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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. & the one sitting on top of the blonde one is going to be naughty lol
  2. The one with the red eyes is blonde Cute
  3. Amazing, I can't wait to have the same
  4. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    I keep getting surprised how true "Pet lovers" are sensitive and loving. They are the people i respect most and love most. You were all there for us during this tough time, reading your comments made my family smile, it brought tears to our eyes sometimes. I want you all to know, that you have my respect and love right here from Dubai, wherever you might be.
  5. Maybe i should wait and you guys are right. Thanks
  6. I saw some videos on youtube.com and the guy seems to have so much fun with that flock! I have also read few other stories about normal people taming wild parrots and other birds by feeding them everyday in their backyard or on a tree near their house. I am doing just fine, i can't stop thinking about Twix day and night. But my wife and i have decided to get a Grey asap. We think it would be great to do that, we are positive that Twix will want us to have another for sure Thanks
  7. well, this is the story: Here in the UAE, it is extremely hard to find a CAG these days, the only place to find one is via some website from private sellers or the birds market in Sharjah (another city). I have been checking everywhere for the past two days, and they all seem to have CAGs that screams when you approach them. I couldn't touch any of them. I have asked why they were so aggressive, and i was told these are wild CAGs! Some told me they could be locally breeded and they were forgotten and neglected. So i can't tell which one is wild and which one is not. I have been reading different posts on taming wild CAGs, and the majority said it's possible but it takes patience and a lot of time. I don't mind that as long as it will happen. Someone convinced me by mentioning those who were travelling to remote islands back in time and come back with wild parrots on their shoulders. It sounds very true to me. I wish i can find a tamed CAG any time soon. it would be great.
  8. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    Thanks a lot again, i have been to many forums before and non was this friendly. You guys are serious PET lovers, lovable and sensitive just as much as i am. With every hour passing since Twix has passed away and we are feeling better, he made a cool buzz in the house and was so much fun and a lovable friend. We are missing him dearly but we're getting closer to getting another one, this time we won't get a baby Cag. We could be the reason why he passed away, maybe we haven't done enough to keep him alive anyway. Although i have been reading a lot on how to take care of a baby like him, but maybe i have done something wrong somehow. I will never know anyway! I have raised Susu the Indian ring since he was two weeks old, and he is doing just fine (4 year old now). Our Hill Myna is very messy, he poops in his water and in his food too. The whole cage is full of poop and it smells bad, and we are always cleaning it. I don't know how to handle a Myna at all. He is already making funny sounds, sometimes he is a dog, a parrot, a chicken, and the list go on. Funny in a way but hard to maintain. I think we will give him away to someone who can handle him, he will be a huge challenge.This Hill Myna is the noisiest bird you will ever get, this morning we heard a police siren and we panicked (then we know it was him!!!). He does look great, having yellow and black feathers, but doesn't like to keep clean at all. Some of you told me that they lost a baby Cag or even two, but you moved on and got another one. I am close to convincing my wife Lina to get a lovely Cag, let's see what happen in the next few days. I loved Twix more than any pet i have ever had, Greys are awesome and lovable and you are all lucky to have them in your company.
  9. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    Thank you everyone for these kind words, Twix is will always be missed. Something has happened today! Two of our friends knocked my door today and they got us two gifts! The first is a bird, he is the Greater Hill Mynah (5 months old). The second is a small cage with two love birds inside of it. I have to admit, that was a big surprise to the family and it did help in a positive way. We don't really know much about Mynahs yet, but we know they are excellent talkers. I may stay away from the forums for a while as i can't keep watching the photos of those lovely Greys. This is the only thread i will be visiting until i get the next Cag or Tag. Thanks again
  10. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    Reading your kind comments was so comforting, Thank you for that. We can't stop looking at his cage, filled with toys and food. Makes us sad every minute, we are missing him so much. A friend has offered to buy us another one and to call him Twix as well but my wife and I refused, we don't think there will be another parrot who is as sweet as him. Maybe we will accept that in the future. Take care of your lovely parrots, you never know how much you will miss them when they're gone.
  11. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    Twix has passed away today, the vet couldn't help. He gave him an injection and some medicine in his mouth, he stayed there for about 5 hours, but then the vet called me to tell me that Twix is gone. The vet thinks it's a virus, and couldn't tell exactly what it is, i think he wasn't professional enough to diagnose Twix properly. The whole family is sad now and my daughter is asking where he is now. We told her he flew to meet his friends in heaven. Went high up in the sky. We had great moments and although was very short. But he will surely be remembered for as long as we live. We are not planning to buy another one, as we won't go through the same again. Thank you all for your support.
  12. Thank you, slept next to his cage in the night and now he is at the vet. I got so attached to him.

  13. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    One thing i will do for sure is to be at the Vet door first thing in the morning, the cost is nothing compared to the joy of having him back as healthy as he should be. He is still holding on on the perch, i am right next to the cage. I have covered the cage and pointed my laptop fan towards the cage too (The laptop blow hot air towards the cage). I can't sleep and i won't go to work tomorrow.
  14. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    Just got a call back from the same Avian Vet in Abu Dhabi, he said that my bird could be infected with this "Psittacine beak and feather disease". He asked me many questions and i gave his the answers. Then he told me they will not be able to cure him, and that i will be wasting my money!!!!!!!!! He said they had many cases like mine and they all ended up with dead parrots, it takes less than 24 hours for the death to happen. All i am doing now is keeping him warm and talking to him gently like you said. My heart is broken already and i can't imagine my life without him. I am praying he will recover and get better in the morning. Please pray for him. Thank you
  15. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    I have to say i gave him some apple yesterday (Without seeds). His poop is yellowish and green. I don't want to lose him, we bonded already
  16. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    I don't know what's wrong with him, but he didn't eat anything since 5 hours and his energy has gone down. He does not whistle anymore and he seems very week. Eyes half closed and staying on the perch sleeping most of his time. He vomited 15 minutes ago, so i got very worried and started searching for an emergency vet. I didn't get lucky with my search yet and i can't get hold of the Vet i know. Is Twix very sick, will he make it throw the night and hold until i take him to the vet in the morning? I am very very worried and feeling sad already.
  17. That's really cool, i can't wait to see Twix doing stuff like those. Awesome
  18. Hi, My 3 year old Tia was trying to play with Twix today and offering him some small plastic toys that belongs to her. Twix immediately tried to bite Tia !!! Tia asked me: Dad, why is he trying to bite me? I told her he is not, he is little upset and will play with you later :rolleyes: Is it true that Greys don't like children? My other parrot (Susu) is fine with her and he does play with her a lot. Tia is nice with both of them, but she is a bit noisy sometimes. Is this why Twix is trying to bite her? Is he scared of her? Will he ever like her at all one day? Thanks everyone Ismail
  19. Hilarious, sounds like a lot of fun. lol
  20. TWIX


    Stunning image
  21. That's amazing, wish we have great places like the one you've been to. I enjoyed reading
  22. Relax! Twix is 5 months old, he was never abused and i am his favorite person. Twix does not accept my little girl TIA and he hardly accepts my wife LINA too. I can touch him anywhere i want including his wings and tail, but he does not like it when i do that. He warns me when i go beyond his neck and back by biting one of my fingers, so that's his way of telling me i don't like to be touched there. Lina wants to play with him and Tia too, but he always prefers me over anyone around. I told my wife to start giving him some fruits and veggies three times a day, say hi to him and maybe he will accept her eventually. The reason why he doesn't like my little girl is because she gets so excited when she comes near him and her voice is a bit loud, so he get scared and wants her to keep away from him. The only way to stop biting is to talk to them in a low tone, from a distance, give them food and eventually come closer but slowly slowly! I assure you Noodle will accept you too and will play with you as much as he does with Cody Noodle is a great looking Grey Ismail
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