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About Peachaburra

  • Birthday 07/21/2000


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  • Interests
    Art, horses, politics, reading, birds


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Peachaburra


    Oh my goodness, Poppy is precious!!!!
  2. Peachaburra


    Paris is my 3 year old budgie. I adopted him from someone off Craigslist in November of last year. I adopted him because my other budgie's friend had passed away, and was lonely. They became very good friends, but my other budgie passed away in February. He is a single budgie now (although I'm keeping my eyes out for another single budgie needing a home), but he has befriended my conure, Peatree. They enjoy spending supervised time together. Paris doesn't really like me, but he will step up and sit with me. He is a cutie!
  3. Thought I would also post pictures and a little bit about my three beautiful Green Cheek Conure girls! Peatree is an 8 year old Pineapple Green Cheek Conure. I adopted her from someone off Craigslist in December 2010, and she was my first 'bigger' bird (I only had 2 budgies before I got her). She is a total momma's girl, and we adore each other! She is such a silly girl! She loves to dance, and has her own song that I made up for her. This is from her Hatchday, with her birdie bread cake! Honey is a 5 year old Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure, and Presley (Pressie) is a 5 year old Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure. I adopted them from someone on another bird forum in September 2014. They are totally bonded, and are so sweet to each other. I love watching them interact, it is precious! Honey loves attention, and is a major show off. Pressie is a bit more skittish, but she likes to sit with me. They don't like Peatree, and Peatree doesn't like them!
  4. A few pics of Jester Bean, my 18 years old Citron Crested Cockatoo. He is a grumpy boy, but I adore him!
  5. Hi Isaac! You are so handsome!
  6. Here are some pictures of my handsome grey man! He is my baby.
  7. I'm only a teenager, but I do worry about what would happen to my babies is something were to happen to me. I plan on filling a binder with information about all of them. Their likes, dislikes, habits, favorite foods, favorite toys, things they are afraid of, things they can't have, ect, ect.... I would also love to find a God Parent for each one, and let them get to know their God Parent in advance. I know where my cockatoo would go if something were to happen, but not the others. I can't imagine euthanizing an animal for any reason other then if they were physically suffering. Especially my babies. They deserve to live long, happy lives. I trust that there are others out there who can take just as good of a job caring for them as I can.
  8. Hey there!! Maddy here. I've posted here a few times, but I'd like to become more active on this forum, and thought I would start by giving you an update on my lovely Grey Bird. Last March, I brought home a 20 year old Grey who I thought was going to be aggressive. He had not been out of his cage or handled in over five years. The first night I brought him home, he asked me for a head scratch. So aggressive. :rolleyes: Over the weeks, I befriended him. Grey Bird loved for me to come over to his cage and talk to him, loved for me to be near him, and loved for me to scratch his head. He even started coming out his cage, no step ups though. We continued working on it. In August, Grey Bird accidently jumped off his cage and didn't know how to get back up. He asked me to help him by sticking his foot up. When he stepped up, giving me no trouble at all, I cried. I sat on the floor with him on my arm and cried so hard. An emotional rush came over me, that after being stuck in a cage for so long and loosing handling trust with his previous owner, he had chosen to trust me. It felt so amazing. After that, he just started stepping up for me whenever I asked. I was shocked. What friendship we had, started to blossom into more. He started hanging out with me more, sometimes even calling me over to get him. Fast forward to now, the two of us are smitten with each other. I adore him, and he adores me. I can do just about anything to him. He will sit for hours cuddled on my chest getting head rubs. He is 100% hand friendly with me. He steps up, every time, no problem. If it were up to him, I don't think he would ever leave my side. He will let other people hold him, but tries to get back to me. I'll be honest, I was slightly nervous about bring him home. But our relationship has blossomed into something so beautiful, and I don't regret it. Don't tell my other babies, but he is the most well behaved bird in my flock.
  9. I have three Green Cheek Conures, and they do not do the pre-flight thing, but my Grey and Cockatoo both do it when they want me to come over and/or pick them up.
  10. Hello everybody! I posted here back in March about taking in a Grey who I thought was going to be aggressive. Some people encouraged me, and some thought that I would not be able to handle him, because I had never owned a Grey before. While checking my computer bookmarks today, I came across this forum again, so decided I would post again and give you all an update on my Grey Bird. It has been almost 7 months since GB came to live with me. When he got here in March, he had not been out of his cage or handled in five or more years. He was unsure, but very sweet. He was not aggressive AT ALL, and asked me to scratch his head the first night he was here. The first week he was here, I opened up his cage door, and he came out of his cage and sat on top. Which I thought was amazing for a bird who had sat in his cage for years. Throughout the past months, I have been working with him. He started coming out of his cage regularly, and asked me to scratch him all the time. I have been working on him with his stepping up for awhile. In July he stepped up for the first time, but only stayed on my arm for a few seconds. He didn't really do it again after that. That is, until two or three weeks ago, when he stepped up and let me hold him for the first time. After that one time, he continued to step up. I was so thrilled, after I worked with him for so long. Now he stepping out of his cage for me so nicely. We are still working on the step downs though. Grey Bird and I get along really well. We both love each other! I'll post some updated pictures later!
  11. We picked Grey Bird up yesterday afternoon. We talked and sang to him during the car ride. He was stressed in the beginning, but after he calmed down, he whistled a bit. When we got home, he happily walked into his cage from the travel crate, and as he did this he happily spoke. He seemed very happy to go back in his cage. Grey Bird is cage bound, but he does not seem to be "aggressive". Even when we reached in to towel him, he didn't try to bite or attack, just run away. He has taken grapes and a nut very gently from my hand. But the best thing, as I was going to give him a grape, he put put his head down and shook it, asking me for scritches! He seems to be taking things well, but I know it has to be hard for him. He has been with his owner since he was a baby on four hand feedings a day, and he is 20 years old. We are going to take things very slow, at his pace. We will work on coming out of the cage when he is ready. Right now, I am in my bedroom and I can hear him making cute sounds from the other room!
  12. This is Jester Bean, my 17 year old Citron Crested Cockatoo. He is a rescue bird, I adopted him from my friend's parrot rescue back in 2013. He had two other homes before coming to the rescue, he lived for about 5 years with a woman, and was then given to a couple. He lived with the couple for 11 years. At some point, their brother in law came to live with them, and Jester bonded to him. When the brother in law moved out, Jester was angry with the couple, and they locked him in a small wire cage with no proper toys for two years before giving him to the rescue. After being given to the rescue, he fostered with another one of my friends. When I met him at a bird club meeting, I fell in love with him. Unfortunately, he was going to be adopted by another woman. About two weeks after that, I got a message from my friend saying that his adoption had fallen through, and I would be able to adopt him. I cried tears of happiness when I found out. The next day we went out and bought a cage for him, and then that weekend we went and picked him up! After I adopted him, and after his very short honeymoon period, he became aggressive, and tried to bite and would lunge me and my family when we walked by him. I worked with him for months, and every day he started to trust and respect me more. Now, he is so much better then he was. He isn't perfect with other people, but he is good with me. Jester is a joy! I love him, as he loves me. We work very well together. (: Jester loves to go outside, and play reverse fetch, and he makes lots of cute noises and talks a bit. He laughs at things so appropriately, sometimes even before we laugh at it! He is a fun boy!
  13. I don't know all the details of it, and I don't want to say anything that is false, but the accident did not physically hurt or handicap him.... Thank you everyone. (:
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