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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. Hi, my name is Bonnie and I am now fully a member of the club I know I know, I posted weeks ago about being bitten but I WAS IN DENIAL!! Rene reminded me this evening that this is where I belong, by giving me the "take off" bite on my arm (James walked in the room) and followed that by saying "OW why you do that?!?! " HaHaHaHa
  2. I voted too Hahaha that was cute!
  3. I just recently put a water bottle into Rene's cage because I was sick of smelling the stink of the soaking pellets well Rene took on good look at it shook the hell out of it and bent the hooks holding it on LOL I guess he told me!! Well I re-bent the hooks and the water bottle still stands, but Rene is now bringing his pellets TO THE BOTTLE and letting them hit the ball so they get wet, he takes a bite then drops them... UGH I CAN'T WIN!!
  4. You would be coming to Massachusetts lol sorry... And my boyfriend is hiding his tools on me, because I had to move his chair up into the bird room so I could bring Rene and his cage down!! so the next thing to move is the couch HaHaHa
  5. I saw this on another site, I am sure that it wouldnt be hard to make something just like it!
  6. Hello, and Happy Birthday!!

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. these are videos of 10 wk old Akima the picture is him/her 2 weeks later (notice the wings longer than tail feathers! he had just fledged!)
  9. my quaker Bazil is the same way!, everything has to be "full parrot size" or he is NOT happy with it LoL I have giant toys in his cage and those get more attention than the ones that are for his size, but I had to remove him from a large cage because he started becoming really territorial (more than usual) Caitlin how is Sport doing??
  10. That is a great playstand Laura, now if you would please come to my house and take care of the HUGE bundle of wood I have waiting to be made into a playstand it would be appreciated!!
  11. It just shows how our opinions differ Good birds DO bite, thats how they remind us where we are in their pecking order
  12. Emma is wonderful as usual Rene listens and wolf whistles to her
  13. James healed just fine Rene still holds the grudge.. I have had to start leaving the room when James in with me too, because it sets Rene into terminater mode and James is the target. So we went from a no one can touch me house to ONLY Bonnie can touch me house. Apology accepted
  14. Tanya , Jackson is looking greyt! , I think moving the perches to the bottom was a good idea and hanging the toys from food cup holders was good too once he starts to attack them lol the squak is hilarious! but if I could make a suggestion, put some newspaper in the bottom of the cage instead of what you have, just so you can keep a good eye on the poops for now.
  15. I'll be here but my Farting day is tommorow, highschool graduations tonight lol
  16. I order rope off of ebay from some of the parrot stores on there, ill get some links for everyone
  17. Those were taken on your cell phone?!?!? LMAO those pictures are great! they are clearer than my camera takes!
  18. That page is full of great ideas.. thanks for sharing!
  19. Bijou is my fav.. it was on my list for possible names too
  20. Hey guys!! this was in my email!! Teal'C was found!! Hello! Thanks for doing that for me i really appreciate it. Teal'c has been found yesterday evening a couple streets over, can't tell you how happy i am to have my baby back. Thanks again for everything Heather
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