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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Your new baby is getting cuter everyday I just love all the photo's like Dan said it's a real treat to watch this little guy grow we are so used to seeing parrots grow up and all though they are all so beautiful its really nice to see a different kind of baby grow. Thank you for sharing an keeping us updated
  2. Yes he is a beautiful bird I can't wait til his feather shine and glisten in the sun he has beautiful colours but there is no real shine and even though I bath him all the time. I know with time and good food he will shine like Jeeper's and my other birds do. It took Jeeper's 10 months to look breath taking just imagine what Harley's going to look like.
  3. That's wonderful i so nice to see them flying like they where meant to. she looks like she's enjoying her time at the park. Good for you your a good parront making sure she gets lots of one on one time with you
  4. See its all worth it in the end. I would rather have my birds with me exactly how they are. Then have a perfectly spotless house with no beak marks or chewed window and door frame and to not have them at all. I can live without a perfect house I don't want to ever find out what its like to live without my birds.
  5. The best way to teach your bird is to label everything like you would with a you child when you give him a nut say would you like nut,or what ever it happens to be.Just Think of the bird as your child and your teaching him to talk same thing exactly. Most birds do talk some only say a couple of things some won't ever talk. The best way for a bird to learn is either from another bird or through association
  6. He's a good looking baby don't worry you will do just great he will be cuddling and loving you in no time.
  7. Poor Artie if he's not getting in trouble with you he's getting in trouble with the bird LOL cute story
  8. That's wonderful even though they may never pet good pets at least they have each other and they are happy and healthy. You have done a wonderful thing by just loving them unconditionally that all any bird need and wants Karma to you and thanks for the update.
  9. Since every one wants to see some new pictures of Harley I thought I take a few for you
  10. Caitlan my vet figures that Harley should weigh somewhere around 1200 gr he's a very big bird. He's about the same size as a GWM.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/31 14:14
  11. The vet said she wants to wait and see how low his his nutritional levels are to see how malnurished he really is. I told her that I've had him for 2 weeks already so they may not be as bad a they were when I got him. She said they should still be down quite a bit. She said once that's done she would write a formal letter herself and make sure something is done. She said That its very lucky that Harley is young and strong or he could have surcome to any number of things being as skinny as he is. So I'm praying that the blood work comes back ok. She was pretty angry about the whole situation actually. She said people need to be educated on how to properly take care of them. she said so many people are living in the past before we learned that birds need more than seeds to be healthy. She said there are still way to many people that own birds that still think that how and what to feed them. The birds literally die of malnutrition at a very young age. She said that the larger birds will only live about a 1/3 of their natural life span if fed an all seed diet and that if their lucky and don't get sick first.
  12. What a day. Harley weighs 673gr the vet says he is at minamum 200 gr under weight. other than that he Did well in his general check up his poop has no worms or perisites no bactreria infections his eyes,ears nose and inside of his mouth all look good his heart and lungs sound good so basicly he good except for his weight as far as outward apperances go. We had to give him a sedate him mildly he has never been to the vet before and was very scares so it helped to keep things calm while she did everything that had to be done he got blood drawn and his nails dremaled she testing for the 3ps plus heavy metal she also sent away a sample of his poop I forget what the test is called she said with a good diet he should put on weight fairly quickly. so the test results should all be back next Friday at the latest so that all there is to tell for now. he's still a little drowsy but he did eat a little when we got home. I fill you in on the rest when everything come in.
  13. OMG its a baby Harley I wondered what he looked like when he was little now I know sososososo cuuuuttteee You must be haveing a great time with them.
  14. Don't you wish the Grey's would get that excited about having a shower we may even solve their dust problems if they liked their showers Your U2 sounds like a very sweet bird.
  15. This site has some wonderful Ideas with step by step instructions http://www.cheepparrottoysntips.com/
  16. ah poor KoKo I'm sure she will be fine once she realizes Mocha is a bird and not a horrible creature from the abiss .
  17. welcome Bertie a beautiful Grey I think most Grey owners have bathing troubles you'll find a way she likes eventually.
  18. Jiggy sounds like a wonderful bird is he the only bird you have ever owned or did you have other birds before him? welcome to our family enjoy the forum its the best on the web.
  19. 3 of my birds have leg bands and it does worry me my Indian ringneck especially because he is so active and can get into the tiniest of places. My 2 Macaws also have leg bands Jeepers I don't worry about to much because he doesn't move off his playstand unless I step him up. Harley I think should have his cut off he is very active and loves to play and show off I think tomorrow when I take him in I'll see what my vet thinks about it and if it doesn't cost to much maybe I'll get it removed
  20. Thats a wonderful toy I'm going to have to get a few of those for my birds I'm sure they would have a great time with them
  21. Spock so your growing up and starting to want to do things for yourself like getting your own food. I think your slaves like doting on you and you should let them do it for you it makes them happy:laugh:
  22. Harley, Tyco, Fergie, and Raja have all reguratated for me. all except Harley swallows it back down. Sometime Harley will swallow it also but sometime its in my hand or it drops to the floor. He is such a sweet bird he just want to play and love all the time. he will lay in my arms like a little baby for ever and long as I keep rubbing his beak and scritching his big soft fluffy head what a snuggle bunny macaw I have I never realize how sweet and how smart these guys are.
  23. For breakfast my birds have either multi grain french toast or an omelet with peppers broccoli and cheese wth multi grain toast or scrambled eggs with toast. If its egg day. if its not then they get birdy muffin (full of fruity pellets and oatmeal and blueberry's) or granola, shreddie's,or cherrios. and multi grain toast. After breakfast I fill their dishes with 1/3cup of feista or pretty bird seed mix the also get dried fruit banana chips mango, Pappya,at lunch they get fresh veggie somethin dark and leafy carrot broccoli,snap peas, green beans,corn onthe cob, and some fresh fruit grapes apple, cherrys,strawberrys, mellon,blue berrys,black berrys what ever is in season for dinner they get whatever I'm eating and if i'm not cooking or its a work night they get their 18bean & 6differennt kinds of rice mash which also has barley and other grains vegatables and pellets.they also get human grade walnuts.almonds,brazil nuts,pecans, pinenuts, and hazel nuts. and they always have pellets available at all times.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/17 01:14
  24. Spock and Adaya would get along grey't she loves being on her back as well. I swear that bird spends more time on her back than she does the right way round.
  25. I don't if she did it intentionally and really hate to think that anyone would. I know that the family has fallen on hard times. her husband lost his job and the bills were mounting up pretty badly that's one of the reasons she was rehoming the birds apparently she owed the utility company 1700. dollars and they where going to cut it off if she didn't come up with the money quickly they are a family of 4 and they also have 12 horses and 4 dogs the doges and horses all look well fed and healthy so I really don't understand it maybe she just doesn't realize how much a bird needs to eat to be healthy and like I said she only fed Harley about a 1/4 maybe a 1/3 of a cup of seed twice a day and as soon as he stopped eating she would take his dish away so he wouldn't dump it. I have noticed he really doesn't eat much of his seeds I don't think he likes them much he eats the pellets out of them and leave pretty much everything else she bought Bulk parrot mix which has nothing in it except safflower sunflower and peanuts so who knows I guess she just couldn't afford to feed them high quality food she did say they where very expensive to feed and she was always looking for the cheapest food for them. I really hate to think anyone would do this to a bird on purpose. I know she said she sold 3 of her horses too I guess they are just trying to some how make ends meet.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/16 22:57
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