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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. Rene is moulting but I have been noticing he is looking alittle rough around the edges, and his chest right at the breast bone looks alittle sunk I tried to get pictures but my camera sucks so I'm sorry.. Am I just a worry wort and he is ok? What do you think?
  2. ok I saw this toy on another site, it is made with those 97 cent cups from Wal-mart. but it got me thinking.. how would you cut through the bottom of these cups and keep it safe for them? Just a sharp drill bit for metal would that do the trick?
  3. They are gorgeous!, I had tried to take a pair from my cousin when he was moving ( the male loved my boyfriend) but the female hated us and started mutilating herself it was so sad she would chew on her foot and make herself bleed whenever we would enter the room, so they never came home with us I would love to have one own me someday lol
  4. Well Judy atleast he/she has found a good home if no one comes for him, we had a ton of cockatiels in our area just "let go" it was really sad, there was always an add in the paper "found cockatiel" but none for "lost cockatiel" people can be so cruel
  5. I need to toot my own horn here I Cut Rene's Nails!! LoL, now let me explain why I believe this is extraordinary! I had asked his previous owner how he did with trimming his nails and the response I got was ooh he will hate you for a few days it involves towels and bites HE HATES IT! Last night Rene was waiting for his good night kisses and had his little toes hanging out of the cage. I grabbed the clippers and just showed him, no movement, I touched his toes with the clippers, no movement, I held his toe nail with the clippers still no movement, I went for it and he just sat there :) (I just had to get the tiny points off so it required very little) So long story short, I now know how to trim his nails and I no longer get cut YAY
  6. Oh it looks like such fun!! Thanks for posting this
  7. Thats wonderful!! I'm so happy Charlie was found in his impromptu cage Now just some TLC with his loving parronts and he will be be good as gold
  8. I have to commend you on your choice to do what is best for Emma, many people I am sure if faced with the same situation would be selfish and take away from their birds being..well birds All of us have to face that there is a chance that someday our birds might escape, flighted or not. so I applaud you! and Emma!! :)
  9. my grey can sharpen his toe nails better than yours...
  10. I love it! my sentiments exactly!!!
  11. This is truly sad news, and I hoped it wouldn't of lasted this long Hoping and praying for Emma's safe return!
  12. oh where to begin! My cousins Hyancinth is wonderful but a beak that can wrap around my wrist LoL makees me nervous so my time with him has to be short... I also like Mollucan Too's and Blue and gold Macaws I think they are absolute clowns That list will change from day to day
  13. Honestly I would wait and see if the edges bother him, as you say he already gets good lift with what he has now! If at some point he begins to chew I would then take him to the vet and try to get them fixed before a promblem starts
  14. this was on my facebook today lol. hows Mexico in this game??
  15. I do!! 3 dogs, 3 birds, (I lost my lovebird recently) heres the links http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189250-My-other-fids.. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?170180-Our-Other-Pet-Friends!/page9
  16. this one too? THANKS JAY!! your awesome!!!
  17. they look like some type of Lorie, but I am not sure
  18. I assume he mean literally walking on the street
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