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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Here's Chili Pepper. Chili is a male Double Yellow Head and is 9 months. He is such a happy little guy. Very easy going and playful. He doesn't bash around his toys like my CAG does but he is curious about any toy I put in his cage and will keep himself entertained for hours. He is just now beginning to talk. Wants nothing more than to hang out with his human flock.
  2. Slater's favorite drink is orange juice or milk in very small amounts. If he sees us drinking he wants some too. I will let him try whatever we're drinking except for coffee, alcohol, and carbinated sodas.
  3. Holy cow can he make noise with a bell!!!!! LOL. I guess this is a new found skill.
  4. Hi All, I attached a link to my photobucket account. Hope you can open/view this. What does this behavior mean? I think he just likes making the noise and that's why he's doing it but is there another reason? His beak is just resting on the object and not choming down on it. Let me know if you can't view it and I'll have to figure out another way to attach it. Thanks http://s1087.photobucket.com/albums/...8-46-45_81.mp4
  5. Hi and thanks for your reply. He likes sweet potato, pasta, squash, beans. Not a big fruit eater. Last night he are really really well. I gave him some mash with some fresh veggies and he did well. I guess some days are better than others. He must have been hungry.
  6. oh sure! I love showing him/them off. I've also attached a couple of Slater too so he doesn't feel left out - he he he. Here ya go?
  7. He must fill up on pellets all day long
  8. Hi and thanks for your reply. Slater is my CAG and Chili Pepper is my Double Yellow Head Amazon. It's not like Chili doesn't eat the fresh foods he just eats very, very little. About as much as if he were to try it and decide he doesn't like it.
  9. Perhaps I can get some recommendations on how I can get Chili to eat better than he's eating. First off he loves his Roudybush pellets so I don't have a problem getting him to eat his pellets. Veggis and fruits are another issue. Here my situation. I work full time. Chili has pellets, some seed, dried veggies, dry pasta etc. in his cage during the day while I'm at work. When I get home I normally make the birds a warm meal of fresh or raw veggies mixed with rice, beans or cooked pasta and one or two fruits. Slater (CAG) is a great eater and gobbles his dinner. Chili on the other hand would rather sit there and fall asleep. He's been to the avian vet and he is fine. Anyone have any suggestions how to get him to eat his dinner? Thanks
  10. Here's one that my babies like. Take a whole sheet of newspaper and open it up like you would a book. starting at the very bottom sprinkle pellets, seeds, dry veggies, etc. and start rolling the entire with of the paper. Add more pellets/veggies/seeds etc as you continue to roll the paper until you reach the end. Lastly form a ring with the paper with the yummies inside and secure with a zip tip and hang.
  11. Thanks for posting this. Put it on my calendar!
  12. does anyone take their birdies with them places? If so what kind of places do you take your birdies? I think Chili would be a perfect candidate to take places? thank you
  13. Went to the NPRPF Parrot Festival Friday. Look at my loot. I could not hang the atom fast enough for Chili.
  14. Slater's cage is directly next to a stair bannister. My daughter and I were sitting on the stairs between the bannister and Slater's cage and Slater hopped up on the bannister to join us. My daughter and I were talking and comparing the video quality of our cell phones by playing youtube songs. Slater has been saying "Bad to the Bone" for a while now but hasn't picked up much more of the song. So my daughter thouht she'd find a youtube video of Bad to the Bone and play it for Slater. This is the God's honest truth. When Slater heard the song he kinda cocked his head to the side and when he heard the part "ba ba ba ba ba ba bad" he repeated it. My daughter and I just looked at each other and cracked up laughing. It was hilarious. Good stuff! Didn't catch it on video and of course he'll probably never do it again but if he does I'll be sure to video it.
  15. Hi Thanks everyone. I called StarBird just to see what they would see. Here is their reponse. They could not stress enough the importance of letting it dry COMPLETELY. Depending upon the size of Get a Grip that you have there are a couple of different ways to clean it. If it's small, it can go into the washing machine on a gentle cycle in cold water without detergent. The other method is to lay it out on the ground with a hose and a scrub brush and hose it down. Anything stuck to it will wash away with a touch of the brush. However, it must dry completely, best in the sun, before you hang it again. Remember it's a natural, untreated fiber, and although it is mold and mildew resistant, if it's wet when you bring it in it can mold with that high concentration of water. If it's small and you want to put it into the dryer, do so without much heat. Use the bare minimum because once again, being a natural fiber it can shrink a bit. Average shrinkage with higher heat is about 10%. If it's small you can also wash it in the tub or the sink.
  16. Louie is so much fun to watch. Chili Pepper would never play that like that:( I think he is part sloth because he moves that slow. BTW I like the swing you made him!
  17. In introduced Chili is my 8 month old male double yellow head Amazon yesterday. I may have mentioned that Chili is very (very) layed back and doesn't seem to get excited about anything (excited as in I just gotta have that food or that toy, etc., etc). As a result I have been slow to try to begin training him. Also, he is not crazy about being pet so I can't use petting as a reward either. Can anyone give me suggestions on how to motivate him and begin target training him? Thanks for your help.
  18. I'd like to know if anyone knows how to thoroughly clean the Get-a-Grip climbing nets? Both spot cleaning and an overall cleaning of the entire net. Does anyone know the manufacture's name? I'd like to call and get their recommendation. Thank you.
  19. Awwww how cute! Something that Chili likes that I discovered last night is to play try and catch the blanket. I'll move the blanket around and up and down and he tries to catch the blanket in his beak. He seems to like it. Would this cause him to become aggressive any sooner? Another game I started playing with him that was recommended on another board is hide and seek. If I leave the room he has to fly to come find me.
  20. As I stated in another post chili is very layed back. Could I get ideas of fun games to play with him? Thanks
  21. Thank you very much for that information about your sweet Cricket. It is really nice to hear that there are exceptions to the rule:) Chili is a male so I may not be so lucky. I can socialize, socialize, socialize but if/when those hormones kick in there may not be anything I can do except wait it out. Let's hope he's not too bad and he's an exception.
  22. Here are some more pictures of Chili Pepper from when he was younger until this past summer. What a cutie. Sorry they are out of order.
  23. YAY!!!! Chili is very layed back. Almost too layed back. He plays with his toys but he doesn't hang upside down by a toe nail and beat his toys like Slater (CAG) does. I'm not sure why he's not more playful. He and Slater don't get along. They tolerate each other and can be in the same play area but I have to be in ear shot just in case Slater decides Chili is making himself too comfortable (I had Slater before Chili). If things get too heated Chili flies away but I never ever leave them out of their cages unattended ever. He's a typical Amazon in that he does not like to be pet but will occassionall let me pet his beak and sometimes his head and neck. He will step up for just about anyone.
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