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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. LOL I have to admit it is my Sun that does that much more often than Peanut. They do have their 'days' too. Sophie must have been feeling her oats today!.
  2. Welcome. I am far from TX so have no help there. But, I did get my baby from a breeder at a bird fair. I can not say this enough - if you have not researched the breeder - do not shop at the fair. Unless you, or a trusted friend, know the breeder it is a roll of the dice. As you might have guessed, I bought from a bad breeder. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my baby for the world, but I now would handle things a bit differently. Do your homework and you will be fine!
  3. Adorable! But I'm with luvparrots, find out what is going on! LOL
  4. Welcome. You said your IRN was tamed. Is your Grey not?? Looking forward to hearing more about your babies.
  5. Welcome. Looking forward to hearing more about Ally. This is Saturday evening, so, hoping Ally is home! YEAH>
  6. Now if I, or anyone, could really answer that we could make lots of money with the book we would write!
  7. I don't think you have to look far. She hears what you are saying, she sees, or at least hears Ryan packing. They know what those suitcases and boxes are for. Just like mine know what it means when I get out my 'church' bag. She probably is trying to make up to you as he leaves so you will be hers again. LOL
  8. Welcome Tyrion. Handsome young man! Very inquisitive look on his face in the 2nd picture.
  9. So glad you found out and it can be treated. Sully has a great Mom!
  10. SullysMom, what did you find out at the vet??
  11. I would go with cool compress to get any swelling down. You are running the chance of an infection if there is something in there. If the compress seems to help, you may be able to wait until Monday, but if they don't I would chance the stress and get him into an er vet asap.
  12. Best messed up screen ever! It is the missing keys that bother me the most.
  13. Welcome Stan and Congo! I so wish I could have 25 years with my baby. Not going to happen as he is 9 and I am on the north side of 65! I am also looking forward reading stories of your years together.
  14. Yes, I really expected to hear that she went home with you Ray. You can't replace but you can expand. You have the love to give. And the experience! And we all know that Amazons need experience! LOL
  15. Wonderful update. Johnny is very patiently waiting for his food. Will you please hurry up! LOL He is adorable. I miss the baby days.
  16. Mine loves tea too. I use only white or green tea and his is diluted. He really likes the tea and doesn't care if it is directly out of my cup or not. We don't have it very often.
  17. The first time you draw blood is very disconcerting. I have done it so many times. I still feel horrible, but don't beat myself up about it. When I just had Tiels I could use an ice cube to stop the bleeding. That is what I used for our Shelties too. With my Grey, it didn't work that well so then I did get the septic powder. That seems to work well for everyone.
  18. Welcome and have fun with the research.
  19. Welcome! You are doing it the right way. Making sure you have a lot of information is great. Since they are individuals you can never preview all possibilities, but knowing most of them will help. Enjoy your time here.
  20. Welcome. Mine too would have all that on the floor in no time. Trigger is a handsome devil.
  21. I am so sorry. His last days were ones with love and that is so special. He will be waiting at the Rainbow bridge for you.
  22. Praying you each a rainbow of blessings in the New Year! This was posted on FB by Rita W. Martin of her Grey. I just loved the picture and asked permission to repost.
  23. Isn't it always the MOM that gets left out? LOL It would have been great to see some video of Sophie and her fellas.
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