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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. Greywings, you were right - I love the water Acappella - you have been married?
  2. Timbersmom you didn't tell me if I was right in guessing you had not been married 3 times
  3. I guess I will go again. I once had a Keet that would ice skate on my father's bald head. We had 23 Shelties in our house once. I hate the water
  4. Luvparrots is right I am not afraid of snakes. Timbersmom - you have not been married 3 times
  5. Hope posting a new game is OK. Rules are simple: Post 2 truths and one lie about yourself someone guesses which is the lie You have to come back and let them know if they are right, but they should go ahead and post about themselves and not wait for you. I will start - I have never been married I am afraid of snakes My first pet was a collie named Prim
  6. That is so sweet of Brutus! I'm glad he plays well with others. LOL I know my baby will give me kisses when he knows I don't feel well. My Sun use to run from shoulder to shoulder giving me a kiss on each cheek.
  7. Tinkerbell is a doll! You hold her just right so she can get all her little itches! LOL
  8. Thanks everyone. Sterling, I am finding it VERY hard to live without a Conure! What Conure do you have?
  9. It has been about a year and a half since I have posted on here. My life has gone through a few changes. I should change my name to Brat Bird since I am now down to just one, my TAG, Peanut. My granddaughter decided she wanted her Tiel back at her house a little over a year ago. Then this past September my Sun Conure was killed in an accident. I am still dealing with that, though it is getting better, good memories are outnumbering the bad now. Looking forward to getting to know all of you again.
  10. Brat Birds


    I was given some eggs fresh from a friend's chickens. I am wondering how I should clean them. I would like to use the shells as well as the egg in their bread.
  11. I am soooo glad I have a GREY!! LOL
  12. You might try calling the vets near you and finding out if they have avian experience. Now, this might take some well thought out questions because most will say that they have experience, when in truth, they may have seen one or two birds in 5 years. Some vets, with experience, are wonderful with out babies. Make sure they have a good relationship with an avian vet so they can call him when questions arise.
  13. I also have a small box full of feathers. I have used some of them in greeting cards. I would love to have some made into earrings, but every time I think I have found some one to do it, it falls through.
  14. LOVE it! I don't have any new fangled gadgets, but it sounds like fun. LOL
  15. I remember when children in hospitals were in metal cribs and all were in wards - no single or double rooms, everyone was together. Sorry for the downer, but I was trying to think about what my earliest memories were. And one of the earliest was when I was in Kindergarten and had an eye surgery. I remember the cone and the smell of ether. And throwing it up when I woke up.
  16. AWW she did really care. I love it when rehomes are cared for by many people. My Sun's former owners just wanted to make sure he had a good home - gave everything to me, the bird, cage, toys and what food was left. I am soo lucky.
  17. A box of Rikki !! Too cute. Do you (or did you) ever hear from her former owners? I kept in touch with my Sun's former owners for almost a year. Once they were sure that he had a good home they were fine.
  18. Welcome! I also have a Grey and a Conure. But, they are a TAG and a SUN. LOL Can you let yours have out of cage time together? Looking forward to hearing more about your babies.
  19. Welcome to Peanut from Peanut! My baby is a TAG. Which is yours? He (I assume) is going on 10 (I think-will have to look it up).
  20. Cute! LOL Of course, this is only true if you are outside - I hope!!
  21. The front door still stresses Peanut - sometimes. If I put his play gym in front of it he is OK on it, but if he is on my shoulder and I start toward the door he can't get off and back to his cage fast enough. I know this still stems from the day he flew off my shoulder out the door. He was gone 6 hours before my daughter heard him call and we got him back home. Neoow, that is funny. I have never heard of anyone else 'announcing' their movements to their birds before - I thought I was the only one. But it is my Sun that has to know where I am going every time I get up and walk across the room - he would attack me if I didn't tell him! LOL Nancy, have you tried warm water for his showers?? I know it has helped with Peanut. He doesn't love his shower, but he hates it less.
  22. I never had any problems with Peanut (TAG) biting me until I got a red cell phone. Now I have to be careful. My daughter said he didn't like red even when he was still a baby.
  23. Hello from 'Brat Birds' LOL Yes, they all should have the opportunity to be brat birds!!
  24. So, Sean's ear has become a third hand which Sophie has learned to use to pet herself. Sounds like Sophie will figure something out if Sean doesn't do what she wants! LOL
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