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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Hi everyone I've missed you sosososo much. My Cumputer has so many problems I don't know when I'm going to get it back it needs a overhaul I borrowed an old computer off my Daughter and boy is it slow but its better than nothing for the time being. I have missed so much I don't think I'll ever catch up but I'll try. See you on the boards love you all
Rudy is getting a new little brother on Monday
Tycos_mom replied to Codys Mom's topic in Other Birds
that is soso great I love parrolets they are great big bird s stuffed into little tiny wee body's HEE HEE -
Sorry Everyone I have not deserted you. My Computer is on the blink and It won't be back from getting fixed until the 8th or 9th of January. I miss you all so much I'll be home soon. I'm useing the library computer at the moment and I will try to stop in for and hour or so when ever I come into town but thats the best I can dotil I get my Computer home. Hope everyone had a wonderul xmas and happy New year to everybody. I have so much new about Chatot I will do a complete update when I can. Love you all talk to you soon
jamalbirdbiz wrote: I don't think he needs a cape he hasn't plucked or lost any feather's since he's been with me the plucking was going on in his previous home. Its just very sad because he's just a baby he's only 18 months old and for a large macaw that is still very young they don't mature until they are 5or6 yrs old.
I brought Chatot out tothe kitchen today a d put him on the back of a chair to give him a spray bath. When he opened his wings I noticed that his body at the the back part of his wings has no feathers at all just down he has a strip of feathers down the center of his back the everything hidden by his wings on both sides has been plucked. I knew he had plucked a bit on his legs but I had no Idea that it had gone this far. he must have been so neglected in his previous home he hasn't plucked one feather since he's been here thank goodness he's only 18 months old he way to young to be doing that. My poor Chatot She also said he was a screamer but he doesn't do that here either he must have be so lonley and so bored to have these behaviours at such a young age. I'm so glad she relized that he needed something more and rehomed him before things got really out of hand. I'm making a Vet appointment tomorrow morning for some time this week I want to see what exactly is going on with this bird. and since I cannot handle him except for step ups and head scritches yet I'll let the vet do it for me.
Well hello Tango what a pretty bird you are. Its so nice to see that you are enjoying your new home. You'll get used to all the physical attention your getting soon enough and then you won't be able to get enough. you don't have to worry about anything any more except enjoying life your 2 new people will make sure you and your little GCC buddies will gave everything you could ever want and lots more. you couldn't have found a better home if you tryed.
luvparrots wrote: She certinally is and I love that picture she looks like she's looking to cause a little mischief :laugh: :evil: :woohoo:
I found this great site on how to make your own Toys you can actually down load a whole book for free on Parrot enrichment as long as you have adobe reader. it has everthing and it even tells you where you can buy the toy partshis first is to get her free book and the second link is her website.
luvparrots wrote: Thank you I like yours too. I'd love to pot a xmas tree in my sig but couldn't find one so I settled for a big red gift instead.
Macaws love to chew on wood by the way and they need lots to keep their beaks in good shape go the the lumber yard and buy 2x2x8ft untreated pine or spruce have them cut it into 2ft pieces for you and then you can cut it into 3in size block and give her a few everyday I call them wood cookies and my birds go through them like their going out of style I buy at least 6 2x4's and 6 2x2's everytime I go to the lumberyard my trunk is full then I go home and get out my little electirc jigsaw and cut it all into blocks Chatot my GW goes through a 2x4x8 every 2 days. my Harlequin not nearly as much but still chews his share You can drill and string them up if you want too but its definatly not nessesary they really don't care as long as its wood. LOL I put a big sheet under where they chew so I can just pick it all up at once and dump it into my compost pile in the back of my yard it make for easy clean up. If I had a fire place it would make great kindling.
Chatots toy arrived this morning and you would think it was Chistmas the look on his face and the happy squeal was priceless he could barely contain himself while I was putting a new hook up to hang it on. it was so cute. Heres a couple pics of him and his toy
Step up isn't hard close your fist tuck your thumb in and make the skin on the back of your hand very tight move in slowley saying step up if she lifts her leg move your hand or arm in under that foot saying step up once on your hand you can move her to a playstand or some other nutual area and practice this put her down on the play stand then say step up don't worry if she uses he beak its just to check to make sure that your hand is a safe perch also with a clenched fist with the top of your hand lined up with her beak she will not be able to get a hold of your skin to bite because the skin is tight. so don't worry if she doesn't know how to step up gently push your hand against he tummy just above her legs this will cause her to lift her leg at this time say step up aput your arm under the foot don't back off if she lifts her leg tostep up follow through and pick her up of you will be sending mixed signals. when she does step up give her tons of praise tell how smart she is and how good and wondeful and beautiful make a big deal of it everytime and she will soon learn to stepup automaticly it will become a habit and that what you want.
Don't show any fear around Hanna or she will take full advantage of it. Macaws are great bluffers but it usually all an act if she does bite push into the bite and don't back down if you give that tail of hers a little pull if she bites she will let go imediatly just a little trick. If she really trying to play the tough act look at her and say no way it isn't going to work with me I'm bigger than you and get your self a step stool step up onto it open your arms like they were wing lunge your head forward and say HA very loud she will understand this as it is the same body language that she uses. I know this sounds a bit strange but I have 2 Macaws and I just got a Green Wing about 3 weeks ago and he's allot bigger than your little B&G hes was trying hard to intimidate me and I showed him that its not going to work with me and now we are becoming good friends. A macaw bite hurts allot less then a African Grey bite by the way yes they can cause damage but will very rarely use that kind of force unless absolutly nessesary like when cracking a nut they are very gentle birds more like puppys actualy then birds. don't be afraid because he can read you better than you can and they love to test to see what they can get away with.If you've only had her a very short time just relax and give her some space and time to settle in she may come around on her own after she gets a little more comfortable with things B&G are very playful fun loving birds your going to fall head over heals in love.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/12/09 19:35
I mentioned in my other thread that I had bought Chatot a toy thats going to keep him in wood and save me tons of money on toys the whole thing is S/S all the eye screws and links are welded and it come with a ceiling protector the rope comes attach and this toy is huge it hangs 4ft the birds can climb and chew their little hearts out all I have to do is buy untreated lumber and fill the eye screws when the finish the wood that comes with it its so cool I can't wait til it gets here the toy cost 121.00 that includes shipping and worth every penny. its going to save me tons of time and money. A friend of mine sent me a picture of hers so I could post it for you. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/12/07 05:02
Well I got his first dose of meds into him really easily but I don't think the rest are going to be that way. he has to take .o5 2 x daily which isn't very much so tonight when I offer the syringe I guess he thought he was getting somthing yummy and I just shot the works into his Mouth he looked at me like mom what did you just give me and walked backwards away from me as if to say that was not good at all. the look on his face was just priceless I couldn't help but laugh poor baby I don't know how I'm going to get the rest into him I may have to mix it with some apple sauce or somthing. We also weighed him while we were there and Darius exactly 1000 gr so he has gained 350 grams since he's been with me. The Vet said he still a bit under weight but its not a bad weight and he at least in the normal range for his speices. I was just thrilled about that I've only had him since July so in 5 months he's gained allot.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/12/06 09:56
Well I took Darius to the Vet today. apparently the hole in the roof of his mouth leading to the sinus area is swollen and inflamed like we would have if we have a sore throat. Some how it has gotten irritated. I feed my birds a warm supper every night and she thinks maybe he might have gotten a hot spot. Any way he's fine in every way other than that. She concerned about a secondary infections so she put him on a Antibiotic he has to have it 2x a day for 10 days its called nova lexin. I feel so much better now that I know he's not sick. I just hate it when things like this happen for no apparent reason. Thanks for your concern and support Its nice to have someone that understands how upsetting it can be when your beloved baby's are sick or displaying symptoms for no apparent reason.
He looks ok and is eating ok but today he was on my bed playing with me and he walked around for a few minutes and kinda scraping his top mandable with his tongue and beak like something was stuck on it and then some liquid started drooling out of his mouth I have to leave to go to work but now I'm worried his poop looks good and he hasn't lost any weight but This was very strange could it be a stress related thing maybe. Has this ever happened to anybody else. __________________
yes i'm going to ask a friend if she can take him she's been wanting a bird for awhile if not theres not much else i can do.
Its very hard I wish people would stop telling me about these birds in need. I reall can't take any more i'm at my limit. I always try to stay at around 6 bird I can handle that many no problem thats my limit and I'm sticking to it If My daughter Tuesday had not taken Sprout and Raja when she moved I would not have taken Darius and Chatot 6 is a nice number of birds its just the right amount for me. I think we all know what we can deal with and what we can't some can have 20 and be fine with it I'm a six bird person I have had up to seven but I found that one bird always got less attention and thats not fair so 6 is it. I have 3 Macaws 2 Greys and 1 Amazon.
My next door neighbour came over tonight and asked me if I wanted an African Grey I dont know if its a Congo or a Timnah I didn't ask. She said the poor bird is living in a very small cage and never gets let out apparently the woman that has her has disabilitys and allergy and she also is sick with the Swine flu right now and with the African Grey there it is making everything worse for her. So she wants to rehome him. I must be totally over my MBS because I actually said no. For one thing I don't want the Swine Flu virus any where near me or my birds. I told her that she better tell her friend to stay away from the bird because the bird will catch it she didn't believe me I don't think. anyway I think her husband is basicly caring for the bird at th moment so hopfully the bird won't get it. I at my birdy end though I just can't take on another one especialy one that would need a new cage and to be vetted even if the bird is free its just to close to Christmas and I just put out 2500. for Chatot and a new cage for him. there is just no way I could put out another 1000 dollars right now. Iam proud of myself for saying no usually I would say yes and worry about where I was going to come up with everything later. I guess what it boils down to is that I just don't want or need another bird the ones I have already are plenty for me. the Macaws are need allot more time than my other birds do they really like to cuddle and interact with their human companion
Happy belated birthday Cat Oh to be 21 again and know what I know now LOL I spend all my money on my birds also they are very very spoiled I just spent 200 dollars on them this past week end my Grand kids are getting bird toy for xmas this year LOL just kidding
Haveing 2 large Macaws is about the same amount of work as 6 regular large birds such as Amazons and Greys They are trully the royalty of the parrot world I must say. they are very Intellegent and very loveing and cuddly the can get extreamly loud sometimes when they see something outside But I wouldn't trade them for anything they are so so loyal and sweet Darius has totally stolen my heart they do keep me very busy though I must say they also make me laugh about 100 times a day they do the silliest thing I've ever seen
I think the word is spoilt rotten LOL I thought Darius was a big chewer but he's got nothing on Chatot Darius prefers foot toys so all I have to do with him is throw him a few chunks of colored wood everyday and he's a very happy bird Chatot prefers the hanging toys so when he chews the ring that holds the blocks on they all go crashing to the ground with a very loud noise and then mom gets to restring them again so he can do it all over. He is also a Mechanic and enjoys undoing all the nuts and bolt that hold his cage together the little brat I;m going to have to buy some nyloc nuts next time I go to town he is such a brat. LOL
No its not a girlfriend heaven forbib I don't need anther huge wood chewer. no what I'm getting him is a very special Macaw toy and all I ever have todo is add lumber the toy is huge and it will save tons of money and tons of time it cost me 121.00 for this very special toy but its garanteed to last a lifetime well worth it if you ask me. It probubly won't get here for 2 weeks but I will post a picture when it does I can't wait I don't want to make toys anymore LOL
just hang in there and don't give up Amazons make wonderful pets because even though they may have a favorite person they will usually go to anyone and allow scritches and cuddles my Amazon will even go to a person she doesn't know as long as there is a scritch involved. mind you it has to be a woman she won't have anything to do with men but that because a man hit her and beat her when she was young so she hates all men but thats not her fault and I'm sure if that hadn't happened she would like everyone. so don't give up I'm sure everything will be great as long as everybody stays involed with hands on.