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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. I can't be the one to give you the best advice, but i can help you with finding great CAG food in Dubai. I have ordered some food from this website and they deliver to your doorstep within 48 hours max. http://dubaipetfood.com/shop/food-102s.html
  2. Congrats, the photo is great. Having a grey in your home is so much fun
  3. Welcome home Dexter, that's the same great cage i bought for DJ (Wonderful) He is very handsome
  4. Here is another one http://www.britvet.com/
  5. Hi Amit, Try these guys, they are really good http://www.nadvethosp.com/ Good luck
  6. I was thinking, what if we can start new threads highlighting the most important things an owner should know about their Grey. Examples: Top 10 things you should know about your Grey. Top 10 most common diseases Top 10 behavior changes Top 10 poisonous food Top 10 recommended food Top 10 ..........etc This will sum up a lot of information for new Grey owners like myself. I am reading and reading and the forum is full of information, but it would be great if members can get access to the most important information in one place. Experienced members should chose one of the Top 10s and reply with the correct information below. More Top 10s can be added as long as you think members can benefit from it. This will be very much appreciated. Thanks
  7. TWIX


    That's amazing! My CAG and IRN will never get close. They will kill each other, Susu is really grumpy and doesn't like strangers. and DJ is very much the same (Not with me). Wish they get along anytime soon.
  8. DJ will never speak if i use the video camera, but Susu doesn't care! If i bring the camera near DJ he will act as if he is about to meet an Alien!!! lol
  9. Brendon, you inspired me to do this (Just finished it now): Thanks for the inspiration, i know it's not as good as yours but it's the first one i made for DJ
  10. OMG, this is super cool! You're good at this. I must start doing some for DJ, i have loads of junk here and there. Well done
  11. There must be something special you both used to do or say that makes her loves you more than anything. In my case, DJ loves the first meeting in the morning when i come and take him out of his cage. We enjoy the feeding time, the kisses and the funny chat. There is no way that she forgot about you! Take it slowly like everyone said and be patient, let her feel your love even if you don't touch her for sometime. I hope this will help
  12. That's awesome information, my IRN is a bit grumpy but very playful and a sweetheart
  13. That's really Awesome Aerial, i can't wait for DJ to get his flying feathers back. I'm so happy for you
  14. I want to add something here! I live in Dubai and it's really hot in here, so we turn the A/Cs 24/7 too. Showering the bird and then expose him to the A/C can get him sick and maybe even worse. The same with humans, if i take a shower and face the A/C, i get sick most of the times. I shower DJ twice a week and leave him in the sun to dry out. Take care.
  15. Jake is definitely handsome! I am falling in love with these little ones more and more
  16. i was wondering what they look like? If this is it, then i want one
  17. lol they are both so cute
  18. Baby & Lola are really adorable Quakers
  19. DJ is very picky too, he is only 10 months now. He doesn't eat all the food i offer him, and i have to throw it away most of the time. I can tell you something, what he left before he will eat the same after a week or two! But this is not always the case. I keep trying and he loves that fact that i do
  20. Sounds very much like my CAG, we are both going through the same period i think. Really awesome times and i look forward for more and more
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