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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. A friend of mine had to put those beaded door curtains at both entrances of her kitchen her maca LOVED to climp up and visit her hot stove! I'm not even sure if anyone even sells those type of decor anymore!!
  2. Loki is just to cute!! They grow soo fast I love the little red under the wings! such a cutie!
  3. OOOHH JAYD!! you mean mean man!!! LMAO ha ya know I love ya!! oH and also I am speaking with a few breeders from another forum and they all seem to be good prospects!
  4. That is just fantastic!! He looks as though he has been with you his entire life! Congrats for giving him a wonderful new home!! oh and btw the toy Madden is playing with is Rene's absolute fav toy! I have to replace all the rope and wood once a week! he goes absolutely banana's for it! (I also toss some nuts in the wiffle ball when he's not looking!)
  5. I love the look she is giving you in that last pic! (of what you can see of her eyes!) *ok Mom enough pictures!! I'm trying to nap here!!*
  6. LoL Loki is gonna keep you on your toes Lisa! LOL that is if she lets you keep them!
  7. Welcome Back! Rene doesn't like anyone either, and after a few lunges and bites and even a few surprise flight attacks now most people that come to my house are afraid of him, my compromise with this, was to keep Rene in the cage which I don't enjoy and neither does he but.. I have asked my company to just go talk with him he doesn't freak out when they approach the cage, he sits and gives them the evil eye! I also have my company be the *only* source of treats Rene loves sunflower seeds almonds and cashews those 3 things he goes absolutely nutty for!! I don't have that much company over maybe once or twice a week, but Rene is responding better each time, this has also worked for James my boyfriend Rene has not attacked him in awhile now, and James gives Rene a few almonds before bed every night it is a slow process but I have been noticing signs of improvement, and I am hoping we can start letting Rene out again when company comes maybe this will work for you and Paco too! I am editing my post only because I feel I have to defend myself: "I know you state you don't have many people close, but I would certainly start inviting them over as often as possible to begin the socialization process. However, keep any up close and personal contact away and let your Grey do the closing of the gap as he chooses to. Anyone one getting in his "Space" is considered a threat at this time" I would NEVER make Rene uncomfortable, and if he showed any signs of stress would not have people near his cage..(even though you have to walk by to enter my living room) He sits on his perch and just stares at strangers.. he speaks as soon as they leave the room and as soon as you turn your back he blows you a raspberry.. He has always accepted food from strangers and only lunges when out of the cage. He wasn't socialized at all in his former home, the birds just had to "deal" with strangers. But like I said what I am doing is working for Rene and I.
  8. This is a loong video I took of Rene the other day sorry you can't really see him that good, and my voice is louder than his lol
  9. These are the tools we have and most do a good job at hacking away at some wood for Rene to chew Power drill/screwdriver with both metal and wood strength drill bits (I am trying to drill through metal and it's proving to be tricky) a skill saw sand paper (for a few of the homemade perches) I also cut up some dog leashes from the dollar store so I found some bolt cutters and they do wonderful! Needle Nose pliers do the same thing lol but I love to be dramatic I will keep adding as I think of something else I used to make some toys, most of my toys fail with Rene but he is very particular with his toys
  10. Cute video, now if our birds only thought of us like this lol http://www.wimp.com/supercool/
  11. I think Rene is the exception to every rule! I got him to eat a few times, I have started at the top of the safe food list worked my down and back.. everything he shakes his head at (literally!)... Cinnamon sticks dipped in yogurt are his fav treat but only when he feels like it once or twice every couple of weeks.. such a brat lol, sprouted almonds as long as they aren't too soft he enjoys but I do maybe 6 of them at a time so its a treat maybe once a week he gets them all day Im working on foods and going to be brave and try sprouting all seeds, I just added this to my cart I will have to order it next week http://www.sproutpeople.com/birds.html
  12. I have started sprouting, but on a very small scale!! I was recomended to try almonds, they are real fast but turn sour after a few hours but Rene inhales the few I do for him! I am going to get a sprouting kit just to try some beans and see how it works cause Rene won't eat beans any other way
  13. What a cutie, now that we can see the baby under all the formula The video of him eating is the sweetest, I love watching them, and that baby is very relaxed while eating lol, mine all but ate the syringe and all when it was time!! Thanks for caring for this baby and of course sharing with us
  14. OMG, I've got chills, I can't imagine how you are feeling.. keep her in your eyesight.. Im hoping she will come down to you when she is hungry..
  15. Exactly Judy! I'm going to sit back and enjoy this ride and see where it takes me, either way I have missed the chick time for both so maybe next year Oh and I wanted to add, I absolutely love the big birds (there must be something wrong with my head but the big beaks don't scare me LoL) My cousin has a hyacinth and I just looove to sit and cuddle with him lol I go over to steal the affection that Rene doesn't give me!!
  16. Well back before we got either of the Grey's I had talked to my boyfriend and we compared what kind of birds we liked did research etc, we had settled on a B&G, I was slotted to by a cage from some lady who gave away her birds *ugh* I had been calling breeders etc. One morning I woke up and during the evening I must of been dreaming about Grey's because I dove on line and fell into research lol..And we all know what happened there lol! Not that long ago my cousin had called me and said his breeder friend had an awesome opportunity for B&G and Scarlet babies, So once again I started looking into them again, went and hung out with a few macaws just to see if my feeling had changed. Went to the pet store to start in advance for toys.. and yup you guessed it the lilac crown was there... So as easily swayed as that might appear to be, I am trying to let my heart and maybe some birdy divine intervention tell me where this is headed... Believe me if I had room, time, and money I wouldn't hesitate to bring them both home with me
  17. Well I got the phone call I was afraid of this morning, no baby B&G's for me The breeder aparently expected a ton of eggs, he had many of them but alot were infertile, sooo that meant a smaller profit margine for him so he jacked up his price and my breeder who was purchasing a bunch from him refused to pay his prices plus shipping etc... So now I have set my goal on next breeding season for a lilac crowned amazon I think..
  18. I gave up on paper towels awhile ago!! go to Wal-mart and buy the cheapest baby wipes you can find they clean up birdy poop great!! and they leave a fresh scent oh and no stains either ( I have a dark brown rug in my living room and was sick of white smudges after cleaning with paper towels and cleaner)
  19. This is where I purchased mine, my quaker loves to toss it around so I had to add another clamp to it to keep him from doing it but they have held up great! https://www.petsolutions.com/Stainless-Steel-Cups+I42802082+C61.aspx
  20. Thats waaayyy too funny!!
  21. lol I have a feeling hot peppers wouldn't work! Copper is pretty oblivious to everything lmao he was at the vets yesterday and they couldn't wait for him to leave!! I guess he was very awake right after surgery (he got fixed) and was driving everyone crazy!! But back to the video I promised we lost our cable with the storm just got it back tonight, Photobucket hates me!! it refuses to up load my movie, so I am going to take a few shorter clips and hope it will upload those sorry guys!!
  22. Happy Birthday!! :) :)

  23. Sounds like my house right now!! I have horrible allergies this year so Rene sneezes and whines right along with me!!
  24. The forum times out, usually after like 15 minutes or so I think, happens every time I take the dogs out!
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