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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Lol Judy I guess that goes with other posts too, like Yoshi's birthday... looks like I will have to spoil her all over again
  2. That's funny Jill... That dog better watch out or it'll have a hole in its tongue!
  3. That's what's great about all these different rooms Lots of variety... and if we make a mistake the forum has very nice admin willing to pull a topic over to another room
  4. While Yoshi is still screaming, it has mellowed out a bit! We have been making sure to give her an earlier bedtime, and have the TV upstairs working again... so she has more to listen to while we are gone. Whether that makes a difference, I am not certain. Besides that, we have just been keeping up the same routine, putting her in her cage for a timeout and stating 'no Yoshi' after putting her in her cage. We try not to make it a big deal, but more of a 'you know screaming isn't good, so off you go.' It is less frequent lately, and instead she has been trying to make sounds for attention instead I think she is realizing that while the yelling gets her put into her cage, the cute sounds she makes get her excited responses from the other room and attention... no talking still but she has actually picked up this super weird clucking/gobbling sound like a chicken... well she was at the breeders for a week and a half in December and she has a tame duck and chicken running about... that's the only place I can think of Unless I'm hearing it wrong. It's funny though, I've laughed at her a couple times doing it and now she does it every day.
  5. Here's my opinion for Bear: I too have looked into getting another bird, and it is very important to me that my Timneh Yoshi and this new bird at least tolerate each other. I love Yoshi to death and would hate to make her unhappy with the presence of another bird if she just views it as competition for my attention. I know that before I ever do get another bird, there will be a few trips with Yoshi to visit this other bird to watch how they interact together and if they accept each other... it's a complicated thing as you never know whether two birds, even of the same species, will accept each other. As far as you going away for a week: You obviously love this bird and want what is best for it. You even said you could sacrifice a bit of your week off occasionally or bring the bird with you on your excursions. There are some great portable carriers and it's good for a young grey to become accustomed to new situations. If the bird is still getting attention while you are gone from people it is familiar with, I personally think you will be just fine. I'm in the military and leaving Yoshi is something I have to do occasionally, but at least she still has my husband. I left for 3 weeks at the beginning of this year, and was worried as my husband really isn't that interested in Yoshi, but actually with me being gone Yoshi bonded a bit more with my husband. Now they are better friends, although he gets bitten much more than I do. Yoshi is more tolerant of me than my husband. Now we both left Yoshi for a week and a half in December and when we are gone for more than a day she goes back to the breeder we bought her from. They know each other, and Yoshi always seems friendly and happy to see her. I know she gets spoiled there, and cared for properly. When we go to get her she jumps into my arms though and becomes a permanent attachment for a little while We don't go away too often, but I understand your point in that everyone needs time away and I feel confident Yoshi is getting love and attention while I'm away and thats all that matters. Honestly, a week each month is quite a bit... but if you occasionally choose to stay or bring her along... and if she gets love and attention while you are away, then I think you will be just fine Don't get another bird yet, wait for a couple months and see how your baby does. See how she accepts your routine and then judge whether you should add another bird or change your schedule. Hope that helped! I'm no expert, but I do love birds
  6. Aww I'm glad for you Congrats on the talking too! It sure is nice when they decide to be all cuddly
  7. Yoshi also likes hanging upside down in her cage she is a little less daring on our hands I bet she will feel a bit more confident when she can fly rather than fall...
  8. Love the pics Jill... Feathering always looks so pretty in the sunlight
  9. it's nice to hear all this from Dayo's perspective
  10. Scary! I give Yoshi the occasional peanut... She loves them.
  11. Yoshi has been a bit quieter the last couple days! Thanks for all the advice guys
  12. That's a really cute picture Glad your Biscotti is doing well, I love the unique name!
  13. Perhaps I will stop saying no then and just quietly put her in her cage... It's something for me to think about for sure... Lol about being startled awake. luckily Yoshi never yells until she sees me up and moving in the morning, so I have never been woken up super early or anything. They do get loud when fighting a toy sometimes lol it's funny to watch
  14. You know Talon for the last month and a half we haven't been playing movies in Yoshi's room while we are away. We had a problem with the media center we had hooked up for Yoshi and since then have kind of forgotten about it. I wonder if you are right and that is something that made her feel happier and now it's gone. We used to have something playing like every time we went out. I will make getting our media center fixed a top priority again so she can have that again. What an interesting thought. Yoshi gets lots of sleep... About 8 hours during the night and naps in the early afternoon when my husband is working on college homework...
  15. We say NO so she understands what she is doing is not good... We say no and then put her in her cage so she knows that yelling doesn't bring us closer to her. Whether timeouts or ignoring is the best option is debatable... Perhaps different fids accept each differently and react better to one or the other. Right now we are trying the time not method. I promise you Im not a newbie to bird behavior and I don't think you meant to be offensive but your post upsets me a little... I don't want a thesis I just want the helpful advice of those I know on here. I always treat Yoshi very much as an equal, I love and respect her in every way. I always want what's best for her. Teaching her NO and that certain things are off limits or not allowed in my opinion is very important. she is not anything like a dog obviously but she does look to me at this young stage of life for guidance and love. I understand the problems on Craigslist... All the poor birds with owners that don't take the time to understand them better... And it breaks my heart. The reason I am asking advice on this forum I love so much is because I do care about Yoshi more than I've ever cared about any other animal. I guess I just don't like Yoshi's case being compared to that of cruel people on craigslist with doomed parrots
  16. Thanks guys... I can always count on you for some support and very helpful opinions I will have to take some time rereading these responses and the ones to my last post on this matter. I think Yoshi might be like Spock, perusing the forums while alone, as since I've been home NO screaming at all! I don't wanna get too excited as Im sure it isn't over or anything but this is the first full afternoon for a while with no screaming so that's nice! Also I do know that parrots scream at times and that has always been fine... It is how much she is screaming that is the problem. Yes she is clipped unfortunately, we are currently waiting for her new flight feathers to come in... I hadn't thought much about her getting too much attention... I will continue the timeouts every time she does her screaming... Luckily it looks like she has chosen not to scream tonight, no idea why. Also I actually am planning on taking Yoshi for a checkup this weekend with the vet I will let you know how that goes!
  17. Yes, it's still happening... and we are trying so hard. Hopefully you read my post a little while ago about Yoshi being loud and screaming? Well she does it constantly, over and over, if she is alone for even a second. She doesn't even have to be alone, sometimes she will yell as soon as your back is turned.... inches away from her. I talk to her... tell her as I'm leaving the room that I will be right back. I've even tried walking outside the room and still talking to her so she knows I'm not far away... the yelling just doesn't stop. It's driving my husband nuts now... I'm just not sure what else to do. She is good mostly, especially for me, but this yelling is rediculous. We will bring her out of her cage to be with us, say when I get home for lunch, and prepare food, but as soon as we are any distance away preparing it she yells. My husband and I say NO sternly... barely turn around and she yells again. Soon as my husband turns back around now Yoshi KNOWS she is in trouble... she starts shreiking and flapping as my husband takes her back upstairs, puts her in her cage for a timeout, and says NO again. Often she keeps yelling for a while, then quiets down and we go get her again.... sometimes I just ignore it, sometimes I put her in time out too... It makes me sad because I don't want her not with us, but when she is shrieking its so annoying. This morning it was constant... unless she is actually on me or eating she is not happy. So this morning I decide I will have to get help from the forum again. I go home for lunch today and Yoshi is as good as gold, all happy and contentedly chattering... no screaming... and she got some treats.... so good! Figures! I just don't know, she is confusing us... I keep hoping this is a passing phase... as I said before she gets attention and she is a happy bird but this shrieking is like a baby bird calling for its mother over and over again... she wont stop. When I am giving her my full attention, scratching and talking to her and having fun with her, she never shrieks. But if we are just in the same room... she shrieks so much more than she even plays with her toys anymore. This comes and goes... like how at lunch she was so good... and last night she had a short bad spell but after two timeouts stopped the screaming again. It just seems she is screaming so much... also right after I get home... I used to be able to say hello, maybe give her a cuddle, and then said I'll be back and she would be fine. Now, I get home and the minute I go to get out of my uniform she is screaming... and she can still see me. It gives my husband and I headaches all the time. I know this sounds bad... I love my Yoshi to death and am very patient with her... I'm willing to try something else? My husband and I are just exasperated that what we have been doing doesn't seem to be helping. Unless nothing will help until she decides to move away from it on her own... I just hope it's soon or my husband is going to strangle her while I am at work lol He jokes about it already!
  18. Lovely poem... but sad. I swear if you hear about all the sad cases of neglect and abuse with these precious creatures, it'll send you into depression. Not even just birds, but so many other animals. So yes, take a second to think about them, do what you can to help them... but more important: Take care of your baby and show others just how amazing these guys are when cared for properly and allowed to blossom to their full potential. Love and care for them no matter what... it's what I do
  19. I'm sure it will be okay... as dan said you won't know exactly until you have tried it. At least your Mom will spend lots of time talking to him and giving him goodies. Then you can be the rescuer that gets him out when you get back I spent 3 weeks away from Yoshi... and all she had while I was gone was my husband's attention. I was worried as he doesn't spend as much time with her, and because I didn't want Yoshi to think I didn't care about her anymore and left her. Well he was pretty busy with school and he just isn't as into Yoshi as I am, yet they got along just fine, and Yoshi was super excited to see me again when I got back. I think they actually became better friends while I was gone
  20. Yoshi tolerates the shower most times... just the odd occasion she will be in there chattering away and having a great ole time. Usually she stands on her perch and pouts until its done, but is still good about letting me lift one wing, then the other, and spraying underneath them. As soon as I turn the water off, I say 'All done!' and she gets all excited. About half the time as soon as she gets back onto her cage-top she gets in her water bowl and sprays water everywhere, yelling and having lots of fun, so I know she doesn't hate water really! Then she will usually sit contentedly on my shoulder or leg and preen her feathers and chatter quietly lol. They are so cute
  21. Lol... I can't remember the last time I had a cucumber but now I feel like I want one Perhaps I will share with my husband and Yoshi
  22. He looks so pretty! I hope he can find a good home!
  23. I like hearing stuff from your perspective Spock Good job keeping Jay and Maggie on their toes
  24. It must be fun having them both fly about, especially with them getting into mischief
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