Yoshi will be 1 year old next month... no talking yet, or mimiking of sounds...
About 4 months ago Yoshi started her 'babbling' sounds that sound mostly like a gremlin... nothing that makes sense... and I thought OMG maybe she is learning to talk. Now nothing has changed though and she is making the same noises, always when we either are not in the room or we have loud music or the TV on (when she doesn't think we will notice her). So I don't know what to think
Of course we love our little Yoshi, but we definatly would like her to be able to talk. She does her calls to us and all her cute birdy whistles but nothing else yet
But talking about her almost being one... it makes me so excited... the bond we have formed since she was 4 months old is great We have had many fun times and she is really a part of the family now. Mom calls and asks how my husband is, then how Yoshi is doing... just like a kid from the family Yoshi is more independent now, but still has her nightly cuddle-bug times. She is a joy to have, even when what she does still confuses me and then I get on here to figure it out! I like that I can find all my posts here, Yoshi's entire life with us is told in this forum