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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Hi Lovethatgrey, Sounds worth the time and effort. Would you happen to know if all the veggies need to be blanced before freezing or can they be frozen fresh? Thanks for posting!
  2. Yay!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!
  3. Hi Talon. The distance between the rungs is 5 inches.
  4. Look at her go! She is sooooo beautiful. Aren't greys awesome!!!!
  5. When I get home I'll measure the rung space but I think they are about 4-5 inches apart. Yes it is hung by hooks from the ceiling joists and have had no problems with them not being strong enough. thanks the room has changed in the past few months. All those scary branches and snake looking things (vines) have been removed because and the bird eating 5-legged octopus (ceiling fan) has been removed. Slater is much, much happier in the room now.
  6. Darn it!!! LOL! The way I attached mine was I glued a 1-1/2" piece of PVC on to the underside of the bowl. It works but not as pretty as yours.
  7. Hi Talon


    I posted my materials list and how I made my bridge/ladder under Homemade Toys and Playstands.


    Let me know if you have any questions:)

  8. Hi I've been asked to post instructions on how I made my bridge/ladder. I've made two bridges and I've attached a couple pictures of the finished products. Sorry I don't have better pictures. Basically you can make the width and length whatever you want. Here are the materials you will need: ¾” PVC ½ PVC ¾” end caps Paulie Rope Vet Wrap Here's how to do it: 1. Decide how long, how wide and what spacing you would like your ladder/bridge to be 2. Cut the ¾” PVC to be used as rungs. Cut to whatever length you desire 3. Cut the ½” PVC to be used for the spacers. The spacers should be spaced close enough so that your bird can walk from rung to rung or for more of a challenge set them further apart so your bird will have to grab a rung with his beak. Just don't make them too far apart. 4. Put the end caps on the PVC (tap the end caps with a rubber mallet to make sure they are on as far as they will go) 5. Using a vice to hold the capped pvc, drill a hole straight thru each of the capped PVC pieces. Try to drill the hole as straight across from each other as possible. 6. Wrap the PVC with vet wrap. 7. Alternate threading the paulie rope thru the capped pvc and the spacers. I ended using longer lengths of the ½” pvc on both ends. Note: I used nylon rope from Home Depot which has worked out well. There is very little nylon exposed so I felt it was safe; however I could have used paulie rope or if I looked and found wire I could have used that too. Let me know if you have any questions.
  9. I didn't believe it would work either . Slater used to hate taking baths. He still does unless it's on his terms. He was on his stand one day while i was running the vacuum and he just started playing in his water bowl. He was having such a great time.
  10. Yup it's amazing and true. Let is know how Chicken does.
  11. Ok. Let me put some instructions together.
  12. Love, love, love your net. I have a Get A Grip and my birds just love it especially Slater. As a matter of fact Slater loves his net so much I had to buy a second and stowe it away. I could not bear the thought of him being without one should the day come he totally destroys the one he's now using. I heard the Get A Grip manufacturer is gone and the nets are hard to come by these days. Question. Do you think that by hanging it veritcally it is more easily soiled then if it were hung horizonrtally? I've always hung my Get a Grip horizontally so I'm curious. Thanks
  13. What a great foraging toy! Will have to get some of those. My guys would have a blast! Thanks for the link and videos:)
  14. Isn't PVC the greatest??? Nicely done. I like the way you constructed your food bowl. Can I ask how you did that?
  15. That is hysterical!!!! I love him!!!!
  16. thank you!!! Yes I made the ladder. The room is theirs to do whatever they like. The only time they are allowed in their cages is to sleep. The rest of the time all 3 are out playing. What a life.
  17. Patience, patience, patience. i know it is hard and you want to have that interaction and you will but you have got to be patient and let your grey get comfy. It could take weeks or months. They are very sensative and need lots of time. Take a step back and let him get comfortable. Sit nearby and read to him or speak genlty to him. He will come around eventually but it is going to take some time.
  18. I hear that the manufacturer of the Get A Grip nets is no longer and only a few remain. You might be able to find a few.
  19. thank you. Have you tried running the vacuum cleaner? Seriously give Chickie a bowl of water and run the vacuum. I wouldn't have believed it myself but it works.
  20. Thanks all. They are so much fun. Could not imagine my life without them in it.
  21. Hi Talon


    I have a silly question. I created a new thread titled "Fun Slater Videos" and posted it under "photography room". I noticed that it does not appear as new post:( Should I repost this somewhere so that it shows up as a new post?


    Thanks for all your help!


  22. Louie is a beauty. He must trust you some. I would think if he didn't trust you at all he wouldn't come near you and those nibbles wouldn't be nibbles. I really think Chili is just playing with me but I certainly don't want this to become a habit and his love bites turn into bites that hurt. So like you I give a warning and if he doesn't want to listen off he goes until he does.
  23. Hi Amber and welcome! I am not able to view your pictures either:( Look forward to seeing lots of pictures of your new baby. Congrats!
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