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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. This speech should talk about wild caught Greys being sold in the market, and how everyone can help stopping this, just like Judy said.
  2. Nice photos, he is a happy parrot
  3. This is so unprofessional behavior by the pet store manager! If i were in your shoes, i will tell everyone i know about it and will mention the name of the pet store. I will make sure that people will avoid dealing with him to avoid having the same situation. What a low life he is, i don't like people like that.
  4. Today i have given DJ sometime to play in the bathtub with a thin layer of warm water, so my little daughter was watching and was very excited about it. So she gave DJ some of her bathtub toys to play with, and DJ was extremely happy with the whole new experience. We were all having fun, but unfortunately we haven't taken any videos or photos. So i took some photos after the bath and here are 2 of them: This is him after the bath and still wet and this is him when all dry and happy DJ became really happy after the bath and started whistling and making loads of funny sounds, as if he is completely a different parrot. What a guy...
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums, i hope you find all the answers you need.
  6. I hope your friends will find him soon, my heart is with you.
  7. I am dying to have an Amazon too, but i have decided to wait and see if i can handle the 2 lovely parrots i have now. They are a lot of work and i can hardly give them the attention they need, imagine three. I am lucky to have a maid who is helping me cleaning the cages and preparing food for them, but they need more than a maid to be happy friends.
  8. TWIX


    Very beautiful bird and the bed is just awesome, i may have to make something like that for DJ
  9. That's so cute, but what do you usually do when Amali regurgitate in front of you? DJ has done that once already and i didn't know what to do
  10. Good luck, i hope you get the bird
  11. DJ keeps trying to climb my arm towards the shoulder, but i keep blocking him as i don't want him to sit on my shoulder. It is a hard process to keep blocking him, but i am not giving up and will keep doing this until he learns it is not allowed. I hope it does work after all.
  12. Dj is now screaming when he wants food, but i am not encouraging that at all. I want him to ask for food the nice way, not that his cage has none! There are 2 bowls of water and 3 filled with different food. I am following Dave's advice on stopping screaming and it's now becoming less and less. I wish that he only says Helloooooo like your Pancho, maybe he will one day. That's really cool
  13. Then fight for your rights, get a lawyer and get your Archie back, don't give up on him...
  14. Ha ha, i can't say cute, but i know they will be soon. The crop is seriously full and looks like it may explode anytime now lol
  15. Very cute and a very nice backyard
  16. Happy Birthday Nilah, i like your photo, turning into a human now?
  17. I agree with Judy, her advice is always recommended. I lost Twix in less than 24 hours, i hope he will be fine and well soon.
  18. TWIX

    Used cage

    What if the previous parrot who lived in that cage died of a virus infection? The cage won't be right for your future baby bird then and i don't know if the others agree with me here. The best way to clean them is to soak them in any bird-safe disinfectant and then expose them to the sun for a day or two. I would also recommend using vinegar along with the disinfectant. This was the vet advice to me when i bought DJ after my Twix died in the same cage that i bought new.
  19. So you are a Jordanian! I am too, but i live in Dubai, Welcome to the forums Mira and Ya Hala
  20. Boy or girl, it does not matter, they are amazing companions and you will have a life time adventure with them. Welcome to our family
  21. Please get a second opinion, i would do that for my parrots. I hope he gets better soon
  22. I am sorry for what happened but i agree with Steve and Judy, something does not sound right!
  23. Susu likes to use his water bowl to bath, he looks just like Archie when wet
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