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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. TWIX

    Mister Sneaky

    Lol, sneaky guy is very smart. Call him 007
  2. Maybe these cages are made to be used by pet stores, and that's why they have locks. To avoid theft i guess, otherwise i see no reason. But the cage looks big to me and your parrots will love them.
  3. This is something i bought today, and it's by BROWN"S. So DJ is asking: He is also eating a lot of veggies and some fruits.
  4. Very nice photos and she seems to be happy and smiling
  5. Wow, what a story i enjoyed it and learned something new today.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forums, you are doing the right thing by researching before buying a Grey. Start with reading the sticky threads and then you may come to a basic decision. Greys are wonderful companions but a lot of responsibility.
  7. Seems like he is having fun, i will try that with DJ.
  8. That's nice, well done Charley
  9. That's awesome! Wonderful for the birds. One day DJ,One day
  10. Still very young, and so beautiful.
  11. Jayd, DJ is getting very excited when he sees me, when i approach him and start giving him a scratch, he will try to bite me!!! I know he doesn't want to bite, but it seems like it. What do i do? Shall i wait a little until he calms down or what do you suggest?
  12. I am so sorry for your loss, this is so terrible. I hope you guys recover from this quickly
  13. DJ does the same and it's uncontrollable, all i have to do is clean around the cage when he's done eating. But hey, who cares? When he's satisfied and happy, the playtime with him is just worth it, right?
  14. I like the freedom buffet ! Awesome for keeping the mess in. Well done man.
  15. TWIX

    I enjoy it

    I want to tell you a lot more, but my English is not that strong lol, today he was behaving a little different and he started saying hello and I LOVE YOU (Not very clear though) I started to compare him to my SUSU, playful and excited to see me. SUSU can say few words, but i guess DJ will beat him to talking. I love Indian Ringnecks but i think i am about to love GREYs more. DJ jumped from the top of his cage and landed successfully on his feet! He was trying to come towards me, i can't wait to see his flight feathers complete and see him fly.
  16. Maybe he is trying to say: Hi, this forum is very interesting and thanks for the efforts you put in it
  17. This is awesome stuff man, thanks for sharing
  18. I would like to see Buddy getting all of his feathers back, you seem to be doing a good job
  19. This is exactly what i need to learn...
  20. Bongo is gorgeous, welcome to the forums
  21. She is lovely and looks playful to me. Enjoy
  22. The beak is a little scary, but the feathers are so beautiful.
  23. The hide and seek game sounds interesting, will do it once DJ gets his flight feathers back. Very nice story
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