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Brat Birds

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Everything posted by Brat Birds

  1. One great pic. Aren't they always more photogenic than us?? LOL
  2. what a wonderful time. Please do enjoy this time. Just as human children, they grow up way too fast. Thane is one handsome young man.
  3. So glad this story has a happy ending, I agree with not getting her wings clipped right away. Let both of you settle in again before you make any decisions. When my Peanut got out and then back I thought about clipping. But he has too many other problems, so I decided not to add to them by changing his ability to fly. ((Hugs to both of you)))
  4. Welcome home. Glad everything is back to normal.
  5. Great pictures. I like the 2nd one - she seems to be telling you to get the camera out of the way so she can go back to eating. I know how you feel about getting her back. Though mine was gone only 6 hours, I just sat and cried when he came back home.
  6. Sterling - that is too funny. Vicki, I never would have thought to let my daughter name him - but my granddaughter - ahhh that is another story LOL. I really didn't like the name at all, but what could I do, I had told her she could name him. The name grew on me and on him too!
  7. I love reading your posts about Whisper. I agree, she will start talking again soon. This is such a miracle story.
  8. Hey Augie. You be careful around that BIG little brother. He could eat you for a snack! LOL Of course us Greys rule the roost - you need to remember that too!! Tell your brother how much you look up to him - which you will because he is much bigger than you LOL. Greys like to hear how wonderful they are. They are not as well grounded as TIELs, so remember how fragile he is. Good luck with the new additions.
  9. That is a neat list of names. You are right, you don't want a Winston with a Banjo personality! LOL I am so glad he is a Timneh - so is Peanut. I let my granddaughter name him, since she most likely will inherit him someday.
  10. Only know about them 2nd hand, but they are a reputable rescue.
  11. I agree it needs to be done. I just hope you can keep Radar away longer.
  12. Love the picture of the two babies. TOOOOO cute. How is it going now? Are things still going as smooth.. I so miss the baby days-both feathered and not. LOL
  13. My baby came home on three feedings a day. He also would eat solids and was down to the evening feeding only in just a couple of weeks. The evening feeding went on for a couple of months - I didn't want to rush him at all. He is now about 7 and so far I have not had any problem with him not wanting to be with me. Hope this helps. Please stay and give us updates on your baby. Are you sure it is a boy?? TAG or CAG? Any name yet? LOL
  14. I think it is taking a terrible chance. Also, what about his cage and toys, are they in the rooms to be sprayed?
  15. I had already asked questions in the other thread - so just ignore them- you have answered them here. So glad Whisper is home again.
  16. How is it going? What did the vet say? It is wonderful that she is at home again.
  17. I am so glad Greycie is back home. I lost my Peanut once, but only for 6 hours. He too, regressed back. It only lasted a couple of days then he was back to normal. I have noticed and even tested it out, he won't go anywhere near the door now. It has been at least 3 years since it happened and he still won't go near the door. Maybe Greycie will hate the door too.
  18. Welcome back. Prayers being said for Whisper.
  19. You have learned well little one. Never mind what they say - if they laugh you are good to go.
  20. Yep perfectly normal - at least to them! My Sun does it sometimes too, but I have never seen my Tiel do it. Wonder if they do too?
  21. Yes they are. I am thankful that Peanut only knows how to break into a cage now. Breaking out does not have to come! LOL
  22. Watch "SMART ??? Grey" When he is out of the cage, if I don't block it, Peanut will upset his food dish. I caught him one day trying to upset it while he was standing on in, inside the cage. Thanks KevinD for showing me how to post this.
  23. Oh how exciting! As long as you have a variety of toys ie. hanging, foot, chewing. you should be fine for a while.
  24. Thane is so handsome. And, I think he knows it! It must be so hard to wait, but like mentioned above - so worth it!! I got my grey from a very bad breeder who couldn't wait for him to leave. Your way is so much better.
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