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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Rearranging Yoshi's cage yesterday, I realized that I have had a piece of cuttle bone and a banana flavored mineral block in there for months now. Yoshi once nibbled on the cuttle bone a bit, but hasn't since then. Never touched the mineral block. Perhaps I should just take them out? Yoshi eats veggies and pellets, mind you she doesn't eat a ton of them. I've heard that you can grate up cuttle bone and sprinkle it on wet foods for added nutrition. I wonder if it's the same with the mineral block...
  2. Still no reply Who posts and doesn't reply? Hopefully he does, even if it is to say he sold it already... I hope that birdy gets a good home! EDITED to say that this fell through... I got an email today: "i am sorry he is gone" Lets just hope he is treated better now... and my search continues Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/04/01 06:09<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/04/01 13:41
  3. Congrats crossfit Can't wait to see pictures and hear about your baby finally home
  4. sounds like a good idea to me Our porch is screened in... we don't go out there that much but it's nice that Yoshi has the option to go out there.
  5. Such a lovely flock you have I used to have a quaker, so I know they are a lot of fun!
  6. Lol... as long as she doesn't chew on your nose and then try and kiss and make up! You might not be as forgiving!
  7. Better not eat one of those in front of her!
  8. Also, do windows block out all good sunlight? The way our house is located, we don't get a lot of sunlight anyway but when we do, I wonder if Yoshi gets anything from it
  9. My problem with fluorescent lighting is making it fit without taking up more space... question! I looked at the AvianSun 5.0 Compact Fluorescent Bulb and it isn't too expensive but what can I put it in? If I just screwed it into the main light on the ceiling like any other lightbulb would it be too far away from the cage? Does it need to be directly pointing at the cage? Would that light be too bright for a common use light? I hope I don't sound dumb lol, it's just that Yoshi's huge cage is in our computer room/den so I'm trying to figure out somthing that will work for everyone without a big floorlamp taking up more space. Thanks
  10. JillyBeanz wrote: Ah, well that's interesting. It's probably a good thing, as there are too many people who want to raise unweaned birds that don't know how to do it properly.
  11. Lately Yoshi has been frustratingly loud at times... and I was reading other posts but I'm not talking about random yelling and being playfull, I'm talking about attention shrieks. Overall, Yoshi is a good and happy bird. We love her to death. Maybe this problem is part our own doing... but let me explain: This morning was a perfect example of the last two weeks problem with Yoshi... I'll be getting ready for work, in sight of Yoshi and she will yell her contact call over and over and over until it drives you crazy. Now Yoshi used to use her contact call when my husband and I disappeared out of sight, and we would call back a couple times "Hey Yoshi... I'm comming Yoshi... hang on Yoshi" and she would quiet down. Now it has gotten bad. It started with her being a couple arm distances away on her playstand while we prepare food... and she contact calls until we either bring her over on our shoulder or we give her food to eat. She has plenty of toys on that stand... Now she can be on her cage-top and I'll be in the next room and its call after call... I pop my head out and say "peekaboo" or "hey I'm here" but then she keeps yelling... I don't want to keep getting her and she associate yelling with getting what she wants... So we have tried hard the last week... saying "No Yoshi" soon as she yells and turning our backs on her... at which time she yells immediately after. So we have been putting her in her cage with another "NO" and leaving. She yells a bit more, then quietes down and we go bring her out again... often though she just starts yelling again after some loving, as soon as we walk a little bit away again, even still in eye distance. It really is frustrating, and I know my husband gets really upset that this is happening. I'm the bird lover, and I can stand it, but I know that it needs to stop. I just don't feel like she is understanding what the problem is, but maybe we just need to keep trying, keep saying no and taking her away. It isn't like she doesn't get enough attention... she is with someone most of the day... and she is the sweetest funnest little girl whenever we are with her. Last night she cuddled with me in bed as I watched American Idol and fell asleep after burying herself under the covers. Also, my second problem, is one that probably has no solution until Yoshi can fly again... she has gotten pretty fearless about jumping off her playstand and flapping and hitting the floor then scuttling across the ground to get to me or Mike in the kitchen. We usually put her back on the stand as we don't like reinforcing this... and it scares me her hitting the ground, although she doesn't seem phased... well yesterday she jumped and I put her back on the stand saying "Yoshi, you stay there" then I grabbed some peanuts and she excitedly waved and turned around and did all her little tricks when suddenly I noticed she was bleeding between her legs... a little higher up... it looks like she hit her lower front on the ground and I don't know why it was bleeding... broke a little blood feather or something? Well It didn't bleed much, not enough to drip or anything, but it sure scared me. I think Yoshi was just mad because I had stopped giving her peanuts and was fussing over her instead... she had a shower last night and the blood is gone... now I especially don't want her jumping off that stand! So thanks for listening to my problems, any advice is appreciated!
  12. Spock looks so cute in that close-up picture I'm glad to hear some good news for Spock
  13. Still waiting for a reply from the guy on Craigslist... I have no other way of contacting him. I don't want to get too excited until I hear more about this bird. Meanwhile I am reading up on them a bit! I like your pictures Jayd I'll let you guys know soon as I know!
  14. I would have considered a 5 month a baby baby lol... I guess you mean they want to do all the hand feeding and everything... I hope they know what they are doing!
  15. I've been looking around for a bird to rehome, I guess waiting for the right thing to come up... and I might have found it. I found this Craigslist ad this morning... poor birdie looks in bad shape! But $25, and it comes with its cage... of course I wouldn't be putting this little guy with Yoshi, she would have her own little cage. I asked the guy selling her for more information, and what the age is, so I'll let you know what he says. I don't know much about Ring-necks though! http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/for/1660036150.html
  16. I like it Janet Much cheaper idea than buying one, anyways!
  17. luvparrots wrote: Tell me how you make yours! I'd love pics too! That's an interesting idea getting smaller hoops from ebay... I'll be trying to make one soon, I'm sure
  18. Dave's advice makes sense btw!
  19. Yoshi has a love hate relationship with showers... some days she loves them and gets soaked... others she is content to just sit on her shower perch and talk gibberish while I get all wet I try not to force the issue but she does get one good shower a week.
  20. Nice pictures Jayd I've considered the hula hoops but I have a Timneh, and no other birds... so I don't want a gigantic Atom, lol.
  21. Be sure to say if you liked the book or not I just finished 'The Parrot Who Owns Me' which was a good read
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