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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. Biggles should get back to normal in a couple months and allow your husband to have the same relationship as they had before this all started.
  2. What I don't understand is why she is giving up this Grey to get another baby. If she doesn't have the time to spend to get this bird back to being a nice loveing companion then why would she need the cage so she can get another bird to do the same thing too
  3. Don't look like the wrong way round to me. Mabie its your computer
  4. Bonek should have a great time chewing that into little bits what fun.
  5. Absolutly not if your grey does not like men there is a very good chance that will not change the one that gives the love and does the cleaning and the feeding is the one that will win that birds heart in the end.
  6. Are you trying to breed African Greys Abula? If so I would get a ton of books and do a ton of research because breeding Greys is very difficult and not for the average person to undertake.
  7. I think its wonderful that you have chosen to take the rescue. I would have done the same. If yummy yumm is showing off for you thats a very good sign there is already a connection. Its up to you weather or not you want to start working with him now or after you get home. I would say the sooner the better and he may also feel more compfortable in the home he's always been in to respond better. I could be wrong though he may feel insecure after his move and since your going to be visiting him for a while he may and probubly will look to you because you will be the only familar part of his new home. Is he going to be able to take his cage with him? If not its going to be double tramatic for him because his cage has been his safety zone for him for the last couple years. You do realize that you will probubly recieve a few good bites from him and that you can't let that intimadate you. Its very easy to become afraid of these birds when they are continuously trying to bite you and draw blood. you have to be very patient and learn their body language and take thing at their pace. Once you have established a trusting loveing relationship though there is nothing more special or rewarding. I have 3 rescues one is a African Grey Congo and they are the sweetest most loveing birds but it didn't happen over night. I've found with my Rescues the average time it takes to build a trusting relationship is around 8 months. After that things start progressing fairly quickly. So you have a long road ahead of you but in the end its all worth it.
  8. I noticed on that site that they also have somthing called a wingdow seat that is allot more resonably priced and it pretty much does the same thing as the gym it protects the wood work on your windows
  9. I think it might take a few minutes of watching the birds but I don't think I'd have to many problems tell my birds apart from other Greys Adaya would be easy she has a rounder shorter jaw than most of the Greys I've seen I think it makes her very cute. She almost has the same shape face as my Indian ring neck. Tyco is very large with charcoal coloured feathers and black flight feathers. most very large Grey are almost silver coloured or light grey it makes Tyco quite different from the majority. Also she keeps those feathers of hers in perfect condition not a feather out of place no tatters she is extreamly picky about them. I don't think it would be hard to pick her out at all.
  10. I guess its ok but for that price I think a sucktion cup perch on the window a rubber mat on the floor and a few toys hanging from the ceiling is about the same thing and cost about 2,000. less.
  11. She may be feeling a little hormonal right now and may very wellbe exhibiting nesting behavours that does not mean shes going to lay and egg. I would do my best if I were you to take anything away from her thatshe can build a nest with if she does rip the news paper up on he bottom of her cage to build with try to remove it daily laying eggs takes allot of calcium and energy if you can stop this before it starts it is much better for your bird. mabie try to lengthen the dark time by 10 to 15 minutes every night until shes in the dark for 12 to 14 hours this might help trick her body into thinking breeding season is over. Good luck remember no petting below the head and neck area at this time it will only cause sexual frustration.
  12. Tyco has a new phrase she hangs upside down from the top of her cage swings back and forth and sings nahnahnahnah(bat man theme song) and then says batbird. instead of bat man its very funny to watch.
  13. I will show you the difference. Fergie is a Yellow crowned Amazon Jeepers is a Severe Macaw
  14. Does that mean that if I had a lcd tv my birds would watch it because it would be more like watching a computer screen?
  15. The lock crocks are made by Lixit just google lixit lock down bird bowls I tried to get the link for you but my computers acting up right now. Sounds like every things going well with Rover other that him being a little brat when I read this it sounded so much like I was reading about a toddlerlol Tyco my older Grey just loves to throw dishes she has lock down bowls but my other birds don't because they don't throw their food I really have to watch Tyco though because she will go around to every cage and throw every bowl across the room she loves the noise of dishes full of seeds and pellets hitting the floor in the stainless steel bowl they can be such little boogers.
  16. What a couple beautiful birds you have there. Your conure has gorgeous colours. and that little Quaker is just a cutie pie<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/25 23:20
  17. Ghar I was just looking at the pictures of your baby does he/she have a splay leg or is it just the way it sitting.
  18. I live in Canada also and although I had no problems receiving my Adventure pack it cost me $270. by the time I paid shipping taxes and duty. I could hardly believe it. Adaya's 42x36x72 beautiful brand new in the box cage cost about the same and is way way better made than that cheap little thing.
  19. I'm so glad things are going well with your new baby I got my baby at 5 weeks old also and she is now 5 months old and a total joy. enjoy your baby they grow up far to quickly Iam have a wonderful time with mine I also have a 6 yr old Grey that I rescued a couple years ago.
  20. Bonkers sure is a cute little guy he doesn't look like he could possibly be doing all those awful things your accusing him of HAHA:laugh: Baxter is a beautiful Grey you must be so proud of them they both look absolutly gorgous.
  21. It sounds like Your Grey has a wonderful personality Adaya likes to sit on my shoulder and cuddle into my neck. and get head skriches and beaky rubs and if I stop she will lift her head and beak my nose and slam her head back down for more scritches and she will do this over and over until I resume the scritches.:laugh:
  22. Try broccoli with your baby. when I was handfeeding Adaya I would chop broccoli up realy fine and she would just gobble it down It was one of her first foods that she actually ate.
  23. As long sd the weather is good I don't see a problem I took Adaya everywhere with me when she was that age. just don't let to many people pet her unless the wash their hands first you don't want her to get sick. just treat her like you would a new baby You wouldn't hold a new baby unless you washed your hands first. You can buy some of that dry wash stuff that way if people want to pet her you can ask them to use the dry wash first least it kills any germs they may have on their hands
  24. I have a female YFA and she is the most sweetest, cuddliest most adorable bird She is 12 years old and even when she is hormonal she is as sweet as can be except she wants to nest everywhere. I heard that the males can get very aggresive during a homonal bout especialy during the ages of 8 through 18 after that they learn to deal with their feelings better. I would say your better off with a female and the thing about a male or female bonds better with the opposite sex is a myth I have 3 female birds and they are totally bonded to me and I'm a female. I would say a female Amazon is a much better choice but its up to you. Very cute little baby by the way. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/13 19:41
  25. Please let us know is Murphy ok. praying for him.
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