morning and play for an hour or so I find he really needs this one on one time on a daily basis so before I get the other birds up he come into my room and hangs out with me we have so much fun just playing and cuddleing what a great companion he is. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/29 19:43
Oh my I hope that it not PBFD and I'm praying with everything I have inside me that he will be ok. you are some parronts to risk everything to make sure Rishi got the best care possible. I probably would have done acactly the same thing in your place. Although I would have been shaking in my boots the whole way and praying my bird stayed as quiet as could be while I crossed the border. Please keep us updated on Rishi progress we are all worried about him as if he where our own sweet Grey. Wow I clicked on your link to the hospital you took him to what a wonderful facility you really made sure Rishi got the best of the best. Do people actually keep all those kinds of animals for pets where you live lions and Cheetas and Baboons. If so thats incrediable the Falcons are sure beautiful. Where I live there is a huge community of Bald Eagles I can walk a block down my street and look up into just about every tree and see 3 to 6 Bald Eagles sitting in it they are so beautiful we also have a wide selection of Hawks but no one keeps them as pets We have many different types of birds here because I live right in the middle of a wild bird researve.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/29 16:25
You could try lock down bowls I have to use them for my Tyco because she is like yours she has to just has to dump out bowls she will heven go as far as going to the other biirds cages and dump their bowls as well as hers. I guess she has decided its lots of fun to make a mess and hear the bowl bang around on the bottom of her cage Try googleing Lixit pet food bowls. those are what I use for Tyco they are great.
Grey't video I really enjoyed he's quite the smarty pants isn't. Tyco talks to me also but as soon as I take the camera out she shuts her mouth and won't say another word until I put it away I just bought myself a new camcorder so as soon as I get a firewire outlet put onto my computer I'll make lots of videos because I will be able to set up the camera somewhere other than in my hand. where she won't notice because it won't be in my hand
aren't they silly I know that Jeeper for sure thinks he's as big as Darius he goes and sits on the end of Darius's cage like he his best bud. Thank goodness Darius is a very gentle bird and just sits there doesn't even try to approch Jeepers or any of my birds for that matter the other day I came out of the bathroom to find Tyco sitting on the window sill 6 inches away from Darius's boing which Darius was on at the time. both birds where just sitting there like it was no big deal I almost had a heart attack I went over and as calmly as I could told Tyco to step up and she did no problem. I gave her the lechture of her life as I walked her back to her cage. she just looked at me as if to say whats the big deal. Sometimes my birds just amaze me how well they seem to except each other. I have no Idea why but I'm very glad they do.
No word yet geese I hope no news means good news. Ive been praying my heart out. I sure hope he's ok
Tyco used to barber her feathers on one side so when I got her I had her wings clipped evenly so they would grow back with out her barbering hopfully well it worked but it took a long time just over 2 years I beleive for her to get all her flight feathers its been almost 3 years now and shes just learning to fly a little bit now its taken her a full year of practice just to learn how to fly and land she will be seven years old at the end of February and I got her when she was 4 years old so if your bird wasn't permited to fledge you will have to wait even longer fist its flight feathers have to come in then it has to learn how to fly and the older it is the longer its going to take. Tyco can fly now but she is now where near the flyer my IRN or Adaya or Fergie is MY Indian ring neck and Adaya can fly circils around the other birds they have never been clipped and boy can they fly they are amazing to watch. Fergie my Amazon is a great flyer also but not as good as the babies are. my ring neck is was hatched in March of 2008 so he is 11 months older than Adaya because they are both babys they became good friends and you should see them fly they play catch me if you can or tag and boy do they do some areobatics its really quite amazing to watch. The joy of flying is so obvious they genuinely love flying and spend a good 2 hours everymorning playing tag it show in the bodys they are so healthy and strong just beautiful birds.
So I'm very proud of Adaya she was hatched on Feb.7 of this year which makes her 7months old and she can talk and not just 1 word she say pretty baby, good boy, apple, hungry, whatcha doin, happy, oweeeowahah bing bang, peek a boo. she can mimic the micro wave the dog barking the telephone. and probubly a few other things that I'm forgeting but I'm very very proud of her she is getting to be a great little talker Its probably because she has 5 other birds around her that all talk so she learning a bit of everything from every bird. What a smarty pants eh.
Pearlyn this is a Severe Macaw I have 2 Macaws one is a Harlequin the other is a Severe
he\s very cute if he's putting his head down that usually means they want their head scratched baby Greys are so cuddly and seem to need constant attebtion I know Adaya would be on my 24/7 if I let her but I give her 2 hours of undivided attention everyday. Your daughter is very pretty she seems to like her new pet thats wonderful if your Grey grows up with her they will be grey't friends.I love the pics and I'm glad to hear he is settleing in nicely.
Thats something I don't worry about to much my tree is only 2ft tall. There is only me and Andraya home now and our pets of course. I have 5 kids and all of them are grown up except one so as soon as they got husbands and wives and familys of their own I stopped cooking chrstmas dinner. My son is an chef and so is one of my daughters so going to their house for dinner is always a treat. For 27 years I had 18 people for Chritmas dinner every year my sisters their familys, and my own, My mom & dad. Now usually one of them does thanks giving and then the other does Christmas and since we arean't home much I don't put up a big tree. I live in the middle of no where so I don't get much company so a small tree and a few christmas decorations is all I need I have so many santa dolls and angels mrs santa and of course a chistmas miniature village that is animated and lit up thats enough to try to keep my birds away from at home. Its sure nice not to have to cook anymore the family has grown by 6o7 so who ever does the cooking cooks for about 25 now. I just Love Chistmas its just the best time of year.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/29 01:22
I think Darius might be a "GIRL!!" When I was playing with him/her this morning I giveing head scrithes and he/ she was lifting her tail and back end like Fergie does I think maybe I should get a DNA test done my Darius just might be a Darla LOL
buckley is such a pretty Harlequin Macaw isn't he I wonder If I can teach Darius to say OMG I thought that was just the cutest thing aren't they such beautiful birds I just love mine to bits. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/28 22:40
Yes your colour is most definatly green and you are definatly a smart and beautiful bird. I'm glad your injoying your new toys and that your baths are helping with all those pin feathers I know axactly how your feeling because Fergie YCA is in the exact same shaape right now she has a million new pin feathers all over her head and neck poor thing is so grochy and uncomfortable. every molting season it the same she just hates it so bad Darius is also molting his feathers are looking really shabby I kind of worried about him actually I've moved him into my room so I can keep a closer eye on him.