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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Well Kiki discovered my hutch, in the dining room. I had lots little ducks... she chewed them all. She didn't chew the " amazon", nor the BIG duck! LOL! She needs a bath, hopefully this weekend! We LOVE Kiki. Nancy
  2. Momo... after reading several posts... I think your baby is doing quite well! It does take several months. Not a big deal, because the " end result", is permanent. Continue to be patient, as you have been doing. Nancy
  3. repeat, whatever you did in the beginning, to get your birds trust. Ignore any feelings of guilt, your bird sends your way. I*t won't take long. Just be consistent! Nancy
  4. Doing well!~ Listen to your baby. They make the final decision, what they need. I always weaned according to what my bird needed. Kiki our Amazon, took six months to fully wean. She is the best eater now. LOVES fresh fruits and veggies. Sometimes, they just want an extra syringe, or spoonful of yougurt. Nancy
  5. makita725... LOL! I agree, first flight! You should be very proud of Lido. We all are! Nancy
  6. My girlfriend at work, gets kidney stones all the time. She HATES to drink water. I make her drink water daily! LOL! Now she needs her gallbladder removed, due to stones. Oh brother! My making her drink fluids for the past six months hasn't helped( beyond kidney stones!) Now I have to take care of her in July, for her first surgery ever. Nancy
  7. Don't stress about it. If you do... bird will pickup on the stress. Baby looks good. Checkout what Dave has to say about showering, as well as alovera. Nancy
  8. aerial.2000 You are going to be a GREAT parent. I feel it! Barking is just the beginning. Bonding with dogs will happen, if its your expectation. Sophie LOVES both our dogs, as well as dogs love her. When she tells them it is time to go out... they run for the door.( thanks Sophie!) My biggest " safety hazzard", is my purse. Even though Sophie has her own purse, she loves my new purse. I can never have medications in it, or a wallet. She finds my chapstick, throws it down to Zoey my pup, who is chapstick crazy. " here you go Zoey!" Nancy
  9. I wish I could help. I don't have the knowledge or experience. I wish you luck! I know there are several families here that have the experience. Nancy
  10. staceyj.. I apologize... the post was meant for you. Nancy
  11. katana600 I LOVED the picture of you guys! You both seem so content. Congratulations. We are all here for you if you ever need us. nancy
  12. OUCH! I can't even imagine! You are soooo right that I have been lucky. Bless you! Nancy
  13. Momo, is doing just fine! Stop stressing, and let everything progress naturally. Nancy
  14. You guys are silly! There is no 12 step program, and you don't need a first aid kit. I've been bitten twice in my lifetime. Didn't need a bandaid. Nancy
  15. luvparrots...I am sorry. My passion, got the best of me. I mean no disrespect. I am quite familiar with positive staphlococcus, vs gram negative baccili. It is actually part of my specialty. I apologize for any antagonism I caused. Nancy
  16. Brooke... as a nurse, RN, take your time. I wouldn't get a bird right now, at all! You have the rest of your life. Focus on your career. Its alot of work. You COULD get a bird that isn't as demanding of your time., but not the bird you want. How about volunteering with rescue services? Nancy
  17. Sooo glad for a happy ending. Just a reminder for all parents. Doesn't matter if you clip or not... they can all fly away. Nancy
  18. Parrot Lady...I am so sorry for your loss. We will always remember Cody. He was an Amazing bird, and I truly believe he is in heaven, and looks down on you and your family, with appreciation and love. I'm sure he is also amused with Brandi. She has GOT to have the biggest feet I have ever seen! LOL Nancy
  19. Aerial... I promise you, the day will come, when you walk in the door, she will fly out to see you. She won't be looking for a reward... she will just be happy to see you. You will be begging her for a quick potty break! LOL! She will say " okay!", and you will be taking a potty break together! LOL That is truly my home welcome everyday. Nancy
  20. Sophie thinks she originated from Arizona! Don't spray me, don't get me wet. Once in awhile, its necessary. A very dramatic day for all of us. Kids now give her a quick bath. Her feelings are hurt, but it needs to be done. Trimming time, is not enough. She forgives quickly. Nancy
  21. bluedawg... just like any child, they try to demand more time. Bedtime is important, and should be the same hour nightly. Covering or not, is a personal choice. Whatever makes the bird comfortable. Nothing wrong on checking on them if they sound scared, but they are just to be reassured and not taken out. Eventually, they understand when it is bedtime, and let YOU know it is time for bed. Nancy
  22. Casey Luria EXCELLENT job with Quinn! Keepup the good work! Be ready when Quinn shakes it up a bit, and carries out the most " dramatic play", you have ever seen. They are natural " stars" when it comes to drama.( of course it takes several years.) All my guys put themselves to bed around 8pm. Once in awhile... Sophie will scream a couple hours later... " ROM ( mom)... come quick! I always come running. She will say " Hi!"( she's just checking I'm always going to be there). A kiss goodnite, and she's good. Nancy
  23. What I love about Kiki, our Amazon, she " respects" Sophie, our grey. Doesn't mean she agrees! She doesn't roll over, and let Sophie dictate the rules! She holds her own. Nancy
  24. She DOES look like a Ginger!! Too formal for us... we would be calling her Ginny! LOVE that name! Nancy
  25. Momo... your baby is doing well. Be consistent with your expectations. Nancy
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