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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Well Tyco has taken to the new Atom no problem I really have to get it to its permanet spot soon before I don't have a ceiling left I also got to get to the lumber yard for some 2 inch pvc to make some ceiling protectors so much to do and I'm still sick its back to work tomorrow night so I'll pick everything I need up then
  2. Very good post I have five and although it does cost allot to keep them and I do spend most of my money on them I find that my Greys are the most costly because of the food they waste my other birds don't go through nearly as much because they don't waste it. my Greys throw more pellets and seed mix out of their dishes into their poop at the bottom of their cages in three days than all the others eat in a month toys are rotated even though they are expensive allot of them I can make and they playgyms last a very long time. Vet bills can add up quickly especially if you have more than one sick at atime. The damage to my home is going to be quite the bill when I finally get around to it. I have 3 dogs also which are not even close to what I spend on my bird and that includes grooming for my Shih Tzu every 4 months at 50 dollars a time and 75 dollars twice a year for my Collie.I really do beleive that my Grey cost at least twice as much as any other parrot I own then my Amazon come in a close 2nd but only during the mating season when she want to nest. other than that she is happy to chew on her toys and play on her boing and other play areas around the house. in the summer time she likes to be outside in the outdoor cage and will whistle and talk to anything and anyone who will listen for hours. my neighbour just love to come by and listen to her sing and talk she has gained quite the audience its funny to see all our neighbours lined up at the fence talking to your parrotlol
  3. She is haveing fun learning how to get around. Tyco'S really eyeing the atom she gave it a little push earlier so it won't be long before she declares it hers. She will be chasing Adaya off of it that how it started with the globe also. She will allow Adaya to play on it as long as she doesn't feel like playing at the moment but Adaya is stubborn and rarely takes no for an answer.
  4. that is wonderful news those first words are sososo exciting
  5. i have one simalar but I bought it for my Severe Macaw because he was cage bound for 6 yr. in his previous home so I wanted something that was like a cage without bars. I can tell you this my Greys won't go near it. my Macaw loves it. So I guess it depends on the bird your birds may really like it.
  6. Not yet Tyco will take a day or 2 but she will join Adaya especially if Adaya's having too much fun<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/08 04:27
  7. Well Its not in its permanent spot but I did manage to hang it up. I think Adaya wants it all to herself because she chased Raja off of it 3 timelol. anyway here she is in video <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/08 04:22
  8. Tyco likes to shower and bath at the same time she likes me to put the plug in and fill the tub while she shower she likes running in and out of the shower and dunking her head under the water in the tub she gets right carryed away sometimes. Adaya prefer to have a bath with the spray bottle although Ive never tried taking her into the shower with me she may really like it I'll have to try. I think its grey't that Echo loves having fun in the shower with you least you have one thing less to worry about
  9. Tyco loves to throw dishes I have hers locked down but if I don't watch her she will go around to every birds cage and throw the dishes full of food across the room. I was out one day just after I got her and she escaped from her cage(she has an escape proof cage now) any way I came home to my kitchen in shamble and she had let every bird out and threw every food dish in every direction all over my kitchen she must have had the time of her lifeLOL:evil:
  10. Does he have blocks of wood to chew on you can go to any lumber yard and buy untreated pine or spruce and drill holes and cut it into blocks and string the blocks on some rope that way if he likes to chew wood he will have lots to chew You can also buy the abc wooden childrens block a package of 12 for a dollar at the dollar store my birds love them as foot toys and they spend hours chewing them up.
  11. thank you and yes its actually raining a little here and there we need the rain badly its so much cooler now i don't even need the air conditioners.
  12. My birds Atom Arrived today and I got food poisoning from a burgerking hamberger yesterday and I'm still so sick. way to sick to hang it my poor birds didn't even get uncovered until 10 am and it took everything I had just to give them some pellets and seeds I don't dare look at real food or I be back in the bathroom for another 6 hours. yuk I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow and I'll make a video of the birds playing on their new Atom (if they take to it that is)
  13. Not me when I go to the produce store I buy lots I have 5 hungry big birds to feed every week I buy things for cooking like sweetpotatos, turnips squash. then theres carrots brocolli 3or4 leafy thing 3or4 different peppers apples snap peas blueberrys grapes straberrys cherrys peaches oranges cherry tomatoes green beans it always cost at least 20 to 30 dollars even though I don't buy lots of any one thing I buy lots 1/2 Lb of this and 1/2 lb of that adds up
  14. I'm very sure she was saying to her self gotcha 1 for me :laugh:
  15. will Harvey step up onto a perch? Will he go in and out of his cage on his own? maybe your parents can just open the cage door and let him come out on his own. and if he doesn't go back on his own maybie they can put his favorite treat in the cage so he will go in and they can shut the door behind him explain to your parents the he doesn't like to poop in his cage and he has to be let out to go at least 3 or 4 times a day or if at all possible let him out all day and when he goes back in to have his dinner maybe shut the door then.
  16. Yes you have to be careful how you clean the powder coated cages thats for sure you can't use anythin abrasive I find the best and easiest way is to just take it ouside and hose the whole thing down In the winter I just use vinagar and water soak it down let it sit till the dried poop and food soften and wipe it off no scrubers or it will scratch the paint and you got rust. you just have to be more careful. I'd love to be able to afford ss but there isn't a hope of that as long as my youngest still lives at home gosh teenage girls are expensive. I still have at least 4 years of her living at home so its PC for my bird for awhile Dave I would love to see a picture of your aviary I would love to have one built for my birds. and if it can be stored for winter all the better since I live in Canada.
  17. Judy I would have love to have seen Sunny all covered with bubbles it had to be to cute:laugh: Conures sure do love taking a bath don't they I know my 2 would be in there every chance they got. Its so much fun to watch them splashing around getting themselves soak and everything else in a 10 ft radius:laugh: I miss watching them my daughter Tuesday took them when she moved my Green cheek was very attached to her and my Fiery Shouldered conure was very attached to my Green cheeked Conure and visa versa so I didn't have the heart to slit them up
  18. Are you hand feeding him or is he weaned? at this age he should just be learning how to fly holding onto things and flapping like crazy getting those musule built up and feeling the lift under his wings. Does he fly at all yet I hope he's not clipped yet because its bad if they get clipped before they learn to fly and land properly. I like his name he's very cute. He should also be starting to climb and play with his toys they are very clumsy at this age so if he's in a very large cage you should pad the bottom with some thick towel or a blanket and put the news paper on top of it. Also put his perches and food down low as well. You don't want him to fall and slit his keel bone open or worse. Enjoy him and give him a cuddle and a scritch for me I just love the baby's they are just so darn sweet.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/07 02:06
  19. He's so "CUTE!!" its nice to here he's living the life of leisure. and that his slaves are running around trying to do everything to make his life wonderful.:laugh: :woohoo: Adaya also love to play on her back she thinks there is nothing better than either laying in my hand having a wrestling match with my other hand or dangling upside down from my hair and trying to grab my nose with her beak. I hate it but haven't been able to stop her from doing it yet she thinks its the funnest game ever the silly bird.:evil::silly: I've tried putting my hair up with big bows and berets but she doesn't care it doesn't stop her.:)I may just have to cut all my hair off that would fix her:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/07 06:28
  20. I'm sure it will be fine I would put the air cleaner close tthe middle divider so incan catch as much dander as possible before getting to the Macaw side some macaws can be extra sensitive to it in which case you will have to get another cage and put it somewhere other than where your grey's are you can try the divider for now and see how it goes. I have a Severe Macaw and I keep him in a separate room from my Greys he's in the same room with my indian ringneck all the birds can see each other but I dokeep them apart because of the dander.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/07 00:09
  21. I love the name Apollo great name for a Grey. It sounds like your going to be a grey't parront and that your bird is settling nicely into your home. I'm so glad you are not going to rush into clipping your birds wings if you are planning to harness train him I would start as soon as possible. He should be just about weaned now and that's good I'm so glad you didn't keep him in the crate and decided to put him in the big cage its the only way he will learn to get his balance is to climb and he may fall but he will get back up and try again as long as you have padded the bottom of the cage it should be ok.
  22. Too's basically are the same as our Greys diet wise you may want to add a few hard nuts in the shell. they love to chew lots and lots big pieces of semi hard wood strung together there is a site that has great homemade toys for Too;s www.mytoos.com it has step by step instructions. It also has a ton of info on it congratulations on your new fid looks like your son has a new bird. As far a your Grey and too go I would let them out together but on separate stands or play tops let them watch each other and get to know each other from a distance but first call the vet and make sure Dixie has a clean bill of health. if they do try to interact with each other be ready to intervene if there's any kind of conflict like lunging.
  23. She's beautiful her feather's are perfect. I bet she's leave lots of dust everywhere.:laugh:
  24. Have you started giving him big bird food to play with and maybe start eat a little on his own. I guess you wean him the same as every other bird abundance wean. he's so cute
  25. I think I figured out a way to keep the room cool. If I move one of the air conditioners to the kitchen window then the cool air from the kitchen should keep that room nice and cool also because the kitchen is next to that room Im just going to have to find a way to make it fit into that window.
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