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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. I am so sorry. Just a thought, won't another animal get the body before Spring??
  2. I am soooo happy you got him back. I have lost and recovered both of my babies and it not something I would wish anyone go through.
  3. Wow. HRH hasn't stepped off her throne for a minute, has she? LOL
  4. I just tried and got in with no problems. Also figured out why I stopped going there - hardly any new posts. Boy, the spam was overrunning it. I do miss a couple of people there, but it was just dead.
  5. Happy Hatchday Phoenix!! Let's see all the loot!
  6. Welcome. And ditto to the questions. LOL You are welcome here without a Grey, but we would like to know all about yours, if you have one.
  7. As you all (or most of you) know, my Peanut (TAG) has to have his neres wiped several times a day. I cut up a cheap paper towel to do this. I will hold his beak with my left hand, tell him 'nose wipe' and clean with my right. I also use them on my own nose. Well, now, for several weeks, my Sun Conure, Skittles, will push himself into my hand and he has to have his 'nose wiped' too. He does this both when I am doing Peanut's and when I am blowing my own nose.
  8. Great St. Patrick's day present!! May I ask, what accident? Is the bird injured? Handicapped in some way? We can help with that too, if needed. Let us know when you get him - we do like pictures.
  9. Beautiful baby!! Welcome. I, also, would love some pictures of your wildlife. I have a nephew who is living in Australia and I can not get enough of your beautiful birds and flowers.
  10. Just want to make sure you know ROM!!
  11. I lost a Tiel to a sheltie that I never thought would hurt anyone. Any dog or cat can injury or kill your bird in an instant. Also, their saliva is deadly to a bird. Any breaking of the skin can be deadly. That said, if you can keep your dogs away from the bird when he is out, you should be OK. The two Jack Russells would worry me. Aren't they, like terriers, very prey oriented?
  12. welcome Your house is certainly very full. Thank you for taking in another.
  13. The evidence was planted!! I tell you it was not me! Someone had a great taste this morning.
  14. Congrats!! Will be watching every Tues. for the new pics. LOL
  15. You don't say how old she is, but from what you did say, I would say she is no where near weaning. Does she eat any fresh foods or pellets? If so, how much? If you really want to cut down, start with one of the mid-day feedings. But, don't take the morning or evening feedings away until she tells you she is ready. Mine didn't stop his evening feeding until he was almost 5 months old. Some have not given up the last one until even older.
  16. Luvparrots, please crochet one. It will be treasured by them.
  17. AWWWWW!!! How adorable!! Tell Sophie I love her!
  18. I, too, wanted to say how wonderful those pictures are. Beautiful bird - male or female! LOL
  19. Wow Nancy. Did you fall? car accident?? Maybe that was part of why Sophie was acting differently. I hope you are healing fast. I worry almost daily about how soon the day will come when I can no longer care for my babies. With a hip, a knee and two spinal fusions moving is hard most days. I think they keep me going on days I want to spent in bed LOL. I have one question - why is this in "Bird Food"? LOL
  20. AWww Mommy. Maybe she is a little afraid you will leave too?
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