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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. I know what your going through and it brings back memories of when I had to rehome Mr. Magoo my Cockatoo. he had been a lone bird for 25 years and would have killed every bird I had if given the chance. I loved him so much he was so cuddly and sweet and everything you could want in a companion but he attacked my daughter and the other birds and I had to do what was best for all concerned even though it was the hardest thing I've ever had todo. I think it take a great parront that conciders whats best for the entire flock and not just whats best for them and you are a great parront the love you are showing for Jasper and his well being is the most selfless act I've seen in awhile even though your heart is breaking you are willing to let Jasper go so that he can have a life that is not in constant torment from your other birds that is love the hardest kind of love.
  2. it sounds normal to me Adayas poop verys from green to brown to dark brown sometimes its a little softer than other times it just depends on what she eats more of that day
  3. well least the mouse is gone. I used to have a cat that liked to bring me live mice. I had a patio window off my bedroom and she would sit out there at night and meow to come in. I could always tell if she was meowing with a mouse in he mouth. If I let her in she would jump upon the bed and drop the mouse on me. and of course i'd scream the mouse would run with the cat chasing the mouse it was horrible so I stopped letting her in after about the third time she did this. And that silly cat would pile up the dead mice outside that door all night long when one would die from her playing with it she would go get another one. one morning I woke up to 8 mice outside my bedroom door. Silly silly cat. I just loved her to pieces.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/20 14:32
  4. I have never had a problem with toys I just hang them next to to their cage and usually within a day they are checking it out they have never been totally scared of anything new cautious yes afraid no way.
  5. That's very true of most Grey's in a strange setting they turn into Grey statues with their feathers tight to their bodies I could just see us all trying to pick out which statue is ours lol
  6. As parronts we always worry about our feathered kids it completely natural. I'm sure I've gone almost totally Grey from worrying about mine.
  7. I agree I keep my macaw in a different room than my grey and although they can see each other they are at least 18 ft away from each other with an air cleaner in between them.
  8. Sachi is very pretty and Emma sounds like she's trying hard to get your attention.
  9. Tycos_mom


    I don't know what else you can try I've never had a quaker. I've heard they are 1 person birds though maybe he just needs some quality one on one time have you tried some trick training or anything maybe he needs something more from his human than just being talked to oe held. just a sugestion.
  10. he sure is getting good and wet i love the way bird look when they're soaken wet lol
  11. if your worried you should call your avian vet she will know if its normal or weather you should bring your baby in or not.
  12. wow what a great toy i love it thats the kind of toy I need to hang in my birds Atom they seem to really like to destroy any of the wooden toys I hang in there really quickly mabie somthing like that would last a bit longer.
  13. i have a facebook account but I'm a very bad mommy because none of my birds do I also have a my space account.
  14. you guys have totally lost it roflmao
  15. If I need to take a nap I just do it the birds will usually nap also if they see me napping.
  16. Try the riddex rodent repeller it works great I haven't seen even so much as a fruit fly in my house since I pluged it in. and they are on sale right now.
  17. Well I'm so happy for you Char My birds have always liked the water so its never been a problem for me but I do know how frustrating it can be til you find a way that they like Adaya prefers the sprayer and Tyco likes to sit in the bath ful of water with the shower on. so I think its what each one prefers and sometimes it takes a while to figure out which way is right for your bird
  18. Peanut butter works great also but a rodent repeller is the best I use the rid X rodent repeller it also repells bugs so it says anyway. it works with the wireing of your home they have a web site www.riddex.com<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/18 17:38
  19. What a very lucky lady she is to have 2 homes she's going to just love going to the country house to hang out and takj to all her wild neighbours. I know my birds look forward to it. all I have to say is wanna go outside and I have 3 birdys hanging off their cages waiting for me to step them up to take them. what a good parront you are.
  20. Tyco swings upside down like that and sings the batman theme song except when the song says batman she says batbird shananananabbatbird its very cute. and so is Emma.
  21. Yes you are one very naughty Grey Your very lucky to have such a forgiving Mom and Dad.
  22. Omg they are all so cute I just love Amazon they just have the best sence of humor of all the birds I've ever met they have a way about them that just cracks me up. My Amazon can make me laugh even when I'm in the worst possible mood. she just knows exactly what to say and do at the appropriate time.
  23. I must be lucky or something my birds don't try to eat off my plate. I just make sure I give them some of what I'm eating in their dish show them that they have the same thing and they stay put. mind you Tyco always gobbles hers down before I finish and stares at me beggingly and tells me it all gone.
  24. I live in the country and I keep a rodent repeller on all the time and its never affected my birds as far as I can tell.
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