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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. Welcome. It sounds as if your new companion will have a wonderful home. Looking forward to hearing lots of stories.
  2. I agree, get another bird because you want it, not for the bird you already have. I am very lucky because my Sun Conure and Timneh get along well enough to be out together. They have small disagreements but have never attacked each other. But that is not what usually happens. So plan on separate times for each bird. Do you have that much time available? The room for two cages? Double vet bills? Almost double food costs? Take all of this into your considerations. It can work, but it takes lots of work to do it.LOL
  3. Have the same problem here. My birds have to be caged when my daughter comes over. Actually, it is the Sun that needs to be caged because of aggression. My TAG has to be caged because he will let the Sun out! LOL
  4. I think, for the most part, they do sleep on the highest perch available. That fits with normal instinct to be where they can keep a eye on things and also take flight if need be. Peanut also sleeps on whichever perch is highest in the cage. I have been known to change it ever so often so his feet will get a different stretch. To start you need at least three different perches/platforms. Build from there.
  5. I agree, the birds NEED you to go out at LEAST once a month!! LOL Let us know if it works!
  6. Peanut loved it too. I am still working on O H I O with my two. LOL
  7. Welcome to Charlie's new Mom and hello again to Charlie. You two are doing wonderfully!! I need two people to get a harness on my Grey! LOL Charlie is still very young, so I am thinking you have lots of pets and hugs coming.
  8. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Conure in a bare tree.
  9. I use almond pieces. Small pieces for basic training but 1/2 an almond for going back into the cage on command! This way my Peanut gets the almond that I think they need.
  10. My Grey loves my Sun Conure's cage. He is there all the time during their time out of cage. He eats the Sun's food and drinks his water - even though they get basically the same thing. He doesn't like it one bit if the Sun tries to visit his cage! LOL
  11. I am concerned with the vitamins. Unless he is on a bad diet he shouldn't need them. Are they people vitamins??
  12. Happy Hatchday Corky!! Take full advantage of the day and drive your parronts to distraction.
  13. Completely normal for a young bird not to talk. Please, more info!!
  14. I agree Talon. I won't use anything that has a strong odor. I get my trash bags at a dollar store.
  15. Congrats!! What a wonderful family!
  16. Love the name. Welcome Ajahni!
  17. I had heard about steel wool before, but had forgotten. Will something like the brillo pads work?
  18. Too cute. They certainly do grow fast. Fully feathered and ready to face the world!
  19. Congratulation!!! The only thing I can think of is to have a lot of the baby things around them beforehand do they can get use to them. The say to bring home a blanket from the hospital that you have used to wrap the baby in so dogs can get a sniff or the baby's odor, but I don't know if that will work with birds though.
  20. Great pictures! I actually wash out medicine bottles and put stuff in them for foraging. My Sun doesn't even try to open them but my Grey goes after them like they were his number 1 enemy! LOL
  21. She has a 2nd chance at life. She will bloom where she has been transplanted!
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