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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. You guys are hilarious!!! I laughed while I was writing it and am cracking up reading the responses! actually the reason I thought to post was, Rene was feeding Copper. LOL so tonight he has only flung about half of his portion.. Copper isn't going to be home all day tomorrow he will be at the vets so maybe just maybe I will have a clean floor for a few hours lol p.s I have a video of it but have to do some editing to it first so you guys can really laugh!!
  2. Alright guys I need your help! Rene has picked up a veeerrry annoying/expensive habit... Every day I refill his pellets and try some foods, well Rene has taken it upon himself to feed my puppy Copper, he goes over to the pellets tosses them out while saying "Copper come here *whistle* Whistle* C'mon boy!" If copper doesn't go over as soon as he hears pellets hitting the cage floor Rene tosses them out and onto the floor for easier eating for the dog UGH!! My solution to this was first not let the dog over by the cage.. yuh that didn't work pellets got tossed further from cage to reach dog.. Then I bought a clip on food cup and put it on the other side of the cage put pellets there.. nope didn't work So I left one empty thinking maybe he likes hearing himself in his make-shift echo chamber lol he just pushes his pellets out off the floor and to the dog ugh its frustrating! He is eating pellets seeds and drinking normally just sharing lol HELP!!
  3. LoL well whatever it is Willow looks like she is enjoying herself!!
  4. What a great find JayD!!! Definetly something you don't see everyday!
  5. Spock's telling Joey to share his good nut!!! Oh and Spock Rene tried the mind meld with me the other day we were beak to forehead for awhile then a very loud "raspberry" sound?!?1 What was that?? lol!
  6. I have an older EZ care cage, I have had no trouble with it all, I also order all my food from pet solutions and bunches of toys etc. never had any trouble with their customer service I hope they get this problem fixed and fast!!
  7. I love pet Solutions that is where I get all of my food, they ship fast but shipping is prorated unless orders over 99$ and then it is freebut it isn't hard to do especially when ordering food and toys at the same time
  8. Thank you very much!! she's just beautiful
  9. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard!! no harm no foul right?? well except for the snake!!
  10. There once was my favorite shoe It was so tempting my dogs had to chew I tried to fix it but nothing worked, not even glue. New word - Break I am soo sorry for how horrible that was LMAO I have never been a poet!!
  11. excuse me but.. where are our pictures?!?!?! LOL.. congrats on figuring it out!
  12. LoL Rene treats chicken bones, like the scariest thing EVER!! he runs and hides in the corner somewhereand won't come out until I take the big bad chicken bone away.. aaahh well I can't get him to eat anything else so I don't know why I am so suprised!
  13. JJsHoney


    Carrie is def one of a kind and being in the situation she is in I would scream all day too! I'm going to try to sneak a recording of her scream one day so everyone can hear her.. I'm sure my in-laws mean well, she could fit right in with some of JayD's rescues, we have offered to buy her from his parents, so weekly we bring over good food toys etc.. I bought her a cage so she had proper housing etc. Someday hopefully we will be able to show her what a good life is...
  14. Tango's just gorgeous great photos!
  15. Your video is set to private!
  16. JJsHoney


    Gwenyth is just beautiful, Goffins hold a special place in my heart *my in-laws have one* and she is my boyfriends first wife lol.. we joke because whenever we are visiting Carrie gets all the attention! and she hates me lol she will outlive James' parents so she will eventually end up in our house I got the ear plugs ready!!
  17. http://astrocenter.astrology.msn.com/msn/ArticleAstrologyHomeV2.aspx?sd=20090407 LoL how did you guess?? you get the siamese cat!!
  18. Thanks Dave for giving me a guess on how long Rene will be hormonal, and to clear up a few things absolutely nothing that Rene is doing right now is bothering me, as you know I got Rene in April, we had a rough month or so, where I couldn't handle him at all he was very quiet (I also understand that this was just him getting used to being in my home) But one day when I let him out of the cage he instantly drooped his wings and started panting, and actually stepped up and rubbed his head on my hands, no biting no hisses.. and that was the turning point in our relationship, Rene now follows me around the house, calls for me when I go outside etc. So basically I am just worried that once his "time" is over, will we go back to the relationship we had before or will we continue with the one we have now.. and was just trying to get a guesstimate. I also know that 10/12 hours of sleep is preferred, and really didn't want to try to mess with natures perfection.. but just wanted to make sure that I am not prolonging anything with his short sleep schedule...
  19. Scorpio Intense and inquisitive, Scorpios are fascinated by the darker side of life and often prefer quiet companionship from a pet. Spiders are a unique pet that Scorpios can appreciate more than most other signs. Spiders are relatively low-maintenance and independent, and a Scorpio owner will enjoy watching their interesting behavior. Spiders require little to no socialization, which suits typically introverted Scorpios just fine. A sensual spider housed in a stimulating terrarium will provide a striking complement to a Scorpio's life.
  20. OK, Rene has been displaying for about a month and a half, I tried looking on line but cannot find anything that gives an estimate for how long this lasts.. I feel dumb, I feel like this is something I should know... I have been trying to give him as much sleep as I can, he has been in a sleep cage upstairs in the bird room but in the morning I have a sky light in there and besides a blanket cannot block the light (and would be blocking air at the same time) so my dark hours are from 9pm until 6ish.. which is NOT ENOUGH!!
  21. http://icanhascheezburger.com/2010/07/09/funny-pictures-parrot-uses-feather-to-scratch/
  22. Octopus oracle picks Spain to win World Cup Published: Friday, 9 Jul 2010 | 7:55 AM ET Text Size Digg Buzz Facebook Twitter More Share BERLIN - Eyes around the world were on Germany's octopus oracle Paul on Friday as he made his biggest prediction yet in the World Cup: Spain will beat the Netherlands in the final. Paul's prescient picks in the World Cup — he has yet to predict a match wrong — have propelled him to international fame from obscurity a month ago in an aquarium in the western city of Oberhausen. TV stations in Germany, Great Britain, Taiwan and elsewhere broadcast live pictures, complete with breathless commentary, of his final decision for the tournament. Millions watched as the world-famous octopus descended upon on a tank marked with a Spanish flag, sitting for only a few minutes before grabbing a mussel and devouring it, while completely ignoring the Dutch tank — indicating a Spanish victory in Sunday's final match in Sunday's final. It was the first time he'd been tasked to pick a game in which Germany wasn't involved, as the Oberhausen Sea Life aquarium bowed to overwhelming demand to see who he would choose in the final. Paul correctly predicted Germany's wins over Argentina, England, Australia and Ghana and the country's loss to Spain and Serbia. He also predicted earlier on Friday that Germany will win over Uruguay in Saturday's match for third and fourth place. His handlers say he is coping with fame well. "Paul is such a professional oracle — he doesn't even care that hundreds of journalists are watching and commenting on every move he makes," said Stefan Porwoll, the Sea Life aquarium manager. "We're so proud of him." Paul first developed his abilities during the 2008 European Championship in which he predicted five out of six games involving Germany correctly. But while he had only a community of local fans two years ago, his World Cup prognostications have brought him international stardom. Speain's defeat of Germany in the semifinals as predicted by Paul prompted many Germans to wonder about how he would taste grilled for dinner. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero fretted about the safety of "El Pulpo Paul," as he's known in Spain, and offered Paul protection. "I am concerned about the octopus," Zapatero said. "I'm thinking about sending in a team to protect the octopus because obviously it was very spectacular that he should get Spain's victory right from there." In response to hundreds of angry e-mails from disappointed German football fans who sent in recipe suggestions for the 2 1/2 year-old floppy mollusk, the aquarium actually did take extra precautions, Porwoll said. "I even told our guards and people at the entrance to keep a close look at possible for football fans coming after Paul for revenge," Porwoll said. He added, however, that the number of love declarations the aquarium is receiving from Paul's fans far outweighed the hate mail. "We've been getting tons of requests from around the globe about Paul's visionary capabilities," said Porwoll. "People want to ask Paul about their marriage prospects, the gender of their future baby or the outcome of upcoming elections." One reporter from Greece asked if Paul could predict the end of the financial crisis and German TV stations have offered the eight-legged psychic lucrative contracts for his post-World Cup life, he said. Paul has even made waves in the business world. Gary Jenkins, an economist with London's Evolution Securities, hedged his market analysis note on Friday, conceding "unless Paul says differently." He added that "we did try and hire Paul the Octopus but we understand he is Goldman's bound," referring to the bank Goldman Sachs. While Paul is no doubt the world's most famous animal oracle these days, he is facing competition. In Singapore, Mani, a World Cup-forecasting parakeet, predicted a different outcome of Sunday's final match. Creeping out of his small wooden cage and choosing between two white cards — one hiding a Dutch flag, the other Spanish — the bird predicted the Netherlands will win its first World Cup championship, setting up a Mani-Paul showdown for Sunday. ____
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