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About Chappie

  • Birthday 12/19/1992


  • Location
    NSW, Australia

Chappie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am getting a bit concerned now as I am unsure what to think of these feathers. I wouldn't think that he is plucking or chewing his feathers or I hope he isn't especially because these two feathers in the photo above are so nicely rounded and don't look chewed. These two feathers are the only ones I have come across so far besides the little fluffy ones. I found the left feather 9 days ago and found the one on the right today with no blood on them. I checked under his wings for anything looking amiss but all seems to look perfect. When I google moulted feathers I usually see there are bits of quills on it as well so I am confused. I'm unsure what to think of what is going on here. Chappie is 5-6 months old. Any reassurance of if this is normal please let me know When will they grow back? Thanks in advance!
  2. murfchck lol Update: I left peanuts in the puzzle for over a day and he still hasn't figured it out lol
  3. Hi Everyone I recently bought the mastermind heart toy: And I was just wondering how long (for those who have tried it) did it take your parrot to figure it out? So far it is taking Chappie a while, I did give him a beginner level one with 2 sliders to get the treat from the top to the bottom. He does that pretty quick and has so for the past month. It is okay to leave it in his cage to figure out for himself? I just don't want him to get discouraged and uninterested.. Does anyone recommend getting something easier first or leave it? Also do you remove food bowls at any time of the day and why? Thanks in advance!
  4. Just thought i'd put an update in and say... he rarely does this anymore.. lol Only seems to when he gets annoyed or frustrated ! So I don't know what was in his pants the morning I wrote this.
  5. My Chappie was like that first few times, trying to step up then tangles himself in it and gets all confused and growls and flys off. The first time must have been a 10 when I took it off as he got himself tangled and rolled and growled and bit me as well. I also make sure i'm not tugging him back with the leash and I just follow him so that he is not panicking. I keep trying and make sure he is settled and busy with something, giving him something to keep occupied while I quickly take it off making sure he is not trying to step up after pretending to take it off a few times. (If that makes sense) lol.
  6. I finally got one with Chappie and Myself yesterday
  7. Hi and welcome Becca and Scooty With the teach and bank box did you follow the method of instructions it came with or did you do it differently?? I need help with mine
  8. Welcome Do you have any birds? If so what do you have ? ( Just a curious question hehe)
  9. Heres a little update on the progress. Day 3 of Harness, we had 2 days off from it as I had a busy weekend. As soon as he thought about playing with it or grabbing it I redirected him asap to his new toy and all went great, then we went straight outside, he wasn't interested in biting it so much as previously or take it off him however just had 1-2 bites at the clip on his chest, so I gave him a blade of grass to play with instead. Although I can't do a whole lot with him outside yet, he will recall on cue a few times and then exercise his wings and come back to me but he is still distracted by the new surroundings. Taking the harness off him was a bliss as he was good but I happened to be the rusty one taking it off lol, however he tolerated it all very all.
  10. Sorry I should have made myself clear about the chewing and playing. I allowed this first day as it was suggested on the dvd it came with. And when I went to loosen the belly strap he played with it so I let go and played with the other parts and had a set of keys infront of him to redirect then I repeated the process. This was when he never noticed it slip off him at all. But yes Sterling with your comment you're right he has passed that stage with the harness, Ill be more on the ball now you say that
  11. Oh Wow. The experiences are so different.. I put the harness on him again now that was abit of a pain because he kept wanting to play with it and grab it with his feet. However taking it off was now zero hassle as I did it very subtly he didn't even know it come off him. Im quite quick with the loosening /tightening, the trouble was more that he just wants to play with it so I played with it attempting to loosen the belly strap and if he reacted whether that was to bite it or grab it. I would let go and continue playing with the other parts then went back to it. Slipped it off without him knowing. ?
  12. Is there a perch in his cage you can detach and use that he is already comfortable with?
  13. Lol sorry I thought that was quite funny imaging it in my head.. Have you tried target training?
  14. Thanks to you both, maybe I think grey's are more sensitive than what they really are. Ok I will work on that
  15. Thank you all for the reassurance
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