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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Misty is doing everything he can think of to make you feel better. And you're right, only people with companion parrots would love that he threw up in your hand1 LOL
  2. Speak for yourself Nancy! LOL I'm not eccentric - just crazy!! Thank you too Muse!
  3. Yes, I do yell with them too! LOL Skittles (Sun) is a great little yeller. Peanut just bobs his head along with us. Glad to hear I am not the only one who has found out that they - like kids - listen a bit better when our voices are raised.
  4. Do any of you ever yell at your birds?? I have found that when my Sun Conure gets into something he shouldn't, if I yell at him to get out - he does!! I know when I first got parrots I was told not to raise me voice to them. I now wish I had started yelling sooner! LOL Oh, it hasn't stopped him from wanted to come to me and play with me. I have never yelled at Peanut, but then he doesn't do much that needs yelling at.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. I doubt that you making him fly in the last months would have make any difference in the out come. In fact, it may have hastened it. He was suffering from heart problems when he came to you and his strength was leaving him, that is why he didn't fly to you when you know he wanted to be with you.
  6. Mine was not fully weaned until almost 5 months. I would offer her warm food morning and night while making sure she has her fresh foods and a few pellets/seeds available at all time. Also, don't leave fresh foods in the bowls longer than 3-4 hours. I would stop the morning feeding, or cut it down, when you notice her eating some of the fresh foods. Stay on the evening warm food until she wants it to stop.
  7. That is too cute. Sean was so into his game that he delivered what Sophie wanted without even thinking about it!! You go Sophie!
  8. I, also, have a rather large save till later account at my bird store on the web! LOL Luckily both mine like cardboard and that is much cheaper than wood! But food for three is killing me.
  9. Great pictures. Mine hate it when I get the camera out. Of course it is broken right now, so it has been a while since they have had to suffer that horrible fate! LOL I love Gracie photo bombing - too cute.
  10. Would be cool to see one. I guess that it would be possible in any species. Just in the wild they most likely would not live. Too bad you didn't get a picture - LOL, just kidding.
  11. I'm a member of the three to a home group. 1 TAG - Peanut always with a runny nose 1 Sun Conure - Skittles - a determined trouble maker 1 TIEL - Mr. Miriah - good at whistling "Happy Birthday"
  12. This post hits close to home. Being almost 70, I worry daily about what will happen to my babies.
  13. Old phone books work too. Watch the bells for chewing on clapper because they can get their beaks caught in them once in a great while. I wash out old medicine bottles (the brown type) fill with paper and small toys/treats, put the top back on. My TAG loves to throw them around the cage and then work the top off. This is what I leave with him if I know I will be gone longer than a couple of hours.
  14. I have a shower curtain hanging between my living room and kitchen. So far it has worked to keep both of mine out of the kitchen. I pull them to the side if I am going into the kitchen and want them to come too. Have you thought about those bead curtains from the 60's? Those might work to scare him away.
  15. I had a Tiel that never saw a cage the last eight years of her life, but, my Grey and Sun are cage-free only if I am home. My Sun would surely get into some trouble - he does even with me watching him! LOL My Grey, maybe not trouble too much, but he would let my Sun out! LOL
  16. Welcome. Echo is adorable. My TAG is just a little older than yours. He ( I think) is not a talker.
  17. Welcome Madi. A Grey's cage should be large enough for them to completely open their wings without touching any bars. Then you try to leave them space to do that without hitting a toy! LOL Yes, your cage should last a couple of months maybe a bit longer if your Grey isn't a cage chewer. What made you decide on a CAG instead of a TAG?
  18. Welcome Ladydove and Zazu. You've been given good advice. I would hide it for at least six months and slowly take it out again. Do you have other birds that you can hand it down to? Another good reason for having more than one bird.LOL
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. Small though they be, the hole in our hearts are large.
  20. Welcome and thank you for taking Toby into your heart. You didn't mention how long Toby has been with you. Time is not the same for them as it is for us. You might think a month is a long time, but to Toby that may be about an hour. Patience is your best friend right now. Don't expect too much too soon. As you talk to him try giving him a small treat, maybe a small piece of almond. This will help him come to you. The red in his feathers is fine. He may just have a few red feathers in his grey, it is called red factor and nothing to give a second thought to. He won't move for awhile simply because he couldn't before. He will love his new cage when he gets use to it.
  21. You and Sophie make an awesome pair. I hope Sophie's grieving is as short as possible.
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss. Daisy left a big hole in your heart. She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
  23. luvparrots, no one is saying the advice is good or bad, just the way it is delivered is hard to take. Being told what you said is dumb, stupid or ridiculous does not sit well.
  24. I know this will change nothing, but I agree with birdhouse. You can tell someone that there are better ways to do something without telling them it is dumb, or ridiculous, or worse. It may be the way of the world, but it is not a world that HAS to be. No one talks to me that way - at least not to my face LOL.
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