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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. Welcome to your new baby! How old is he? Have you named him yet? His eyes look soo sweet. He has been picked on a lot from the looks of his feathers. Yes, please get him to an avian vet asap. And please let us know how that goes.
  2. That is pretty much what I do. I also get up to throw them just a enough off balance to make them let go. Then they go back to their cage!
  3. Welcome. I know it is tough because you want a friend, and you know you would not hurt him. But, HE doesn't know these things. The advice above is spot on. Just remember that to you a year seems like a long time, but to a parrot it seems like nothing. By the way, what is his name? Sorry went back to your post - his name is Bubba! LOL
  4. I agree. As one who unknowingly bought an unweaned baby, it is not for everyone to handfeed. Get a baby who is eating on his own.
  5. Good advise. I love to answer my 'flock' call with "I hear you, I am ignoring you, but I hear you! LOL Mine does call a lot when I am out of the room, but if I answer the first few they become farther apart. Good luck. And remember, that 4 months to you may seem like a long time, but to a parrot it is just a blink of an eye and he is still very scared of your reaction to things.
  6. She is so pretty. We also have a Rhodesian Ridgeback in our family. My niece and her family have one. They are great dogs, though a bit large! LOL and VERY strong! But if they are all like this one, very family orientated and loyal to a fault.
  7. Congratulations!! He is precious. I am looking forward to many more pictures. I am one of those weird people who love to see other peoples kids and grandkids. LOL - ok that isn't the only thing that makes me weird, but it is one.
  8. What a wonderful picture! How do you keep them away from that charming clock??
  9. Welcome. I also have a TAG, Peanut, almost 8 now. I have been owned by him since he was about 3 months. I think you and Inara have many happy years ahead.
  10. Pellets are feed right out of the bag. I keep a small bowl in the cage at all times. Mine get nutriberries and avicakes too. Along with fresh veggies and fruit. The beans can be served with noodles and veggies added too. The Crazy Corn I have no idea about - never heard of it. Even though mine get seeds in the nutriberries and avicakes, I give them a couple of tablespoons of a seed mix twice a week- they just seem to enjoy it a lot.
  11. That is very normal. Some birds can poop every 20 minutes it seems! lOl well, close to it anyways.
  12. Nancy that sounds too cute. I have nothing to add other than yes, Greys do dislike the strangest things!! Now, my Sun Conure HATES my slippers, but, he has reason. I kicked into him once with them on and he has never let them forget it!! LOL
  13. The babies are all so sweet. You hate not being able to take them all home!! LOL Good luck with your search and please remember to keep us posted.
  14. Fly free Cesar! Small feathers leave big holes in our hearts.
  15. great report. I know to you a year seems like a long time, but to a parrot it is no time at all. You have made good progress.
  16. I just love Felix!! Miss Gilbert had better watch her step! lol
  17. Nice flock. Do they all get along? Are they out at the same time?
  18. Hello and welcome. Did you have any specific questions that we might answer? As said before, if you are visiting birds, one will surely 'pick' you!
  19. Just make sure he has a variety of perches to choose from and he will not spend all his time on the same one. If you are worried about his sleeping on the same one, just rotate them so a different one is the highest in the cage each time.
  20. It took many weeks before my guys took a small liking to being sprayed! LOL Keep it up. I hope it continues to keep Talon happy and healthy.
  21. Dave. wasn't sure, but were you inviting me to go to a swap meet with you?? If so, what is halfway between Planet Earth and north of sane?? LOL jgerardo, please find a good breeder and don't take you chances at a swap meet.
  22. Welcome. A "swap meet"?? That doesn't sound like a great place to buy a bird. Do you know anything about the people there? Are the birds breed in a clean, decent place? Are they abundance weaned? Or will you be buying an unweaned baby?? - not a great idea if you have no hand feeding experience. As for the living conditions a bird could do well there. It all depends on the people and how they handle the bird. Again, welcome, and I do like that you are doing some research before buying your new companion.
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