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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Hmm, no I'd never heard of this... Wikipedia has a little information about it though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_fancier's_lung Hopefully no one on here gets it!
  2. crossfit wrote: That's what I got, and for the exact same reason I'll check out the video when I get home, thanks!
  3. So while watching American Idol the other day, Yoshi went nuts with the talking and whistling the entire way through. Only with the TV on though. So I grabbed my camera, recorded it... I know these aren't exciting videos but I was happy to be able to record some of her sounds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MuieG_7zLY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otErdOI9kLo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8shmtuFSQA
  4. How exciting! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  5. So, at last I have bought the Aviator harness for Yoshi... I hope she will take to it... I have so many places I want to take her!
  6. Wow... I bet my Yoshi would like these! Especially that first one! How exciting How much are they do you know?
  7. Wow that's an awesome looking toy! So much different stuff to check out
  8. It sure is nice when they come to you for scratches and cuddles...
  9. Sounds to me like you made a good choice It doesn't sound like a huge problem and if you are already bonded then you probably wouldn't want to have to start all over and wait for another I'm sure this forum can help you if you have any troubles... I love the picture with your baby's wings spread, he looks proud to have them
  10. Issac sounds like he is doing well
  11. Lol, I know my Yoshi would rip it to pieces... and an 11 year old bird that hasn't worn something like that before might freak out. Guess it depends on temperment... that's cool that your Mom is willing though There is also the concern of how safe that would be? You don't want the bird to get caught up on something in his cage...<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/10 16:01
  12. I love her little red flecks... she is actually getting more of them lately as new little feathers have grown in around her bottom and under her wings with little red bits on them.
  13. Thanks everyone for the comments and reassurance... it's good to know others have been or are in a similar situation... that Yoshi isn't the only one who hasn't said a real word at her age and that she still has a lot of hope in the future for speech She is a yougin still really... and we love her sooo much.
  14. Yoshi's cage is a dark blue... but I think she would look just as adorable in any color cage Hope the paint is bird safe!
  15. Best wishes to Spock... I hope he pulls through! Karma to you for being so caring Jayd
  16. I just might do that! I've got leather, beads, and random bits of old toys... I'll show you guys the completed version when I'm done
  17. Found this for like 30 cent, lol... now what to do with it...? Hang toys from the holes and somehow attach it to the cage? <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/06 18:36
  18. Here she is looking around our bed
  19. Well my husband and I slept in till almost 12 this morning... and Yoshi was still quiet as we lay here in bed! I went to go get her, and a still sleepy Yoshi is cuddled up in my lap wanting lots of lovin and scratches... Guess someone didn't sleep much last night? lol... Good morning to everyone though! Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/06 18:08<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/06 18:11
  20. Yoshi was a BIG fan, obliterating the bone into thousands of tiny pieces, lol. Thanks for the comments and the cute picture Jill! Didn't have my camera out for that one, but I put another bone in the fridge for tonight so I'll capture a picture then
  21. So I have never given Yoshi a chicken bone... but we are having a rotassarie chicken tonight... and I can just pull a bone off for her right? Completly safe? We will see what she thinks!
  22. Oooh looks yummy, and not too hard to make! I might try this one! What kind of jalapenos do you put in? I've never given Yoshi jalapenos lol...
  23. Very full household I imagine Bet they are all lots of fun and very entertaining
  24. Yoshi will be 1 year old next month... no talking yet, or mimiking of sounds... About 4 months ago Yoshi started her 'babbling' sounds that sound mostly like a gremlin... nothing that makes sense... and I thought OMG maybe she is learning to talk. Now nothing has changed though and she is making the same noises, always when we either are not in the room or we have loud music or the TV on (when she doesn't think we will notice her). So I don't know what to think Of course we love our little Yoshi, but we definatly would like her to be able to talk. She does her calls to us and all her cute birdy whistles but nothing else yet But talking about her almost being one... it makes me so excited... the bond we have formed since she was 4 months old is great We have had many fun times and she is really a part of the family now. Mom calls and asks how my husband is, then how Yoshi is doing... just like a kid from the family Yoshi is more independent now, but still has her nightly cuddle-bug times. She is a joy to have, even when what she does still confuses me and then I get on here to figure it out! I like that I can find all my posts here, Yoshi's entire life with us is told in this forum
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