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Everything posted by Tycos_mom

  1. What a gorgeous little lady she is she sounds allot like my Fergie there personalitys are very special I just love mine so much and now you can understand why because you have 1 also. they don't ever bite they are so sweet and so smart and the perfect bird as far as I'm concerned
  2. This is Chatot its pronouced (Chay-toe) and he is the most beautiful baby Green wing in the world and he's mine he's 17 months old and I brought him home yesterday. I been going crazy with excitement for the last 2 weeks but I wanted to suprize you all. Here he is my huge beautiful Green wing Macaw
  3. I'm so glad that Rishi has fully recovered and I'm sure all this has built a bond between you 2 that will never be broken he will always remember how you helped him in his time of need and will show his love and gratatude for the rest of his life. its just so wonderful that he is well and healthy again and that he is on a healthy diet karma to you for being such a good parront
  4. Omar just keep on doing what your doing I will be praying for your bird and sending lots of healing thoughts your way. wake sure you keep the tempature around 85 degrees in sick bed a light on him or better yet get an large plastic container and put a heating pad underneath one side that way if he gets to warm he can move away from it. heat is very imortant to them as well as makesure they stay hydrated sports drinks like gatoraid mixed 50/50 with water will also help. the heating pad should be set at medium. good luck to your baby.
  5. Do you whisper to him it almost sounds like he's trying to whisper. Darius whispers and its the cutest thing i've ever heard in my life.
  6. Isn't it wonderful when they finally learn to talk Adaya was such an early talker when she said her first word I just about fell over.
  7. I would have been terrified Poor Mocha and poor you I'm so glad you got Mocha home safe and sound Crows have a way of calling each other and if you hung out there for very long there would have been allot more in no time. so scarry
  8. what a beauty your right we all love pictures keep them coming
  9. Cute Picture Mocha always looks like he's having the time of his life when he's out and about. He sure does enjoy his outings doesn't he
  10. well congradulations on your newesy family member she sounds like an absolute joy. I think I make all those noises also and I'm hope nobody conciders me an old person yet.:huh: :dry: :lol:
  11. oh yes they really learn fast from their older brothers and sisters. My baby Grey started talking when she was just 7 months old and its because I have a 6 yr old Grey that talk up a storm. So now I have them both yaking my ear off Adaya can say lots of things now and she is only 9 months old.
  12. He so cute its great that you got your boy and that he's healthy thats always a big relief I glad your enjoying him it only gets better and better. I don't know how I ever got along before my birds came into my life they are a tremendous joy they make me laugh everyday and what is like without laughter.
  13. ok I'll check it out and add her to my friends list I'm not very good at face book yet and I look everywhere to find pippa parrot and I couldn't find her could someone tell me how I go about doing that please. I want to see her picture too.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/11/04 17:41
  14. Oh how cute they look so sweet together at least Buddy has a bird friend thats great even if he never likes humans at least he won't be lonely
  15. Hey Freddy can I have a bite I like tuna fish sandwiches too. he's so sweet I really love the Toos but I'm so alergic to their very heavy dust. their dust is differnt from Grey dust and I cannot have them around me if I want to be able to breath too bad. He is going to be a stunning bird when your through with him thats for sure. Has Spook started talking yet? Adaya is talking up a storm she can say peek a boo, what, who's that, commere, Apple and a couple other things pretty good I think for 9 months old
  16. You are going to just love that bird. I know because I have one and she is the best bird in the world She was my very first large birds and she was a rescue I've had her for 9 years now and she is 12 years old and I can actually say that she has never bitten me I just love her so much and she returns the love wonderfully. Have fun with your new bird and cogradulation you made a very good choice.
  17. He really is enjoying his walk thats for sure.
  18. He looks so happy to be out checking everything out as he walks by I just love his couloring those yellow feet with black toenails are just beautiful and the head markings are just as gorgeous he is just a really pretty bird.
  19. Thats a real kick in the pants I was hopeing he could help have you tryed reclipping that wing straighting it out so its not so irratating when it grows back It worked for Tyco and she had been barbering her left wing for 4 years. it might work for Josey also.
  20. Oh Judy I hope this works for Josey I had the same problem with Tyco when I first got her she would chew all her flight feathers on her left wing. I had my vet straigten that wing out and clip the other side to match and after that Tyco stopped chewing her flights it took forever to grow new feathers and I had to watch her so she wouldn't break blood feather becase they had no support from other feathers around them so they could get broken really easily after she broke the first 2 I watched her carfully and stopped her if I thought she was playing to rough. Good luck I hope this vet can help fix Joseys problem.
  21. what are o2 drops and where do I get some do you think I should get some aloe detox to put in the birds water to help take any residual toxins out of their organs. OMG I hate this kind of thing I'm scared to go look to see if Darius and Jeepers are ok they are in the diningroom I couldn't move them any where.I guess I better go look Well it looks like everybody is still here thank goodness what a horrible feeling I don't ever want to feel like tat again I was so scared the thought of losing any of my birds was just to much for me to bare. They are just so precious I'm so careful about these kinds of things I can hardly believe it happened in my home. It just goes to show that none of us are infalable it it can happen to anyone of us at any time. I'm so glad that I knew sort of what to do and that was to get as much of the bad air out as quickly as possible while at the same time letting the good air in. I'm telling you its about 60 degrees in my dining room right now even though the heat was on in there with the patio door open just a inch is enough to really make it cold in there I shut the door now so it should warm up fairly quickly poor birds o well better a little chilly then dead.:laugh:
  22. The Vet will lnow how to push the tube out without hurting the bird take im in when I thought My bird swallowed a button I took her to the vet she was about 6 months old at the time my vet felt everywhere in the baby crop to see where the button was they know how to get things out without making a hole in the babys crop you have to get it out within 2 to 6 hours before it drops down into the digestive track please hurry and get your bird to the vet.
  23. I was baking earlier today and when I was done I opened the oven a little to cool it down faster well some ow one of te birds plastic dishes had fallen into the oven which wouldn't ave been that big of a deal except I forgot to turn the oven off. Its one of those hard plastic dishes the same kind of plastic they make pvc out of. any way my house has a open concept and i could smell to plastic burning every where by the time I figured out where it was comeing from the plasic was just a big blob of plastic melted in my oven. I took a knife and scraped most of it off then with a terry towel rag I wiped the rest of te plastic up I have such a head ache and my chest hurts from breathing the fumes while I was cleaning it up. I\m so worryed about what its going todo to my birds if thats wat it did to me. I turned the exhust above the stove on high and opened the kitchen window and put a fan facing outward to suck out the fumes I moved 4 of the birds in to my bedroom but I don't have any more room in there so Darius and Jeepers are in the dining room and I can't block tat room totally I did the best I could I hung a blanket across te entrance but the ceilings are high in there and so there is about a 1 ft gap above the blanket. I opened the patio door about an inch so that there is some fresh air going in there and I turned the heat up so they don't get cold. I just hope they are going to be ok Sprout my daughters Green cheeked Conure was in the kitchen will that plastic was melting I'm very worried about him he's in my room now I hope he's going to be ok I hear him coughing. I'm so scared please pray for my babies that they will be ok. If anything happens to them it will be all my fault
  24. Isn't he beautiful I'm so glad to se that he has adjusted well he loks to be right at home with you already nicely perched on your hand. I love Eclectus parrots they are extreamly beautiful with those gorgeous shades of red & Green
  25. That young man needs a lesson in kindness maybe a bit of the same treat ment he give to ealpless creatures should be done to him Id like to hang him upside down by his ankles and pull all the hair out of his skinny little legs and see how he likes it nothing makes me so mad as someone hurting an animal what is the matter with is parents they need to get this boy some help before he grows up and becomes a serial killer or somthing.
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