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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Thanks for all the wonderful things everyone said about my new sweet baby even if he is 5 years old he's my new baby. I just can't beleive this is the same bird I was visiting for the week before I brought him home he was so nasty with them. now that he's here and had a taste of the good life he's just a big cuddle muffen. You should see me trying to get him to go in his cage at bed time. he makes me laugh so hard it like he's saying no mom can I stay up a bit longer he starts putting his head under my chin and looks up at me with the sweet birdy face then he rubs his face against mine. mean while the whole time I'm saying come on Harley its bed time its time to go in your house. its really hard to keep a straight face when you have this big bird with a huge smile on is face rubbing his head up against you face and snuggling under you chin. he such a little love monkey its hard to be strict with him. he makes me laugh
bringing home my new baby macaw pebbles on sat
Tycos_mom replied to shazbaby36's topic in Other Birds
Is that a picture of Pebbles on your avitar if so she is very pretty. I guess you are going to be hand feeding her since it takes about a year for them to wean. I can't wait to see some pictures and maybe a video or two. Tell us more about her plleasse:laugh: -
I had a GCC and just after I got Tyco like within 2 days Tyco reached through the bars of my GCC cage and bit his top mandable off. Sprout (gcc) kept getting up in Tycos face squawking and cattering at Tyco tryingtopick a fight. the door bell rang and I was the washing machine repairman. I let him in and showed him where the washer was and all of a sudden I heard a blood curdleing scream and I ran to see what was going on and tyco still had sprouts Top mandable in his mouth I'll never forget that morning I blame myself.I rushed him to the vet than goodness there was no internal damage to this day I don't now how I got there saftly I was crying so hard I could hardly see the road. I had to hand feed sprout for 7 months until his beak grew enough to be able to learn to eat on his own again. He lives with my daughter now Sprout just was totally bonded to her so when she moved she took him and Luna My fiery shouldered conure.
They are so cute sitting there its nice to see that they are tolerating each other being so close yet so far away. Nice looking birds. I'm glad Keeko's feeling better
OMG that is just so precious a little sleeping angel. Just enough to make my heart melt. thank you for showing us your baby he's so sweet
Very happy about Harrisons & let's discuss poop!
Tycos_mom replied to lovethatgrey's topic in Bird Food
I do think that is a good sign it means she has good health droppings all my birds have droppings like that except Jeepers he refuses to eat pellets. but all the rest of my birds eat their pellet and all have very healthy poop -
Hello from Barrie, Ontario Canada!
Tycos_mom replied to MsGardeness's topic in Welcome & Introduction Room
That so grey't you said you another 3 parrots what kind are they. if he's fully weaned then he is at his full average weight now. I have 2 Greys one is 6yrs old and the other is a baby she will be 6 months old on the 7th of aug welcome i look forward to reading more about you grey and other birds in the coming weeks. We also have a room for other birds so you can tell us all about them as well in the other birds room. -
Jim you should try some of those exotic dishes you might like them once you develop a taste for them. like all exotic food they are an acquired taste. I'm glad to hear that your trying hard to learn the human language so that the line of communication can open between you and the humans. and I am sorry to hear that those Tribbles are still giving you trouble. You have to admit they are cute even though their a bit of a pest.
He did gurge a little Every time I pet him he thinks its time to share his food with him. I don't know how to stop him from trying to feed me. One thing I've notice is that he really likes Zupreem fruity Pellets I don't think he ever tasted a pellet before comeing to my house I gave him a handful in his dish at bedtime last night in case he woke up hungry and he ate almost all of it. I;m very happy about that its not going to take long for me to get him on a healthy diet. he seems to eat some of everything I give him.:)I was thinking I might change his name he doesn't much look like a motorcycle to me what do you think of the name Darius<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/06 01:22
Don't feel bad I live in Canada and everytime I take Adaya Out I get asled if she's a pigeon all the time and one day this little kid asked me if my bird was a pigeon and his mom said no dear that a Macaw HEE HEE
Tyco is 6 years old has a vocabulary of approx 200 words she knows what toys are and and calls them by name she says ring the bell before she rings it she has a bug toy she calls bugaboo that says I love you if we are having chicken for dinner she say yum yum chicken yummy for the tummy. she know what a cherry grape apple water and asks for them by name. she calls to my daughter by her name me she calls mom and she knows all 3of the dogs name and calls them tells them to go lay down and alsotells them no barking when they are barking she knows all the birds name and if one of them is being a pest she will tell them to go away. she also asked for her toys to be picked up if she drops them. Its really quite amazing how much she has learned since being in my home. 2years ago she said hello and made sound effects that she heard outside her window of the room she was in thats all now she talks all the time and everything she say is in context.
I have two of those electronic mouse deterents I live in a rual area and mice are just part of it. I have never seen a mouse in my house in the two years I've lives here they work great.
I don't think the sex of the bird has much todo with it. Every bird has its own personality and your female is out going and extroverted and your male has chosen to be a one person bird and is more cautious of people he doesn't know. Many Greys are like this. It's very normal behaviour for a Grey
I hope this video works I'm still not very good at this. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/05 22:00
Oh Yea me too Adaya and my Indian ring neck chase each other all over the house playing tag Its fun to watch them they can create quite the wind as they fly at full speed dodge doorway and other things that get in their flight path. Its really quite something to watch I sometime jump thinking for sure there is no way they are going to be able to dodge what is in front of them only to watch them defy all lodgic and stop in mid air turn and fly the other way.
That hurts but be will be right as rain in a couple days Under you loving care. Sounds like you found a very caring vet My vet is like that also and always asks if I want to stay and watch everything that is being done. Sometimes I do sometimes I opt out depending on whats being done if its to get nail,or beak trimmed I usually opt out I don't want my birds to associate me with with that kind of thing I'm the rescuer LOL but when Tyco bit Sprouts top mandible off I watched everything she did we where there for a good hour she was wonderful and she phoned my the following day to ask if sprout was eating ok and if i was having trouble just to bring him in anytime and they would give him a tube feeding. she was so great I'm glad you found one like mine they are the best when they really truly care about the birds they treat
Thats so sweet of you that should help put a smile on her face
You have a heavy routine I thought I was busy I have it easy with 6 birds compared to you but I do the same sort of thing we have a fairly strict routine and I try my best to stick to it. The only difference is I don't leave them everyday i only work 3nights a week from 5pm til 11 pm so I do most of my shopping after work our grocery stores are open until midnight and I do most everything i need to do the nights that I work. I do go for about 2 hours from 8am til 10 am on Tuesday's because I have to plck up bird supplys such as pellets seed mix toys and anything else I may need for them that morning my birds stay covered an extra hour until I get back so they don't even know I'm gone. all the rest of the time we spent together. I'm lucky if you can call it that, I get a disability check each month so I don't have to work full time and my job pays really well. Also I own my home outright so no more morgage. this allows me to spoil my fids and take care of them the way they deserve. Its trully amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. I don't think I could do what you 2 do 19 birds is a little to much for me. I'm still trying to fit Harley into the Flock right now he gets about 10 minutes of total one on one time every 2 hours from 9am til 9pm and like the rest his cage is opened at 9am and they are all put to bed at 9pm tuck in kissed good night given a scritch and covered.
I wish we had a Smiths/Krogers here in Canada but that ok my birds just eating regular organic peanut butter I'll just add my own red palm oil.
patient He is new to your home and he is testing his limit. keep talking to him and offering treats. If he goes to bite you say no bite don't shout but say it like you mean it and give him a dirty look and turn your back and walk away Ignore him completely for at least 1 minutes. To show him you want to be friends don't look at him straight on look at him with one eye or put your head down. never approach the cage straight on come in from the side or zigzag all this will tell your Grey that you want to be friends. You can always try offering him you tightly closed fist bend close your fist and bend your rist downward so that the skin on the back of your hand is very tight. then put your fist under his beak and say go ahead if you want to bite me get it over with. he will not be able to get a grip on the back of your fis just make sure you adjust your hand when he moves his head so that the top of your fist is always lined up with his beak and don't show any fear if he does bite you do not react Greys love drama and if your screaming in pain he will continue to bite because he will think its a game. I hope all this helps you.
I'm so pleased with the way Harley is settleing in. The way Harley acted towards his previous owners I really felt that I was going to have way more trouble than he's given me. I saw him bite every person in that house hold at one time or another during the week I was visiting every day. The only exception to that was the young girl and she talked very quietly to him and moved in very slowly she gave him a little scritch and got him to step up inside his cage this whole process took about 2 or 3 minutes it was to show me he could be touched. Well he is a different bird now that he is here I have never seen such a gentle bird with me I offered him a blackberry earlier and he was so gentle when he took it from between my fingers. He kisses me on the face with his tongue. You should see him dance boy can he shake his booty I will have to try and get a video he's a little camera shy. The only problem I'm having is that every time i give him scritches he gurges and I don't want him to give me his food. When he does it I say thank you Harley I love you too but I don't need your food and then I walk away. How can I stop him from doing this please someone help. I walk away when he does it do you think that will work if I keep doing this. Oh yea he's also talking up a storm he says quite a few things so far. I also wanted to ask if you think this is just a honeymoon period and when he settles will he be like he was with his old family. Or do you think he's just a very happy bird and will stay as wonderful as he is right now.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/05 08:54
My Breeder that I got Adaya from had allot of Babys, all at the same time. and he asked my if I would take 3or4 to hand feed and He would give me one of the baby's I said I didn't want to take on that kind of resposibility but that I would take one of the baby's for 1/2 price. I lived 300 miles away away from him so if I had of taken the 4 baby's they would of had to be flown or driven back to him. So maybe the same sort of thing happens with your breeder.
I get my big baskets from the thrift store they always have a wonderful selection and their only 50 cents each.
I have tears running down my face This is such good news I'm so glad please make sure if you take Chikki out that he's harnessed or in a small cage or at very least a teather around his leg. The tears of joy just won't stop I'm laughing and crying at the same time Thank God he hears and answers the prayers of his people.
I'd say he's just getting some excersize after being in his cage he wants to use his wings a bit he's getting out some of his pent up energy My birds do the same thing.