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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. I wouldn't like those kids slapping the bars with their shoes that close to my bird... but Cocoa seemed not to be too worried. Brave bird!
  2. Yoshi has been making a loud call lately... over and over... even if we are in the same room. We sure have felt like earplugs a couple times But then she goes all quiet and cute and makes the small noises and attempted human speech she usually does and we don't want to miss that I guess we suck up the loudness sometimes, and don't pay her any special attention when she does it.
  3. Wish you the best of luck! Hope Spock gets well soon!
  4. Hehe... sounds messy! That's a cute picture of Salsa holding the spoon
  5. Lol... ahhhhh Yoshi is pretty clumsy, she doesn't to much with her feet She has learnt all these tricks, but waving or doing anything with her foot is difficult for her. Sounds cute though
  6. How terribly rude... no matter how nice or mean you put it, it's still your picture he put on his site and you are asking him to remove it. There is no reason to be childish enough to keep it up. Some people are so infuriating...
  7. You know, sometimes it's the littlest things that I think are awesome with Yoshi... over the last weeks a few things have happened: One morning last week, in a rush, I put Yoshi on the counter next to my keys and granola bar and stuff and ran upstairs. A minute later, I came back down to see her holding my granola bar ripping up the wrapper and bits of oats and honey starting to collect at her feet. I ended up putting half my granola bar in her treat dish before I left for work because she had done so well. Sometimes I forget how clever she is. Over the last week... still lots of mumbling and weird sounds... she has to be trying Today I talked to my Mom on the phone and she (for the first time ever) mumbled beside me and seemed to be wanting to join in on the conversation. Mom thought it was so cute because she hasn't heard Yoshi make noises before. Last night I found a clipped wing feather on the floor... this is the first wing feather she has ever lost. Made me think she is growing up! Also made me excited that the next feather that grows in will not be clipped... a first step towards flight I know there are other little things besides these... I just wanted to let my feeling out on how nice these little things are and how much they mean to me
  8. I am glad the site is back up! I kept checking back, it was down a while this time!
  9. Greywings wrote: Of course, she is part of the family But I hope she will talk, and I love surprises
  10. I believe it is all per the individual bird, not the sex or anything like that. I sure do hope Yoshi gets to talking soon though
  11. Karma to you for putting your bird first I hope all turns out well for you and your baby getting into a new home!
  12. Oh awesome Jill I hope Harvey follows this up with other words soon and you can be sure he is speaking
  13. Do you guys know what your birds would accept better? A baby or an older bird? Just wondering if a Grey would be more accepting of a baby than an older bird
  14. How cute I'm glad those babies aren't being microwaved! lol
  15. Aww That's so nice to hear Can't wait for a picture!
  16. luvparrots wrote: I'm really not sure A Congo or an Amazon... a rehome or another baby... I'm having difficulty decide... I think I need to take Yoshi to someone's house selling a Congo or Amazon and see how they get along? Because the truth is, Yoshi does come first and I don't know how she will accept another bird? She is friendly, and likes talking to birds at gatherings and pet stores and stuff, but I've never let her actually interact with another... I have no idea if maybe a baby would be easier for her to accept then an older bird??? I want to adopt an older bird in a way... I've never done that before... but I don't know if that is a good idea or not really.
  17. Wow Jayd those pictures are soooooooooooooooooo cute!
  18. Would Yoshi accept a young amazon better than an older re-homed one I wonder? Thanks for the warm welcome to the Amazon room Jayd
  19. what about if I got a baby? Would Yoshi have more chance of accepting a youngin?
  20. So I'm considering getting an Amazon to put with my Timneh Grey in a big divider cage... Of course I would have to have them meet and get friendly before I bought an Amazon and brought it into the house... I've never had an Amazon before though, so it's a bit confusing trying to see which one I would want! Also, in my heart I want to adopt an older Amazon in need... but at the same time I want another baby lol... I'm not 100% set on getting an Amazon but I'm definately interested
  21. I've also considered an Amazon, although I have no experience with Amazons...
  22. So I have to admit that I've been thinking of getting another bird... the huge divider cage I got Yoshi is totally big enough for two birds... I think I got that cage thinking I would get a Congo, not a Timneh. I need advice though... what kind of bird would you suggest I get and put with Yoshi (with the divider in) or would you advise me forgetting about getting another bird. I would love to get a Congo, and divide them in that big cage... would that work? I've actually been talking to this lady who is trying to rehome a 12 year old Congo feather plucker, and I feel ready to help out a bird in need really... But Yoshi comes first... and I want to know if this would not be a good idea? It's a really big divider cage, you can see it in the cages forum... and Yoshi usually only hangs out in a quarter of it Here is a picture of her on her cage, gives you an idea of what I am talking about: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/cages-&-homes/158818-yoshi-loves-her-cage-.html<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/12 16:04
  23. I think frequent showers help a lot with the dust Yoshi doesn't seem nearly as dusty these days now that she gets at least 3 showers a week...
  24. That gave me a laugh, I can imagine awe turning to 'OMG, that's my Koi' and running to save it Neat pictures!
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