I personally think we all should compromise a bit to make a relationship works. You won't be able to find the perfect person or the perfect life, and when the right partner comes we must learn to give up on some of the things we want. I am not saying that we should give up on our awesome parrots NO. Take my case for an example, i am married to a wonderful woman and she is very scared of cats and dogs (Actually any animal). I want to have a dog and a cat along with my parrots, but unfortunately i can't as she will freak out. I tried so many times to convince her and get her to change her mind and show her that these amazing friends are nothing but pure joy and a great addition to the family. Unfortunately, she can't get over her fair and i respected her wish. She also accepted parrots in our house and as long as they don't come near her she is fine. My wife has great qualities that dogs and cats can't replace and there is balance in our life and we are both happy. If i had all the animals that i want and i met her after that, we may have never got married, since meeting her came before that stage I HAD TO COMPROMISE ....