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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. What lovely long flights she does!
  2. lol... maybe in time she will perfect her 'sit'? thats funny about the fire alarm and being shushed
  3. Thanks for the replies... Yoshi seems to be a happy girl today playing with toys and enjoying some human food
  4. Awww that's such a cute picture of Spock with the bunny! They are all cute pictures! It's nice to see these unique baby pictures and hear about others unique bed-time habits. As requested, here is a picture of Yoshi settling down for bed <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/28 07:18
  5. Yoshi loves a good scratch <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/28 07:10
  6. "Scratch me please!" <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/28 07:08
  7. So yesterday after work my husband and I went over to my brother's house to spend time with him and the kids... and today we spent the entire day, from 6:30 am to midnight, out shopping and at a theme park near here... Worried about Yoshi, I got her cage ready for some time alone with a new toy and a seed treat... I have to say I just got in 10 minutes ago and sneaked up to her cage to see if she was okay... she woke up, made cute little sounds, and slowly climbed up and out of her cage to see me. I was surprised as she ducked her head for scratches immediately, then leaped on my shoulder and is falling asleep on me now... my baby missed me! Such a warm welcome, I didn't think she would want to come out of her cage this late! So midnight cuddles and a few pistachios for her for being such a good girl... I bet she will be glad we are home all day tomorrow! <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/28 07:08
  8. I think I once talked about this on the forum when I got Yoshi and realized she was doing this… and it’s still the same Yoshi’s big cage has four bowls, one for water, one for food, one for treats, and an empty bowl in the front right corner. Since Yoshi came to us, she has adopted that bowl as her sleeping ‘perch’ and doesn’t sleep anywhere else. She will nap elsewhere, and she has several different perches, and at several different heights, but come night time she always ventures across her cage and gets onto that bowl. If we put food or water in there, she poops in it, yet she is careful not to poop in other bowls. It actually often catches her ‘morning bomb’ pretty gross and needs to be cleaned out often… I’ve tried moving a perch directly on top of that bowl, but she still sits on the bowl… I’ve tried removing the bowl and she slept on a nearby perch but I don’t think she was happy about it. In the end, months ago I gave up. It doesn’t seem to do any harm, and she’s comfortable sleeping there. I’m curious if anyone else has had an experience like this? I love my Yoshi, I guess she is just weird like me <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/25 22:01
  9. Yoshi always has pellets available... has grown to understand now that she only gets seeds after she eats her pellets... so dried fruits and veggies, plus pellets and a little seed during the day (all in one bowl, I think Yoshi likes to forage through the mix ). At night she gets whatever we have for dinner, plus some cooked rice or veggies or pasta. She does most of her interacting with us at night, and eating treats and stuff. If she gets a honey seed treat, or a pine cone seed treat (only on special occasions or if we are going to be away from the house all day) we now place the seed treat over a bowl, as that catches over half the wasted bits falling off, and she ducks down and eats out of that too. It's a good tip for saving a bit of food that would otherwise fall to the floor Also, Yoshi likes stringed cereal and almonds and stuff... it makes eating fun for her and only takes a moment. Yoshi has 4 bowls in her cage... a water bowl, a food bowl, a treat bowl, and a sleep bowl. Now I'm gonna go post about that sleep bowl lol.
  10. So I have seen some pretty awesome Atoms in this forum, and cool looking handmade ones. I've considered getting one several times, or making one myself. My question is, does everyone have good experiences with Atoms? Yoshi seems afraid of swings but I’m guessing the atom is more sturdy... Also, how do you attach them to the ceiling?
  11. Hehe Jill, sure you are! ElvenKing, that setup looks great... I like the atom a lot. I've considered getting Yoshi an atom
  12. I love flowers in the house I always keep Yoshi away from them though
  13. I'm sure I would have done the same thing Jill
  14. Yoshi likes reading your updates too Spock... she is preening herself right now though, pretending she is more interested in her feathers
  15. How gross! This article explains more and how people supported her decision to gain weight... poor kid having to deal with that though. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1257850/Super-sized-mother-determined-worlds-fattest-woman-years.html
  16. That sounds funny Yoshi sees Mike and I swat at flies here in Florida all the time and if one dares buzz around her cage she squawks and dashes across her cage wings raised, ready to bite it in half. Unfortunately the flies are a bit too fast and agile for Yoshi, especially since she can't fly
  17. While agreeing to disagree... I still am curious as to people's experience with this. Yoshi, as a baby, was always on our shoulder and it only took her about a month to realize that nibbling on my ear or pulling my husband's glasses while on our shoulders means "No!" and back to her cage for a time-out. Yoshi hasn't once nibbled on my ear or pulled my husband's glasses off in over 6 months. I think it's safe to say she has learnt not to. Yoshi now loves to be on my shoulder while I'm doing stuff, it enables us to stay close. I say "hold on!" if I bend over to pick something up and she grabs my shirt with her beak and flaps... it's so cute. She gives kisses easily and runs across my shoulders talking and stuff. Now that she is potty trained, I rarely get any accidents on my shoulder either, which is a major plus! The only thing I've seen that's difficult with her being higher is not being able to grab her, but even that isn't really a problem because she is usually willing to step down, especially if a peanut or sunflower seed is included in the deal! Honestly, I have seen nothing at all from Yoshi or in my previous bird experience to say that a bird is being agressive because of hight. It's about training and individual behavior, not height.<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/24 19:00
  18. Very pretty pictures... it's amazing Cocoa gets to come to all these places with you!
  19. I know a lot of people ask about what to feed their Greys and by no way am I saying Yoshi eats the perfect combination, but I thought I'd contribute by explaining what works well for us: Yoshi was weaned onto a cheap seed mix and Zupreme Fruity Pellets... soon after I decided to switch out the Zupreme for Roudybush as I had heard it is better for them (I really don't know for sure). Yoshi accepts the pellets now best if they are mixed in with her other foods. She now seems very happy with her food supply. I usually buy 2 different seed mixes... one with more dried fruits and veggies in it. I mix those together in a tupperware and refrigerate it. (Refrigerating your bird food is a good idea as it keeps little bug eggs from hatching apparantly).She gets half a bowlfull of this seed mix and half a bowl of Roudybush on top. Of course she forages through the Roudybush in persuit of the yummy seeds first, but then she knows she has to eat the Roudybush before she gets more seeds. She goes through her seed/roudybush supply very slowly though, as that is in her cage mainly for when we are gone but often she is with us and gets whatever we eat. She has her own food bowl on her playstand in the living room where she snacks happily on veggies and egg and rice and whatever we have to give her. She will do anything for a piece of shredded cheese, but she is very limited on cheese She also likes a grape... will slowely chew on that for about 5 minutes until it's completely disappeared. Pizza Crust is another favorite... although I think she has more fun just pulling bits off it and throwing them than actually eating it. She likes mash potatoe, and cooked soft veggies. She also has a thing for pistachios, and muching on dry pasta. Give her a string of cherios, dry pasta shells, and a couple almonds, and she will have it destroyed in about 10 minutes (if that ). Now Yoshi is clipped, but she still gets a lot of exercise... she is usually out of the cage most of the day, and we keep her active. She works for any treats she gets, playing dead and flapping her wings and giving kisses and stuff. All in all she is a pretty happy bird
  20. Wow... that's pricey! All is well though I take it?
  21. lol very funny... I haven't had that happen but will be on the lookout!
  22. Thanks guys If you are waiting for those feathers too Dee, that means you understand my anticipation and feelings of "Hurry up feathers!" Yoshi lost another feather this morning actually, so two wing feathers down! Several wing feathers to go... does anyone know how many they are supposed to have (flight feathers) on each wing?<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/22 19:03
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