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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Ahh that'S so sweet he loves you so much he'd rather be with you than playing with his toys. I betif you where to get down on the floor with him he would play with his new toy sound like a great toy I'll have to see if I can find one of those.
My birds love them also and most of the birds are fairly neat about eating them But Tyco shakes her head every time she takes a bite what a mess it must be a Grey thing. They really are the messiest birds I've ever owned.
Looks like another hot day today thats it I've had it I moveing a air conditioner into my bedroom I haven't had a good nights sleep in days I know its not good for my birds but they will have to live with it I'm sure they will enjoy a little cool air I'll keep it on low the window is 1 1/2 ft off the ground so I'm sure they can get away from any direct cold air blowing on them
shes a real beauty I just adore the Amazon species they are just the best companions a little on the noisy side but their wonderful personality makes up for it
Like I said just check with the airline its a long trip so provision must be made to keep the baby from over heating I'm sure everything will be fine I had my GCC shipped to me in the middle of winter and it can get really cold up here in canada I had to wait 2 extra weeks for the weather to break because it was 12 below 0 finaly we got a day the the tempeture went up to 1 above and we decided it wasn't going to get any better than that. he was fine and was so happy to be home what a great little bird he is still that was almost 3yrs ago now wow how time flys.
OmgOMg what kind of Macaw is it I'll raise it give to me just Kidding I think I'll have my hands full with Harley coming home on Monday.
Don't worry its only 10 days thats like a minute in the life of a Grey they do everything in slow motion 10 day out of 75 years is nothing you'll be home before he even realizes that your gone.
Its hot has been for a month we got 2 nights when we had rain thunder and lighting but it was still hot it 110 in the shade its way to hot to even step outside the door. I wish I could just spend everyday at the beach but my birds need me to be here so I sit here happily with them. Where did my life go ahhhh.
Oh man what a sweet heart I can't look at all these baby pics it just makes me to broody and wanting another wee one to raise.
Beautiful pictures I'm a terrible photographer I try and try but just cant do it. I don't think KOko's beak looks fake both my Grey's beaks look like that I think it has allot to do with nutrition as well all my birds eat pellets along with lots of fresh fruits and veggies a mixture of 6or7 kinds of rice with their 18bean and rice mash I make sure they gat a very balance nutritional diet that is the key to keeping every part of your bird looking and feeling their best.
he is so cute I can't beileve how litte and darling he is I could just squeeze him and eat him all up:laugh: How can you stop wanting to just cuddle him all the time I'd never want to put him down. Thanks for sharing him with us he's just TC(too Cute)
Thats funny I would be afraid he would lose his grip and get caught in the fan. I had a girlfriend that had a B&G and he loved riding on the ceiling fan also it was really funny to watch I wonder why they like that so much you would thing they would get an upset tummy I guess they are more like children than we know because I don't know one kid that doesn't like to spin them selves around till they get so dizzy that they fall down I guess birds are the same way.
Tyco is not a whistler she wolf whistles and does little whistle but that's about it. my Amazon on the other hand is a great whistler and singer she does Andy Griffith theme song. Baby face. Bye bye Blackbird. and she sings opera beautifully. So I think it just depends on what they enjoy doing Tyco does sing a little She sings Girls just wanna have fun. and old MacDonald had a farm,and If your happy and you know it flap your wings, a couple others also.
I have a Greencheeked conure and Ive had a Fiery shouldered conure and both were and the GCC is still the quietest birds I own. They are so much fun to watch they love to entertain. they are also very cuddley and are not fussy who they get attention from as long as they get some. They are definatly people birds. and they think they can take onthe world be careful of them around your Grey My GCC got up in Tycos face when I first got Tyco and Tyco reached through the bars of Sprouts cage and riped his top mandable right off I had to hand feed sprout for 7 months till he learned how to eat and got some growth back he will never have a full top mandable again. they will try to take on any large bird they think they are the biggest bird in the world Sprout doesn't think so anymore and is the sweetest most lovy little guy in the world he's fully flighted and will never fly away he flys all over the back yard and always comes back and wants to be cuddled and loved. He's a very special bird.
OMG get a new camera Quick You can miss out on pictures like that those are memories. I would have loved to have seen a picture of that It must have been the most precious picture. I bet you just stood there and said aaaahhhhhh
I just notice this thread I'm so happy that Simba is home hounds to me like your just smitten with with the new love of your life. Your right a pet store is definitely no place for a beautiful intelligent bird its like a kid having to grow up in an orphanage rather than have a real home with a real mom and dad
That was so cute putting his naughtyness into a poem very cute. Jillybeanz I guess you learned pretty quickly that being house proud and owning a parrot don't go together well. I also learned that lessen very early on. I would much rather have my bird than a pristine house.
I don't think the cargo areas have air conditioning and that where your bird will be ask your breeder to check with the airline
Well there is 2 of you and like you say Spock is flock leader so that's 8 birds each and you both share Spock that's not a good number. I have 6 when Harley comes home and I also have my daughters Green cheeked conure at the moment because her room mate is really stressing the poor little guy out he's not a bird person and when sprout starts chirping and making birdy noises he hits his cage so my daughter told him he has to move but she had to give him a months notice so he has until Sept 1st so I have Sprouty until then which is fine with me he was my bird but he bonded with my daughter when she was still living at home so I let her take him when she moved she's here 3or4 times a week to visit so Sprout won't miss her to much.My birds are all fairly large and now I'm taking on a real big guy. No wonder my kids call me the crazy bird lady.:laugh:
If its very hot the day he's being shipped maybe ask the breeder to soak him down before putting him on the plane so he doesn't over heat. they can overheat so quickly in this warm weather. Or maybe she could put a hot water bottle in the crate full of Ice to help keep it cool in there.
Thank you from all of us I'm sure for the wonderful complements. Everyone here Loves their birds so much and the truly truly care about the other Grey's and birds of the members here It is very much like being part of a family and we try to help each family member with any problems they may have with their birds. I love this forum and I'm very proud to be a member of it:)
It gets so hot in the room that the birds are in I thought i would put some Ice in their water bowls it was so funny to watch them trying to fish the ice cubes out of the bowls My Ice machine makes 1/2 circle Ice cubes and Tyco was the funniest she would hold the Ice in her mouth and bob her head up and down with her feather all fluffed up and she would do this until the Ice melted then she would go get another one and do it again I spent the after noon watching my birds fishing for ice cube and laughing like heck
It was 110 degrees today and when I went there no one was home and Harley and the other 3 birds she has were on the sundeck in the back yard it faces south so the sun beat down all day long. I thought I'll go say hello to harley since I was there anyway and what I saw made me want to cry this was at 10am the birds had no food at all in there cages and maybe an inch of water in their water dishes. There was not enough water to cool down with even if they wanted too. I went home and came back at 2pm with some nuts and an apple and my water sprayer. I got there and still nobody home and the birds are still outside now panting like crazy. So I sprayed them all down with the water bottle all of them where screaming and opening their wings and haveing a wonderful time getting cooled off then I gave them all a few nuts each and a quarter of an apple and left again I went back at 5pm she said she had to go to the specialist in Langley and just got home she was filling the birds dishes when I got there and she was going to spray them down because they were panting like crazy again. She said she didn't think she was going to be gone so long or that it was going to ge that hot she says some days its just to hot to put them outside she would come home to dead parrots. she would have today if I didn't show up there. Some people. anyway it looks like Harley will be home by Monday I hope he lasts until then.I only owe another 2 hundred dollars on him and then he's mine and I work tomorrow Friday and Saturday so I should have enough to pay him off by the end of the weekend.
That is such good news That's why when the birds start to pluck its best to make a vet visit to make sure they are healthy. I'm so glad that Gizmo's on her way to health that's great. Your a good parront and I'm sure once Gizmo is finished her meds she will be back to her old self cause problem making a mess and giving you all the love and companionship you could ever want.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/30 02:54
These poor birds there are just way to many birds out there that need a wonderful home with all the love care and companionship they deserve because we humans have taken them from their natural environment and brought them into our homes because we think they are beautiful. well since we've done this then we have to take responsibility for all these birds that we have tamed because they can never be returned to the wild I think what you and Maggie do is a very wonderful thing. If I had the money I would open a rescue for unwanted parrots also. Since I don't have the money I do what I can within my means. I really should not take Harley but I just don't want him ending up in a revolving door of home after home after home as it is I will be his third owner that's enough for any bird.