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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. Happy Birthday ;):)233.gif

  2. Rene said he is moving in with you!!!
  3. So happy this was just a hic-up with Spock Keep on creating mischief Spock!!
  4. I have to tell you Rene I think has a crush on you Jan, He has been making me repeat your videos since you posted it yesterday LoL, every time you or Tobie speak he repeats what you say or answers it's kinda cute I am working on a video of him responding to you but my house gets silent with that thing is out!!
  5. Well I just got the phone call I have been waiting for (well sort of LoL) I might have the opportunity to welcome a Blue & Gold Macaw into my flock Apparently there is an abundance of eggs this year and many are going to need homes My cousin, is going to be picking up a few to hand feed ( He has many years of experience) as most of you know, and just wanted to extend the offer to me. So now I am faced with the questions of every new parrot mom.. Can I make time for 2 larger birds? Can I afford 2 large birds.. Will this baby get the best quality of life if he/she is here with me? James and I had both talked about getting a macaw, when we had first decided that parrots were for us (well I always knew it but it was James that had to be brought to the feathered side) And in doing research, I started looking into Grey's and fell in love instantly, pushing aside my hopes of a Macaw. But here we are again!! and this is a wonderful opportunity probably once in a life time, James is all for it he has been on line checking on toys cages and all things macaw all morning. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning SO please be honest what do you think?? do you think that I can handle another so soon after Rene coming to us? ( the babies aren't hatched yet so it will be awhile for weaning etc)
  6. I am sure that the more experienced people here will tell you the same but let Nala decide when she is done with formula, keep giving as long as she will take it, it doesn't hurt her. And also here a link about abundant feeding http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundent+feeding
  7. Congradulations Ozzie!! Enjoy your new toys
  8. Just dug this thread up LOL Judy you never posted a pic of your hummingbird!! I'll post mine when my camera charges
  9. Welcome Vabr, that is quite the flock you have there! We love pictures around here so we would love to see some There are plenty of threads here all with great advice! Enjoy Can't wait to hear more stories about you and your gang
  10. Let me see if I can word this correctly Rene is let of his cage every morning when I wake up, some mornings he swings out with the door others he is content to sit and wait for his breakfast. The majority of days he is able to sit in/on his cage and play stands through out my house, this changes when I have things to do for the day, I do not let him decide when it is time for me to leave, even though I have adjusted my schedule to allow for putting him back in his cage I just go over and ask him to to "step up" then I place him inside his cage, I explain to him what I am doing where I am going etc and how long I will be away I know he understands, when I tell him I am going to the store and will be back in awhile he goes and gets something to eat and just relaxes, but if I tell him company is coming he immediatly goes to one of his bells and rings it which is what he does when company is here so that we can't enjoy a conversation LoL. Sometimes he isn't so willing (he will lean away from the cage) and I have to slow down back away from the cage and wait for him to relax, the point of this is caging should never be a bad thing there are plenty of times when he needs to go in (repair man at the house, guests etc) 9 out of 10 times there is not an issue. I also give him an almond or something to reward him when he goes in. I also wouldn't say that he "walks all over me" but he being a Grey he gets A little more reassurance and understanding when it comes to everything in his day to day life. Bazil my quaker is treated differently, he is very cage aggressive so when it is his time to come out I have no choice but to let him decide, (to save my fingers) but once away from the cage and placed on a play stand he is content to be picked up whenever and put back. Bazil doesn't have the emotional response like Rene has when something happens Bazil just shrugs it off and moves on, Rene looks as though he is pondering what just happened and either re-creates it or trys to fix it. Like just today Rene broke my earing, he picked it up off of my lap and brought it back to my ear. Bazil would of watched it fall and then moved on to the next thing to destroy. No one ever taught Rene to go in or out of his cage on command it is just simply how it is. Dan is correct about being tought to step up, that is worked on daily, with games etc.
  11. I think this is too cute )
  12. JJsHoney


    What great news that Jackson is flying, put some post -it notes or some window clings to your windows/mirrors so he doesn't fly into them (to much). And we know you did all you could for Cricket and hopefully her new mommy will see how much work it is and will return her to you to finish weaning but keep your chin up, you are a great "foster" parront to Cricket, but some people just don't listen to common sense
  13. Oh Janet how I wish I could rhyme this looks like so much fun! :(
  14. I have to agree with everyone else, Rene comes out when he feels like it (he is usually hanging from the door so he actually "swings" out) he goes in from time to time to eat drink etc. Getting him in is sometimes a struggle, as he will only step up to ONE perch and I have to shut the door fast or he is back to my shoulder in a flash lol.. Also in an emergency I wouldn't be so polite in asking and just deal with bites I have 3 dogs and 3 birds and 2 other people to get out too
  15. oh no! Spock how are you feeling now? did you hold down some lunch? I'm thinkin' about you
  16. HOW EXCITING!! like JayD said now the fun begins;)
  17. I'm glad that atleast somebody misses their poor 'tiel when they go missing
  18. OOh I love your pics, and I am so happy that Bear is enjoying himself! Bean is such a cutie (my dog's nickname is Bean)
  19. I forgot to add that into my original post.. he is eating normally, but he is backing off abit from the veggies again, pooping regular and interacting with the family normal thanks for your response:)
  20. Please send your brother my condolences
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