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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Well all 3 of mine are flighted. Well Chili Pepper (Double Yellow Head Amazon) loves to fly but only very recently has he started to go to the floor and walk around. He will only go to the floor in his birdroom and not in any other part of the house. He must feel pretty comfortable there-lol Slater my (Congo African Grey) would never be caught on the floor and prefers to fly Maccardi (Red Fronted Macaw) hardly flies or walks. Only flies if spooked.
  2. I don't think I posted these. Here are a couple videos of Slater. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8mMTwnHnB8&feature=related
  3. Can someone explain how to go about handling his love bites? These are unsolicited. he'll fly over to me, sit next to me and reach out to give me a love bite. This probably should not be encouraged as these love bites will only get bigger and bigger as he matures. Am I correct? Is the best way to handle this situation to always have a toy or something he can beak rather than me? Or is there something else I should be doing? Thanks all:)
  4. Hi. How did you get your Amazon to sit and fly to you all the time? I know you said flick him of my shoulder of I don't want him there but was there anything else you did for him to learn that he needs to stay put?
  5. Hi there. I was referring to Chili Pepper and not Slater my grey lol. I'm sure the same applies for Amazons
  6. Happy new year everyone!!! Chili will be 2 years old at the end of May. He is fully flighted. I'm not sure if what he does is normal or if it is going to turn into a big problem down the road. Chili has been flying back and Forth in and out of the bird room, which is not a problem except that a lot of the time he likes to land on me.. he just wants to be on my shoulder. He is good about flying to me when I call him and sometimes he flies over unsolicited. He wants to be constantly near me which I love. Sometimes if I'm sitting in the birdroom he'll fly to the back of the chair and preen my hair. Sometimes he just likes to sit quietly next to me. sometimes he will put his break on me like he wants to play. I'm afraid his love bites will get harder as he gets older. Is it time to clip him? I don't want to destroy his wonderful spirit. He's such a Happy little guy. I just don't want this to bring on any unwanted behavior. If I am going to keep him flighted how can I get him to stop landing on me and to remain where I put him like on his strand? Thanks
  7. Hi Doug, It's actually a batting cage. The dimensions are 22' long x 12' feet wide x 10' high. The squares are 1" squares. It is perfectly safe if the birds are supervised while in use. I never leave my birds unattended ever. I use it on the weekends when I can be inside of it with them in case someone flies off their perch and onto the netting. If left unattended they could possibly chew their way out. So far it is working out great.
  8. wow!!! Those are some bea-u-ti-ful shots!!! Gorgeous!!!!
  9. What a little stinker. Just love those greys!
  10. Hi, It's actually a batting cage turned aviary-LOL. It's 22' long x 12' wide x 10' high. It is perfectly safe as long as the birds are supervised. I would not recommend leaving the birds inside while you go to the grocery store. They could chew their way or get tangled somehow. Constant supervision must be used at all times. I'll take some pictures for you over the weekend.
  11. Very portable but was a little challenging puttting it up. It will stay up until summer and it starts to get too hot outside. except for a few cold days it be used until April or May.
  12. Thanks. It seems to work very well.
  13. So sorry to hear you lost your grey. I don't think you can post too many flyers, contact your local veteranians and lost and found and let them know. Keep looking and calling to him and most of all don't quit looking for him. Good luck. Sending positive thoughts your way for the safe return of Oliver.
  14. Wow! Louie is very awesom!!! How did you train him to do that?
  15. Hi and thank you. It is actually a batting cage! It is 22' long x 10' high x 12' wide. It is perfectly safe as long as they are supervised at all times. I never leave them in their "aviary" (lol) alone unattended. How old is your Louie? Have you experienced any hormonal changes with him/her? I've heard all the horror stories.
  16. The weather has been gorgeous and Chili just LOVES being outside and LOVES taking baths. He is an absolute joy. I hope when the hormones set in he doesn't change but I'm ready if he does.
  17. Hello all. The weather has been incredibly beautifuly lately. Slater really enjoy being outside.
  18. Interesting stuff. Well I hope that Slater melows as he ages. I'm going to post this on some other forums I belong to see what others say. Thanks
  19. My Amazon seems very gentle on my shoulder but he is still young. I don't know what he will be like when he reaches maturity. Thanks for your replies.
  20. How many of you allow your amazons on your shoulder? Am I setting myself up for injury when Chili reaches maturity? I've been training him in recall training and he has done excellent except that now he flies to me whenever he wants which I am not crazy about (trying not to reward him when he does this). However if I allow him on my shoulder when I want him there what is the harm?
  21. Thanks everyone. Love to share pictures with everyone!
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