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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I hear that Hahns Macaws like to bluff so don't back down because he's probably just testing you. They are such great little birds I just adore the macaws big or small I just love my mini Macaw he's got the sweetest voice I've ever heard, and he love his scritches. Congradulations on your new family member
  2. Could you not just harrness and leash the bird into the back seat rather than a carrier I'm working on harness training Darius so I can take him with me he has no problem perching on my shoulder and I'm very petite I figure he can sit in the back seat and I'll secure him to the baby carseat holders. I have a small car also nissan nx so I know how it is. I think any large bird including a BTM is going to be intimadating to some people but I find that most people are just fasinated and want to know all about them. It gives me a chance to tell peaple that they are not the kind of pet to have unless you are prepared for a large bird that is very smart very destructive and that can and will bite if its not happy. It takes a ton of money, time, and work to have a loving companion bird they are like haveing a two or three year old child around for the rest of your life.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/01 23:30
  3. Hi Jen If you can't find a BTM would you be willing to settle for another type of Macaw like a B&G or maybe a hybrid Or maybe even a Red front Macaw they are absolutly beautiful birds I'd love to have one and they are just the perfect size for taking them out every where with you.
  4. Allot of birds are like this not just Grey's. They decide your their chosen one and they don't want anybody or anything interfering with that. my new Macaw has decided that I'm his and when my daughter walks into the room and he wants me to get away from her so I have to put him down very quickly or he will nip me not enough to draw blood but he's a big bird and even a little love bite hurts. I always tell my daughter to keep her distance if I have him he's pretty good but if she gets within about 3 ft of me I'm done for. He doesn't try to bite her just me. talk about misplaced aggression I'm the one he loves for heaven sakes.
  5. HEHEHEHE Thats to funny hehehe {Feel-good-0002006E}
  6. What a pretty boy and you must be thrilled to have him home. If your anything like me when I get a new bird I can't sleep or anything because I'm so excited and have to check to make sure he comfy and happy all night its so silly. I love his name by the way.
  7. Nibbling can sometimes turn into beaking and harder bites. Make sure when your Kids are interacting with the birds that you are supervising. Your bird is just settling in and is on his best behaviour until he gets comfortable with his surroundings and new flock. I would be very Leary about little fingers around any birds beak your bird could bite that little finger off almost. Make sure the kids move very slow around the bird they can startle and bite easily if your child moves to quickly. The bird will get used to having children around and soon enough it won't bother him at all. I think its good your letting your kids get involved in the raising of him. Just be careful and watch the birds body language and try to teach your kids about the birds body language as well
  8. Jay I have a question. Is one of the babies a Green wing Macaw and if so which one is the bigger bird the Green wing or the Harlequin My vet said that many times the Hybrids are bigger than their parent birds. and that often the Harlequins are very large and can reach the size of a HY I just wondered if you think the Harequin baby is going to be bigger than the Green wing baby? Darius is 40 inches long and my vet says he could get up to 1300 or 1400 grams easy. he's a really big bird. he destroyed a 25.00 huge toy in 9 hours it would have taken my other birds 2 years to destroy a toy like that.LOL
  9. I bought mine at pet lovers I find their toys are very reasonable there
  10. ah poor baby he thinks that big scarry thing is going to eat him.lol aren't they funny somtimes as to what they are afraid of. I hope you reassured him that that thing is safe and that you would not let anything bad happen to him. lol so cute.
  11. She just returned my call. I told her about his weight and how unhappy he is about being locked in a room all by himself. She said that the quarentine was just a recomendation and that if I feel that he would be better off with the rest of the flock then its up to me. She's also very pleased that he's gaining weight so quickly. She said that it will probably slow down for awhile soon. He get fed Zupreen Macaw hand feeding formula twice a day along with the rest of his food and a vitamin supplement that the vet prepared for him. So I'm sure he's fine. I'm going to keep him in the same room he is in for now and just open the door so he can come and visit when he wants too. Here's a picture of him getting some fresh air through the screen door
  12. Maybe I should get one of those puzzles for Darius might keep him busy for a day or two until he figures it out. great video. I wonder how fast our Greys could solve it. They would probably think it was to trivial to even try.lol
  13. Boy Harvey doesn't like chicken much (he loves it) so cute my birds would eat chicken every day of their lives if I let them they just love it also. Beautiful picture by the way Harvey is a really pretty Grey.
  14. Darius is somwhat of an escape artist as well so I've opted for nickel plated quick locks. so far he has not been able to open them from inside the cage and let me tell you he has tried I can get them off in a second so in case of an emergency they are perfect. I love the Blue throat Macaws they are beautiful and not quite as large as the B&G If you put a couple ads on Kiiji and Craiglist saying that you are looking for one I'm sure you will get responces before you know it as long as your willing to pay an adoption fee its amazing how many people are willing to part with their pets for a few bucks these days. There are just 2 many people with throwaway mentality's these days
  15. Don't worry be happy one day you will open your mouth and expect an aaawwwkk and a real word or phrase will come out. Sometimes these things take time maybe you vocal cords haven't finished growing yet after all you are still a very young boy. You will be talking soon enough there is no rush and if by chance that some how your vocal cords never develop enough to talk you still have a wonderful flock that loves you and that understands you. So Like I said at the beginning of this post Don't worry be Happy.
  16. My Amazon Fergie will never ever bite me she is as gentle as can be with he beak when it comes to me even when she doesn't want to dosomething and i force the issue until she get into display mode and eyes pinning.She still won't bite but will useually just back down and comply. Sometime she'll take flight but not often. She is the sweetest bird I have ever met.
  17. I weighed him this morning after his big bomb and before he had breakfast he's gained quite a bit. He is weighing in 854 grams now which I think is Pretty good he should weigh somewhere between 1100 and 1300 gr normal weight for his size so he still has a ways to go but if he keeps gaining the way he has been he sould be threre within the next 2or3 months. I'm very happy with this so far I also noticed he is allot more active now wanting to check things out when I go into his room now he is useally standing right by the door wanting to get out. Where as before he was happy to play on his play top or on his gym. I'm going to phone the vet tomorrow and tell her about his weight and about how unhappy he is about being in a room by himself and see if I can't give him a little repreive from this quarentine it seems to be causeing him more stress then it would to be out with the other birds. He's not sick so I don't see the problem and he has gained almost 200 grams which is what she wanted to see him do before she allowed him any contact with the out side world so to speak he only short about 22 grams to get to that 200 gram mark.
  18. What an absolutly adorable little bird he is I just love the new pics so cute. You are going to have quite the collection of memories with all these pics I'm so glad that I took lots of Adaya when she was a baby they are so nice to look back on
  19. Omg look at that full crop on that Harlequinn He looks like he ate enough for all 3LOL so cute
  20. sounds like Darwin has a wonderful sense of humor she's going to be so much fun throughout the years I just love their playfulness you just can't help but laugh sometimes.
  21. I believe lina beans have to be cooked or steamed first I cook them for my birds just to be on the safe side they love them
  22. I hate that so much. I have a Amazon that has a terrible potty mouth she came from an abusive home where there was allot of fighting all the time and if you raise your voice even the slightest bit in anger (I have a 14 yr old daughter) she goes off on her spiel of the filthiest name calling word that are enough to make a sailor cover their ears. I've had her for 8 years and she never hears that language in my home. and most of the time she doesn't use it either its only when she hears someone get angry I guess I'll have it always with her its part of her past (sigh)
  23. Great pics of your Bird and dog. grey't update also I so glad he settleing in well. I feed my birds Zupreen fruity pellets they are the only kind I can get them all to eat and enjoy. I figure if it works why change it for a while I was buying every kind of pellet out there I have 1/2 bags of about 6 different types including Harrisons. my birds wouldn't touch them so I've gone back to the Zupreem Fruity and thats where I'm staying they like it thats all that matters and its got what they need to stay healthy and happy.
  24. I have nothing against haveing a bird clipped when its nessesary heck I've had to clip a couple of my birds through out the years. I do believe a bird should be aloud to fully fledge and learn to land properly before it is clipped if only for the reason so it can fly down to you from a tall tree if by chance he gets a fright and flys up there. My birds are flighted and I do keep them that way most of the time. when I do have their wings clipped I do make sure its done by a professional I do know how to clip my birds wings properly myself but I don't for the simple reason that I would never want to do anything to betray their trust in me I would be devestated if that ever happened so I get my vet to do all my grooming for me that way she's the bad guy and I'm the rescuer It doesn't cost much to make an appointment just to have your birds wings done and its worth it to avoid any heartache or problems later.
  25. Sounds like a good book I think I'll check out the book store today and see if they have a copy Thanks for the info.
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