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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. Thank you Candi. I think they are the best! Sounds like you are doing the best thing for him. Talk to him a lot. Even if he doesn't seem to respond now I think he will in the future. It sounds like he had a decent start in life and now he will have a great home!
  2. Welcome Candi and Echo. Do you know much about Echo's past? When did he start plucking? I know you will be making him more comfortable and loved.
  3. Adorable. If that toy is going to hit me in the head - well then I will just throw it away!!! LOL
  4. Nancy, Peanut has been with me for 8 years. I am thinking there is something different between when I am crying and when I am emotionally upset. I have cried before and he comes and pushes his beak into the side of my nose -that is how we 'kiss'. What happened last Sunday was much different and I don't think he knew how to react. He has been just fine since. I think this is just something in his and my personalities that we will have to be careful with and take things slow and easy when I feel myself getting emotional about something.
  5. Welcome Miranda. How old is your baby. Looking forward to pictures!!
  6. That is a great picture. Mine love lemonade, but I have never given them a piece of lemon. I have heard that a little bit of citrus goes a long way and not to give them too much.
  7. I understand that 'crazy' household!! Yes, I agree, the emotions are what set him off. He has been fine ever since. I will have to be more aware of what I am 'transmitting' to them in the future.
  8. Hello and welcome. Looking forward to hearing more about your babies. We love pictures!!
  9. I take it you don't have the baby yet - sine you said the 'destined' name. Has it hatched? If not, do you know when the clutch is due? Can you visit it?
  10. Well, he did it again. Last April I posted about Peanut dive-bombing me and biting my nose then a couple of days later my ear. He has been fine until yesterday. I was on the phone with my sister and I was very emotional. I am wondering if this isn't part of the problem. Anyway, I now have a great U shaped bite on my forehead. He spent a while in his cage and has been just fine ever since. Never know what they are going to think next.
  11. I would like to know why the husband going back to live with his Mother is considered cruel! LOL
  12. Since it is below zero and we have a few inches of snow - I think I will give it a try tomorrow. Please ask your hubby to find that camera!!
  13. Yes it is wonderful having someone understand when you start talking about your fids. No one in my 'real' life understands either LOL
  14. Welcome. Having two is not too much for many people. Will they get along - who knows. This is something that is asked a lot, but there is no one answer to it. Introducing them both while they are babies, I think, increase the chances that they will get along. But it does not guarantee it either. When you introduce them, do it in a place that neither one of them consider 'theirs' - a neutral space. I introduced all of mine this way and the two that are left still get along well enough to be out together most of the time. CAGs can be a good family bird, but some are very skittish and the large noise and sudden movement of children wouldn't work with those. Enjoy your time here and learn all you can - any information will serve you well when and if you decide to add a CAG to your family.
  15. Welcome. Glad you took the step and introduced yourself. Jake is a doll and really does show that he is enjoying your toy. Looking forward to hearing more about your family.
  16. I agree with everyone else. But, a two year old Grey is far from an adult bird. You have a few years of toddlerhood left! LOL
  17. That's a good start!! I also spray them when they are in the cage. Only stop if the reaction is extreme. None of mine love it, but they all tolerate it well after the first few minutes.
  18. Too cute!! I remember her and Lamp Chop very well.
  19. Looking forward to pictures -hint-hint!LOL
  20. It is so rough when they are not fully themselves. Hoping the vet either finds something or can give you an idea of what to try to stop it.
  21. Welcome. I agree, if your baby accepts it, comfort him/her and let them know you are going to be gentle and supportive. My Timneh came home at almost 3 months and was a little unsteady, but he had a horrible clip!! I handled him right away and he developed a strong bond with me. My Sun came at a little over a year and I handled him all the way home ( I know, not good for a car ride) and he also has a strong bond with me - a little too strong sometimes!! LOL Looking forward to hearing more about your new family member.
  22. Thank you Breezy - the same to you and yours. Have a great dinner tomorrow. Wish I could taste that chessecake.
  23. He is adorable!! Just keep eating with him and he will eventually try some different foods. Or tell him he can't have it and watch how fast he will go after it! LOL You are making him feel safe and loved - it shows in his eyes.
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