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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. Aerial, Congrats! I missed the fun, i just saw this thread lol. Marco looks gorgeous and i am very happy for you that she is home at last. I loved your thread ... Have fun
  2. That is so true, and well said Talon. Many people buy parrots or pets in general and they expect them to be perfect, no mess, no noise, no needs and the list go on. When days pass by, they will start ignoring the pet and then one day they will try and get rid of them. It is a huge responsibility, it is a forever relationship and a commitment for life.
  3. OMG, he is an excellent talker Bless him
  4. TWIX


    Low life thieves are everywhere, i just hope the guy who took him can't afford to buy one and he did that just to have a parrot. At least Nova will be fine. I am so sorry to hear that.
  5. DJ as in "Disc Jockey", he moves & behaves like one
  6. TWIX

    first trick

    Excellent, he is smart and willing to learn
  7. Sounds like fun, i too love to visit these pet shops and meet new parrot friends, i also saw a Too that day and he was so not interested in me. He was busy jumping, climbing and dancing, i gave him a scratch at the end, he was too funny.
  8. Here is DJ having a good morning here in Dubai Enjoying a scratch :cool: Full of confidence & Wondering what i am doing (Pointing the camera at him)
  9. Welcome, i hope you can get a Grey soon, they are very loving friends for sure.
  10. I think she is using Google translate to help her write in English. It seems that your bird is stressed out by looking at the photos. Try and get him some toys, let him out of his cage and have some quality time with him. Give him some attention and love and these feathers will grow again. His cage seems to be very small, and maybe he can't move and play a little. If he is molting he will be losing feathers in different places and not only in one spot. I hope he gets better soon.
  11. I Agree, I think she is trying to talk. She is very gorgeous by the way
  12. Yeah, that is a great idea "WELL DONE"! I have three buttons popped out off my laptop, and thanks to SUSU
  13. TWIX


    I don't know about Greys yet, but my Indian Ring Neck will change most of his feathers when it's molt time, most of the feathers on his head and neck, most of his wings feathers, and all of his tail feathers. He replaces them with awesome looking new ones. I think this should be the case for all parrots if i am not mistaken.
  14. Very beautiful feathers he has, very handsome too
  15. Greys are awesome in every way, i had Susu "My Indian Ring Neck" since 4 years and he does not pick up things the way DJ is! Dj is now imitating as many sounds as he can and we are all laughing at him. He gets excited so fast and we love him so much. Your Ozzy sounds funny too, give him a kiss for me
  16. Very beautiful , i have seen some Greys here with having the same case. Stunning
  17. TWIX

    Oboe flew away

    Happy he is back
  18. He looks like my parrot! Oh, handsome.
  19. A leg ring does not mean anything! All the wild parrots I have seen there had leg rings, and trust me when I say they are wild. They force these parrots to accept humans, just for the sake of selling. I saw how they handle greys and amazons, they scream their life off, pull them from one leg or one wing. This won't stop as many people support these guys, I had a chat with someone who wanted to buy a wild grey and he said he can tame him.
  20. The outdoor cage is awesome, wish i can give the same to my birds. Lovely photos by the way
  21. I completely agree, thanks a lot.
  22. TWIX

    Baby Grey

    Cute, maybe call her "Bounty"
  23. TWIX

    Twix is sick!

    We already have DJ! Been with us for a while now
  24. He is so adorable, hello Tequila
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