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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. JJsHoney


    I just had a wake up call when I was getting Rene's breakfast ready, I have been trying to feed him outside of his cage but hadn't really thought of using he regular dishes inside his cage well... Rene just enjoyed a full breakfast INSIDE his cage... He had a tiny portion of scrambled egg with shell, 1 grape 1 grape tomato a few multi grain cheerios and a 1/4 a slice of toast with peanut butter.. I know that seems like alot but I am trying to find out what he likes etc. SOOOO I think I have found he prefers to eat in... instead of dining out lol...
  2. It's funny, a friend of mine came over today to visit, and she didn't know that I now had Rene, after sitting for a little while Rene made his bomb impression, which I always respond with a loud excited "GOOD JOB!" and my friend was startled (how she didn't notice the huge cage in the corner is beyond me lol) and she looks at him turns to me and says "why didn't you get a pretty bird??? he's just.... gray" !!!!!OMG lol I think Rene is absolutely gorgeous oohh well... and Jess i'm glad you had a good walk today next time don't forget the camera!! hahaha
  3. Maggie, I can't thank you enough for all this help, I bought some mustard greens today and a huge variety of fresh veggies, Rene has been very fresh today so he wasn't receptive to me at all I put another food bowl in his cage today and filled it with a bunch of foot toys and that scare set the mood for the whole day, I tried some boiled white potato with a little red palm oil on it, when I picked up a small chunk to offer him he gave me a good bite, and that was the end of his meal, he spent the rest of the evening pouting standing where his "seed" dish usually is. I couldn't find any tuna in spring water, all they said was just water, so I bought the low sodium kind and will offer some of my sandwich tomorrow, I am also going to try feeding him out of a coffee cup as those don't scare him anymore but the plates or bowls do... I have a few stir-fry frozen medleys (no onion) in the freezer and other frozen veggies so I will try again, I will keep at this though he will definitely benefit once he realizes that real food is just as good. Bonnie Oh and on a side not I was just talking with my cousin about borrowing some of his sprouting boxes!! I'm going to do some learning on the subject and see if it will be something I can squeeze into my already to short of a day lol
  4. hmm I'm headed to the grocery store in a bit, the cans that I have here don't mention spring water so I will now be on the lookout! Thanks again
  5. I love the pictures thanks for sharing them Jay, I like the one where you can see Salsa in the back round, she looks like she is impatiently waiting for her dinner too!
  6. oh ok I wasn't sure if it was some "specialty" brand, lol now I have to go look on my cans and see if it says spring water lol... thanks Judy
  7. HaHaHa Jay that is tooo cute! I'm going to print that picture out and show it to Rene and be like "SEE SPOCK EATS IT!!!" LoL and if you don't mind me asking where would you get the spring water tuna?? I never noticed any packed that way...
  8. I would most definetly subscribe to twitter if Spock was there! my phone would be buzzing all day with tweets lol... Once again Jay you have shown me another beautiful Zon-----Bonnie
  9. Sorry Maggie I neglected to say that he eats 3 different types of pellets, and right now he is eating https://www.birdsupplynh.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=22_25_50&products_id=1519&osCsid=9d25bb4ec081bc6f35cb0ce7d2da3fac (no sunflower) I had to switch him from the sunseeds that he was eating because I could not order a bag smaller than 25 pounds lol... I have not tried white potato I was afraid of the starch but will try, it is basically the fresh foods I am having an issue with...
  10. Maggie what dishes you must have during the day!!, I will try boiling his sweet potato instead, but I just can't get him to eat it... I tried again in vain to get him to have some carrots slightly steamed, he puts his beak on it then raises his head quick shakes "no" and immediately retreats, I mushed up a banana for him (I was told this was his FAVORITE and warmed it slightly, once again touched it said no and walked away, I even tried feeding myself some of what I was offering to try to "tease" a bite out of him and nothing.... I just don't know, he was displaying some sexual behavior today does that have anything to do with it? I ate some pasta last night while he watching, and he never came down to sample but he rushed down to attack James' coffee cup! How long should I keep his seeds out of his cage? a half a dish lasts him 2 days before I have to refill. We are still learning each others "quirks" but he is getting much more friendly, I actually got to pet him outside of his cage for the last 2 days!! Maggie your advice is very much appreciated and I would love more feed back! thanks sooooo much Bonnie
  11. Tanya, JayD Maggie, You guys are doing such a great Job!!! Tanya I commend you for your dedication even now when the other grey mommy is having second thoughts, they are growing and look great!! Jayd and crew are great foster parronts aren't they?? I look forward to these posts all day everyday thanks so much, its like re-living last year
  12. HaHaHa i know just what you mean Maggie! James doesn't understand why all these veggies are taking so much room up in the fridge!! Ok I will start tomorrow giving seeds in the afternoon instead of all day like usual!! Thanks for the tip
  13. Well its Friday night and I was sitting out this evening enjoying a bon fire with probably to many glasses of wine lol, and I have this weekend to myself so I will be F.A.R.Ting all weekend LoL see you then!!
  14. OK here is a list of what I have tried to feed Rene, and each time, he looks at it and then shakes his head "no" and then walks away....Broccolli (raw and steamed) Baked and mashed sweet potatoe, Brown rice with green beans, chillis dried and fresh, banana, apples every kind lol, pasta wheat cooked/raw, scambled egg with some egg shell (that he will eat as long as it is in his seed) peanut butter on toast, he is afraid if big pieces of bread lol, and he runs from me if I am holding an english muffin, cheerios and wheat chex,. oh and he growls at any kind of leafy green... so I would love for him to eat any or all of this, but he won't... so I what do I do now?
  15. Is it just a cockatoo thing?? My friends Goffin does something like that too but she just prefers EVERYTHING out onto the floor!
  16. Well Spock I have a question for you...Would mind uuuhh talking to Rene and reminding him the food is really yummy and he needs to eat some??!?!?! I think he is trying to guilt me into giving him some sunflower seeds hahahaha but I would really like him to eat something more nutritious! btw I think Salsa is just gorgeous!
  17. I Just joined, now I really have an excuse to be on facebook lol... way to go again our super admin!!
  18. Kodi is too cute! They grow so fast!
  19. well I don't know about feeding a 3 day old chick ( I couldn't even imagine the difficulty and skill that must take!) I was terrified trying to feed a 2 week old chick!! I can't imagine someone being so naive to sell a poor poor baby that young
  20. What a handome boy Ecko is Caitlin!
  21. I don't really have an answer to your question but I can say ever since Rene has come home and I moved him down into my living room, I am forever dusting, I have bad seasonal allergies which luckily haven't started yet, but I am using my inhaler more often especially after I vacuum. Rene is molting and refusing to be sprayed or bathed so when he shakes a giant plume of dust comes off, oh and my dogs after laying on the couch for a nap all wake up and have a sneeze too, I have lived with asthma all my life so now I just have to refill a prescription more often!
  22. Thanks for that JayD, thats good to know.....
  23. I painted my toenails last night, and right now as I type Rene is sitting on the end of my recliner trying to chip off some of my polish *OOWW* Very funny Murphey!
  24. I failed miserably at trying to get a video of him today, as I think he is still mad at me, he will NOT talk when I (only me) am in the room, he will not take treats from me and is being waaaaayyyy to friendly to James. alittle while ago I was washing dishes and he came flying in bopped me on the head and then flew right back to his cage uh oh!! I think that was his version of "SEE HOW DO YOU LIKE IT???":mad:
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