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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. Great post, everyone must read.
  2. TWIX

    Commercial Feed

    This is going to be very interesting. Good thread Jocelyn
  3. Welcome to the forums
  4. Welcome Socrates, can we see some of your photos please?
  5. Welcome to the forums and please post some photos of both your birds
  6. DJ is doing just the same and he drives me crazy. Susu doesn't do that at all, he is not picky when it comes to food. But DJ is a nightmare. He will take out what he does not like and eats the rest.
  7. Here is one to remember http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zn5y_SgMDI&feature=autoplay&list=AL94UKMTqg-9B4TdDpnMIG2L1H_oyIo3Z4&playnext=6
  8. TWIX

    Visiting NJ

    Thanks Judy, i clicked and landed on this when i wanted to search for products: http://www.mybirdstore.com
  9. TWIX

    Visiting NJ

    Talon, do you have their website address please?
  10. TWIX

    It is time!

    She's gorgeous and i love the playing stand. Welcome home Whitney
  11. lol, shocking! If Fergie means what she said, then i should be careful around DJ when i open my mouth. Amazing
  12. Dry food is what i am offered by DJ all the time, this is so sweet. He loves you
  13. The Dog was awesome! Who doesn't like dogs? If he kept on walking, this bird may have never returned home. The Dog is a hero I wish my wife would accept dogs and cats, but she is scared of them unfortunately. Maybe in my next life lol
  14. Great looks and a very attractive color
  15. Mike and the Mechanics are a wonderful band, Mea Culpa is my favorite song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF0pSWpqPko But i am a big fan of Dire Straits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAczi8DsqBQ&feature=fvst
  16. I love Indian Ringnecks, awesome birds, mine is 4 years old almost and his ring showed up at the age of 2. He is a little grumpy sometimes, and can get very territorial. Mine is green color though and his ringneck is black & orange. Can say few things and many other things that i don't understand. Your birds are lovely, and they will get very pretty at the age of 3. If they get a ring on their neck it means they are males. Careful with your fingers as their bite is really nasty and i have some scars
  17. It is interesting to know that she knows colors at the age of 4 months! Amazing, i actually know they are smart but that's an early age to learn colors. Can you please add some pictures of her? Thanks
  18. So you will have a talker, the best thing a parrot could do. You're lucky
  19. TWIX

    DJ needs answers!

    Yes, i was not comfortable with the black powdery thing on most of the nuts and fruits. Thanks to Jayd and the warning he gave me, i had stopped the ready mix before DJ ate a lot. The small amount i gave him was not all eaten and i am happy he didn't. Keep the questions rolling and let those answers save lives.
  20. TWIX

    DJ needs answers!

    Ok then, i have returned it to the shop, i got really grumpy when i find out about the mold. This could have killed my DJ slowly. The search will continue then Thank you Jayd for the valuable information and advice.
  21. TWIX

    DJ needs answers!

    @Jayd: Actually YES! There is some black powder like on most of the shells in the pack! This means i should stop giving it to him and return it to the shop. Gog, i thought i found him something great.
  22. So glad to hear he is ok, i know it's frustrating but i hope it will all end up safely very soon.
  23. I agree, i think you should see both birds and then only you can decide. One bird will love you more than the other.
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